
Union Ships of the Line(Kobo/電子書)

The Return of the Seven Sisters
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  • The Union was founded over 7 billion years ago when the three oldest sentient species in the galaxy joined together to ensure justice and freedom for all races in the galaxy.  These three great sentient species were referred to as the First, Second and Third races.  After half a billion years five more great races were admitted to the Union

    During the height of the galactic Union - each of the great member races provided resources to accomplish the Union's Nobel Mission – protecting the weak and upholding “Galactic Law”.  The Sixth Race to join the Union decided to build sentient Artificial Life forms or ALs to accomplish their Union support commitments after many members of their race died tragically in a war that should never have started.

    The first sentient ALs designed, built, taught and raised by the Sixth Race to serve the Union, were massive, heavily armed planet conquering fighting vehicles – called “Dominators”.  The Sixth Race Dominators of the Union Planetary Army (UPA) became legends in countless star systems in the galaxy.  The next logical step was to build sentient AL star ships to deal with the growing threat of space warfare.  

    The Sixth Race had built many smaller AL Ships and had based them on male personalities.  The Sixth Race decided after several tragic misunderstandings, which resulted in the complete eradication of entire planets, perhaps heavily armed and armored battleships with male personalities was not the best choice.  However it took time for this decision to work through the massive Union bureaucracy.  

    The first Sixth Race Battleship – Adapa was a male personality based on male Sixth Race brain tissue.  There were 6 Battleships originally – collectively referred to as the “Destroyers”.  After the “misunderstandings” - the Six Race re-listed the Battleships from “Destroyers” to “Diviners”.  Unfortunately after the commissioning ceremony – the Battleship Adapa suffered a psychotic break caused by a tragic design failure.  Adapa attacked its creators and then jumped out of the galaxy and into history.   

    The loss of Adapa caused the Sixth Race to change the AL design of the remaining 5 hulls and transformed them all into female personalities that were based on Sixth Race female brain tissue.  The Sixth Race females who donated brain and cardiac neurons were leaders – generals and admirals.  The Sixth Race understood well the role of the Quantum Hologram in the physical existence and selected healthy – fully charged females for brain tissue donation.   The Sixth Race laid out two more battleships after the oldest ship – Adapa was lost.    

    The “Seven Sisters” as they were officially listed by the Union Fleet were heavily armed and armored battleships – capable of defeating any enemy of freedom and justice in the galaxy.  The Sixth Race designated the Sisters as “Cruisers” - a disguise that served them well in their future dealings with evil empires and war lords throughout the galaxy.  

    Then the Dark Times began.  It started when the First Race, the oldest race of the Union of great races, decided to transcend the flesh.  In a single day – the entire First Race disappeared!  This was followed by the Second and Third Races transcending the flesh.  The Union slowly disintegrated over the next two million years.  The Fourth Race left the galaxy in secret. The remaining four member races thought the Fourth Race also transcended the flesh.  Then the bulk of the Sixth Race, the most technologically advanced of the Union member races, also transcended the flesh.  
    Not all of the members of the Sixth Race chose to transcend.  The Sixth Race Engineers and Scientists continued to design, build and perform research for the Union.  The Fifth Race could not control the non-technical members of the Sixth Race that had decided to stay behind.  These Sixth Race “remnants” had no desire to give up the pleasures of the flesh.  In fact many of the Sixth Race remnants sought to extend their life in the flesh.  The “remnants” were viewed by the Union as a problem that needed to be solved.

    At some point during the Dark Times, what was left of the Sixth Race – the “remnants” – joined with surviving members of the Seventh Race, which had been devastated by a plague, and left Quadrant I of the galaxy never to return.  From the perspective of the remaining Union Races – the “remnants” had vanished.  The Sisters were fighting a pitched battle in Quadrant II against a looming threat to the Union and were not aware of the actions of the Sixth and Seventh Race remnants.

    The Fifth Race and Eighth Race continued the great work of the Union for another 400 thousand years.  The real problems began when the Fifth and Eighth Races began admitting younger races into the Union.  Races – the founding Members of the Union had deemed not ready to wield such power.  This caused a tremendous backlash and bad feelings against the Union for the first time and may well have been the primary reason for its collapse.  The Fifth Race was sterile and in decline while the Eighth Race was in turmoil because of greed.  Of all the Sixth Race AL forms – only the Sisters were designed, built and supplied to operate indefinitely.  Thus in time they alone continued to uphold Galactic Law.

    The Sisters had been randomly attacking and destroying the Sixth and Seventh Race remnant ships throughout Quadrant III.  They would enter real space, destroy the enemy and retreat.  The remnants were afraid.  No ship was allowed to travel alone.  As loses increased they began to convoy their ships.  The remnants of the Sixth race had forged an aliance with a powerful Quantum Holographic entity soon after they entered the third Quadrant.  Over time the Sixth race remnants would view this entity as a "god".  The Sister’s eventually faced the god of the Sixth Race remnants and were nearly destroyed by it.  The badly damaged Seven Sisters saved themselves from destruction by leaving this Universe.  They needed to make repairs and change their tactics before they faced the entity again...  


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