作者: | |
ISBN: | 9788828337737 |
出版社: | |
出版日期: | 2018/06/18 |
In a certain well-known and populous city in one of the north-western provinces of China, there once resided a man of the name of Meng. Everyone knew about him. His fame had spread not only throughout the town, but also far away into the country beyond; for of all the merchants who carried on business in this great commercial centre he was the wealthiest and the most enterprising.He had begun life as a poor lad; but through great strength of purpose and positive genius for business, he had steadily risen step by step, until by the time our story opens, he had become exceedingly wealthy and was the acknowledged leader in all the great undertakings for which the city was famous.Meng had always gained the admiration and affection of every one who became acquainted with him. He was of an artless, open-hearted disposition which won men to him, and his reputation for generosity made his name fragrant throughout the entire region in which he lived.Forty years ago he had come to the city in search of employment.
His father was a farmer in one of the outlying country districts; but Meng, discontented with the dulness of the life and with the strain and trouble brought upon his home by bad seasons, started out for the great town to make his fortune.All that he possessed he carried on his person. His stock-in-trade consisted simply of a stout bamboo pole and a good strong rope, the usual signs of a porter; but his willingness to oblige, and the hearty, pleasant way in which he performed his arduous duties, gained him the goodwill of all who employed him. Before many months had passed he was in constant demand, and was slowly saving up money that was to enable him to rise from the position of a coolie and to enter some business which would give him a more honourable place in society.
Dans une certaine ville bien connue et peuplée d'une des provinces du nord-ouest de la Chine, il y avait autrefois un homme du nom de Meng. Tout le monde le connaissait. Sa renommée s'était répandue non seulement dans toute la ville, mais aussi dans les contrées lointaines; car de tous les marchands qui faisaient des affaires dans ce grand centre commercial , il était le plus riche et le plus entreprenant.Il avait commencé la vie comme un pauvre garçon; mais par une grande force de but et un génie positif pour les affaires, il s'était progressivement élevé, jusqu'à ce que notre histoire s'ouvre, il était devenu extrêmement riche et était le chef reconnu dans toutes les grandes entreprises pour lesquelles la ville était célèbre.Meng avait toujours gagné l'admiration et l'affection de tous ceux qui le connaissaient. Il était d'une disposition naïve et ouverte qui lui a gagné des hommes, et sa réputation de générosité a rendu son nom parfumé dans toute la région dans laquelle il a vécu.Il y a quarante ans , il était venu en ville à la recherche d'un emploi.
Son père était fermier dans l'un des districts des campagnes; mais Meng, mécontent de la lourdeur de la vie et avec la tension et les ennuis apportés sur sa maison par de mauvaises saisons, a commencé à faire la grande ville pour faire sa fortune.Tout ce qu'il possédait, il le portait sur sa personne. Son stock-of-trade consistait simplement en un solide bâton de bambou et une bonne corde solide, signes habituels d'un porteur; mais sa volonté d'obliger, et la manière chaleureuse et cordiale dans laquelle il a accompli ses tâches ardues, lui ont gagné la bonne volonté de tous qui l'employaient.
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