

Become a Brainstorming Facilitator by Learning These Techniques.
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  • Creative ability is most frequently the opposite of good judgment.
    Creative ability includes the tendency to experiment with novel ideas that might be unsound. It includes a good deal of the gambler’s spirit where the individual “sticks his neck out” and tries something new, perhaps even “wild” or “crazy.” Therefore, by its very nature, creative ability is on the opposite end of the scale from good judgment.
    But must judgment be developed at the expense of imagination?
    we have had experience that proves that ideas can be stimulated and that a climate can be developed, and maintained, in which ideas— as well as good judgment—flourish. We have drawn freely on all sources of research and information and have reached these conclusions, for example, as to what a creative person is.
    In the first place, he has a sensitivity to problems. Then he also has a fluency with ideas in that he thinks of a lot of approaches to a problem. Many of these ideas are characterized by novelty. His ideas are new and perhaps different.
    The creative man is flexible, able to drop one line of thinking and easily take up another one. Also, he has a quality that has been described as constructive discontent, a certain restlessness of mind, searching for new and better ways of doing things.
    In other words, if we were to draw a line to represent the various degrees of creative ability and sound judgment, we would put great creativity at one end and sound judgment at the other. The better manager, when rated along this line, would be much closer to the good judgment end than to the creativity end. So we immediately see that a “good manager” may automatically constitute a barrier to an atmosphere that fosters creativity. Consequently, this is a real challenge to business leaders: how to combine a flow of creative new ideas with sound evaluation.
    Yet I feel that it is absolutely necessary to cultivate the “idea atmosphere” if an organization is to forge ahead day after day. Business, just as art, needs a climate of open-mindedness—and should not be wary of non-conformists or men who continually pose ideas that run contrary to our orthodox thinking.
    When a person is faced with a problem, it seems natural to fall back upon previous experience for answers. In most cases, judgment dictates what is most practical or what has worked in the past. This judgment is the end result of training, which has been instilled in the individual throughout most of his life. From the time the child is old enough to comprehend, he is taught to do what is “best” for himself and for others. He is trained to do the “right” thing. This, then, is the beginning of judgment. This process continues throughout his growth to maturity.
    What happens during this period when judgment is developing? What was there before judgment developed? Let’s look at a young child. One is immediately struck by his power of imagination. Everything is “real” to him. Everything is alive. The stick he picks up and aims is a gun. The tree he climbs is a mountain or a ship’s lookout platform.
    Imagination is tolerated in a child but not always encouraged. As he grows older, he is impressed with the fact that his imagination, while a source of amusement, is often not practical. Thus we see that judgment may take the place of imagination completely—or that imagination will be used less and less as judgment is used more and more.
    Theoretically, this could lead to a person’s having all judgment and no imagination—and don’t we seem to run into those persons? Don’t some people seem to rely entirely on precedent and experience and seem afraid to try a new slant?
    More than one thousand of our people have taken this creativity training, and we know it produces good results. Brainstorming is an important part of this course.
    We started out by training the course on our top executives. They were convinced it could stimulate people into thinking up ideas that would help the entire division. From them we went on to give the course to our engineering people and then to manufacturing supervision.
    Everybody seems to like the creativity work. It is, in fact, the most popular of all our educational activities. We have “discovered” that folks like to give their imaginations a workout and, once they know ideas are welcome, they will come up with many good suggestions.
    I am proud of the fact that for the past several years our division of General Motors has been a leader in the GM Suggestion Plan. This record stems, at least in part, I feel, from the “climate,” the idea-atmosphere, that pervades our organization. That, I believe, is the most important single result to come from our continuing creativity program.
    Surely we teach people some specific ways to generate ideas. The techniques described by Charles Clark in this book are followed, and I might say I’ve even learned some new ones from him. But, above all, we have tried to create a definite feeling among our people, especially our management and technical groups, that our division has a “wide-open mind.” I don’t believe anybody feels he will be criticized for suggesting something new, untried, or different, even if it might seem “screwball.”
    We all have this inherent capacity to focus ... but at the same time, attention is a limited resource. Not only should we be aware of this, but treat it as such: something most valuable.
    In this book we will be looking at our capacity to Focus from a whole variety of angles. From brain systems and neurochemicals, over the impact of survival instincts and emotions, to the different types of distractions we're facing. There will be a whole pallet of advice and insights, as well as tips, tricks and strategies presented to help you gain substantial improvement in your capacity to focus.
    How do I improve my brain’.
    This book is our answer to that one question. Because, as much as we would’ve liked to reveal the one magical trick to significantly enhance our brain, it simply doesn’t work that way. As we will see, there is no scientific evidence to back up the claims of brain games and other programs, even though they claim they do.
    Your Brain Is Like Any Other Muscle In Your Body
    Unfortunately, most people just don’t realize that this is possible…
    Or maybe you think that improving your brain’s performance will be extremely time-consuming.
    It’s understandable to be concerned about your time.
    After all, so many of us have so very little of it these days.
    Our modern lives are stressful, and with daily work and other obligations, most people struggle to even find the time to go to the gym to train their physical bodies…
    But, Learning To Improve Brain Health Is Actually Even More Important In Many Ways Than Exercising Your Body…
    That’s because, everything starts in your brain.
    And when your brain is operating at the highest level possible, if can improve EVERY single aspect of your entire life.
    What’s really exciting is that we’re just starting to understand just how important brain health really is.
    Just a few years back, most people didn’t even realize that they had the opportunity to improve their brain’s health.
    But, science has proved that our brains continue to grow, develop, and change throughout our lives…
    That means you can create new memories, learn new things, and new brain cells are formed throughout your brain in a process called neurogenesis.
    This mean you have the opportunity to…

    This book will help your memory:
    * Improve your focus - by applying a whole set of strategies
    * Understand the mechanism driving focus - by exploring theories and scientific studies
    * Explore why and how we loose our focus - by participating in mindbending tests and experiments
    * Create the right conditions - both internally and externally, to have your brain operate in optimal conditions and at full speed
    * And So Much More... such as multi-tasking, survival skills, network of neurons, ego depletion, dopamine, quality control, wine tasting,
    and so on ...

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