作者: | |
ISBN: | 9781948559751 |
出版社: | |
出版日期: | 2022/04/26 |
Ab Terra 2021 delivers the second installment of an annual short story anthology that seeks to recreate the feeling of the moment when we first laid eyes on our world through stories of science fiction belonging to all, from Earth. Twelve stories from both emerging and recognized science fiction authors offer diverse cultural perspectives and provide readers with journeys that in one way or another are "from Earth," even if home is far, far away.
About the Editors
Yen Ooi is a writer-researcher whose works explore cultural storytelling and its effects on identity. She is obsessed with science fiction, where she excavates stories to expose and explore the permutation of culture across the genre. Yen is narrative designer on Road to Guangdong, a narrative driving game, and author of Sun: Queens of Earth (novel) and A Suspicious Collection of Short Stories and Poetry (collection). Her short stories and poetry can be found in various publications. When she's not writing, Yen is also a lecturer and mentor.
Dawn Ostlund writes stories about technology's effect on rituals and traditions around the world. She holds an MA in Politics, Media and Performance and an MA in Creative Writing.
Fountains of Paradox by S. D. Campbell
A scientist-turned-monk is invited back to rescue the project that defined his career.
The Somerset Provision by Thomas Pace
A team of inventors tries to figure out why their wildly popular humanoid robots are self-destructing.
Weightless by Thomas Badlan
A woman perfectly suited to her space station home is forced to decide whether to join colonists returning to Earth.
Aloha by Gavin Boyter
When conservative politics gets in the way of communication with a friendly alien race, a father and daughter say good-bye.
Planets without Borders by Jonathan Worlde
A lawyer representing a refugee from an unfamiliar planet is surprised to discover the alien has an agenda.
The Zero Manuscript by Stephen Flight
A researcher's connection to an ancient manuscript prompts her to take unexpected risks.
The Cult of Venus by Dylan Connell
When a programmer becomes fascinated with a sculpture of Aphrodite, his world quickly spins out of control.
Meta-Shanghai by Angus Stewart
A diarist explains how his virtual city became a force to be reckoned with.
What These Hands Dare Touch by Mark Edwin Elgersma
The son of the scientist famous for popularizing palmistry struggles with the future written on his hands.
The Time Traveler by Susan M. Breall
A thirteen-year-old discovers time travel and the secrets his own family keeps.
Mama Tried by Michael A. Clark
A flight crew en route to Mars struggles to understand inexplicable phenomena.
The Arcade by Janelle Blasdel
In a world where memories are easily deleted, a young woman has to decide what to keep and what to let go of.
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