作者: | |
ISBN: | 9781370498161 |
出版社: | |
出版日期: | 2016/07/30 |
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this 2016 book seeks to spotlight the NASA Glenn Research Center's accomplishments, people, and research tools. It also aspires to elucidate the esoteric world of research laboratories, exhibit a large number of photographs and historical documents, and complement previous efforts to document the center's history.
The history of science and technology is a well-established area in the overall field of history, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has carved out a significant place in that realm. This book unavoidably discusses technological topics, but it also seeks to present Glenn's role in the larger national advancement of technology, the effects of outside influences on research, and the evolution of technology over the years.
The advancement of research and technology is extremely difficult. For every success, there are failed concepts or successfully developed technologies that are shelved because of political, social, or budgetary reasons. Glenn's history includes examples of all of these categories. The advancement of the early turbojet engines, the demonstration of liquid hydrogen as a rocket propellant, the introduction of modern wind energy concepts, and the development of noise- and emission-reducing technologies for aircraft are just a few of Glenn's noteworthy achievements that have benefited the nation.
Chapter 1 - Rising From the Mud * Groundwork for an Engine Laboratory * Building the Laboratory * Completing the Job * Endnotes for Chapter 1 * Chapter 2 - Keeping Them Flying * Running the Lab * Wartime in Ohio * Wartime Investigations * Emergence of the Turbojet * Endnotes for Chapter 2 * Chapter 3 - Setting Forth * Postwar Adjustments * Jet Propulsion * Backbone of the Laboratory * Chasing the Icing Clouds * Supersonic Missile Research * Rocket Combustion * Endnotes for Chapter 3 * Chapter 4 - Breakthrough * New Directions * Nuclear Aircraft * Flight Safety * Jet Propulsion * Large Supersonic Wind Tunnels * High-Energy Propellants * Endnotes for Chapter 4 * Chapter 5 - Challenges of Space * Kickstarting the Space Program. * Project Mercury * Reaching Forth * Expansion * Electric Propulsion * Nuclear Propulsion * Taming Liquid Hydrogen * The Development Side * Endnotes for Chapter 5 * Chapter 6 - Limitless Opportunities * Zero Gravity Demonstration * Reappearance of Aeronautics * New Materials * Interactive Computing * Lewis Reaches Out * A New Generation of Space Missions * Emergence of Space Power * Aerospace Safety * Giants at Plum Brook Station * Departures * Endnotes for Chapter 6 * Chapter 7 - Crisis * Turbulent Skies * Pollution Monitoring * AWARENESS * Energy Systems for Earth * Space Technology Hits the Road * Aeronautics Expanding * Titan-Centaur * Communications * Research Analysis Center * New Perspective * Endnotes for Chapter 7 * Chapter 8 - Bootstrapping the Center * Recreating Lewis * Aeronautic Achievements * New Endeavors in Space * NASA's New Mission * Space Exploration Initiatives * Lewis's First 50 Years * Endnotes for Chapter 8 * Chapter 9 - Reformation * Zero Base Review * Space Station Transformation * Launch Vehicles Travails * Electric Propulsion in Space * Aeronautics * Microgravity Research Blossoms * Physical Downsizing Begins * New Name * Endnotes for Chapter 9 * Chapter 10 - Changing Missions * Return to Flight * Vision Takes Shape * Propelling NASA Across Space * Institutional Impacts * Refocusing the Vision * Glenn Orion Module Work * Resetting the Space Program * Aviation Safety * The Changing Face of Glenn * Space Research and Technology * New Day * Casting a Keen Eye Back * Endnotes for Chapter 10
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