
Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet No. 46(Kobo/電子書)

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  • What is on the inside?

    Short stories, four poems from Marge Piercy, and a cooking column because once I read a zine with a cooking column and loved it and I thought it would be fun and interesting to ask Nicole Kimberling to write one and I’ve been delighted to read her columns ever since.


    Mark Rigney, True Songs of the Pennyrile
    Gillian Daniels, You’ll Never Get Away With This
    Jennifer Skogen, A Fear and a Wish
    Catherine Rockwood, Kleine Boot
    Rachel Ayers, Snow’s Kingdom
    A.B. Young, Terracotta Urn
    Chris Kammerud, Goodnight, My Love. Tonight’s the Night.
    Ellen Saunders, Baking a Traditional Funeral
    S.E. Clark, The Fisherman’s Braid


    Marge Piercy, Four Poems


    Nicole Kimberling, How to Provide Shelter From the World


    Christine Larsen, October


    Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet 46. December 2022. ISSN 1544-7782. Ebook ISBN: 9781618732101. Text: Bodoni Book. Titles: Imprint MT Shadow. LCRW is (usually) published in June and November [missing from these pages is something about the delay but it is so uninteresting: Gavin, writing this, is chronically ill, slow at everything, and looking at 2023 and hoping there’ll be an improvement] by Small Beer Press, 150 Pleasant St., #306, Easthampton, MA 01027 · smallbeerpress@gmail.com · smallbeerpress.com/lcrw · twitter.com/smallbeerpress · Mastodon: mstdn.social/@gavinsmallbeerpress
    Printed at Paradise Copies · 413-585-0414.
    Subscriptions: $24/4 issues (see smallbeerpress.com/shopping/subscriptions or the print issue for options). Please make checks to Small Beer Press. Library & institutional subscriptions: EBSCO.
    LCRW is available as a DRM-free ebook through WeightlessBooks.com, &c.
    Contents © 2022 the authors. All rights reserved.
    Cover illustration © by Christine Larsen (christinelarsenillustration.com).

    About These Authors

    Rachel Ayers lives in Alaska, where she writes and hosts shows for Sweet Cheeks Cabaret, daydreams, and stares at mountains. She has a Master’s in Library and Information Science which comes in handy at odd hours. Her fiction has recently appeared in Metaphorosis and Radon Journal, and she is a regular contributor at Tor.com. She shares speculative poetry and flash fiction (and cat pictures) on her Patreon: patreon.com/richlayers.

    S.E. Clark is a writer and an artist living in a town outside of Boston, Massachusetts. Her work is often inspired by the places and people around the North Shore and examines the relationship between the fantastical and the mundane. She runs Aprilarium.com, a home for haunted and honeyed work, and has been published in several magazines including Weird Horror, The South Shore Review and The Drum Literary Magazine. This is her second time appearing in LCRW.

    Gillian Daniels’ poetry and short fiction have appeared in Nightmare Magazine, Strange Horizons, and Beneath Ceaseless Skies, among more than thirty other publications. She was born in Des Moines, Iowa, grew up in Greater Cleveland, Ohio, and she now writes, works, and haunts the streets in the Greater Boston area of Massachusetts. She also makes comics and zines, searches out little-known horror and indie movies, and definitely wants to see pictures of your cat.

    Chris Kammerud (chriskammerud.com) is a writer, teacher, and performer. Their work has been short-listed for the Calvino Prize and has appeared in, among other places, Strange Horizons, Phantom Drift, and Bourbon Penn. They are a graduate of the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers’ Workshop. They live in Brooklyn.

    Nicole Kimberling has only just now started cooking dinner for guests again after almost two years without offering anyone except her wife a plate of food. She’s barely able to contain her excitement about it long enough to function in her day job as editor of Blind Eye Books. She also written several novels and even an audio drama podcast, Lauren Proves Magic is Real!, which, like her column in this zine, is also about food and cooking—just on the supernatural level.

    Christine Larson is a Harvey Award nominated cartoonist and illustrator. She has created art for comics, book covers, stories, posters and websites; working with clients such as Dark Horse, Image, IDW, BOOM! Studios, Simon & Schuster and Cartoon Network. An adjunct instructor at the University of the Arts, she teaches courses in sequential art and comics.

    Marge Piercy has published 20 poetry collections, most recently, On the Way Out, Turn Off the Light (Knopf, 2020); seventeen novels including Sex Wars. PM Press reissued Vida, Dance the Eagle to Sleep; they brought out short stories The Cost of Lunch, Etc and My Body, My Life. She has read at over 500 venues here and abroad.

    Mark Rigney is the author of Deaf Side Story: Deaf Sharks, Hearing Jets and a Classic American Musical (Gallaudet), and his stage plays have been produced in twenty-three U.S. states (including off-Broadway) plus Australia, Austria, Hong Kong, Nepal, and Canada. He is a member of the Dramatists Guild and a past winner of the John Gassner Playwriting Award, the Maxim Mazumdar New Play Prize, and the Panowski Playwriting Award (twice). His short stories have found print, in venues ranging from literary (Witness, The Best of the Bellevue Literary Review) to fantasy and horror (Lightspeed, Tales from the Magician’s Skull, Cemetery Dance, Wyldblood, Black Gate). When not adding to his extensive collection of antique brewery items, he maintains lively outposts at markrigney.net and at the New Play Exchange.

    Catherine Rockwood reads and edits for Reckoning Magazine, and reviews books for Strange Horizons. Her poetry chapbook, Endeavors to Obtain Perpetual Motion, is available from the Ethel Zine Press. Another mini-chapbook, And We Are Far from Shore: Poems for Our Flag Means Death, is forthcoming from Ethel in 2023.

    Ellen Saunders misses baking. She writes speculative fiction in the drippy part of the Pacific Northwest, sings in a women’s choir, serves as staff two three cats, and occasionally attempts to garden. She has been a member of Wordos in Eugene for more than a decade and has driven both of the more talented members of her older critique group into graduate school. Her work has been published in Daily Science Fiction and a ROAR anthology. You can find her avoiding revision by addictively tweeting at @ twitter.com/MulletBraid, a handle that should explain her lack of fashion sense.

    Jennifer Skogen is a writer from Washington state who is lucky enough to look at books all day as Managing Director of Book Buddy Media. She is the author of the young adult series, The Haunting of Grey Hills, with the first volume currently featured on Realm.fm. Her hobbies include tripping over her two cats (who totally trip her on purpose for sympathy treats, she has been gathering evidence), and going on long hikes with her husband.

    A.B. Young writes uncanny fiction for sad queers, a demogaphic they also often teach in their capacity as a high school Media teacher. Their very first story was published in LCRW and went on to receive a 2019 PEN/Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize for Emerging Writers. Since then, they have also been published in Baffling Magazine and Heroines Anthology.

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