
The Complete Works Of O. Henry(Kobo/電子書)

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  • This volume collects the complete stories, with some poems and letters, of William Sidney Porter a.k.a. O. Henry

    Cabbages and Kings(McClure, Phillips & Co., 1904)**

    The Proem: by the Carpenter, “Fox-in-the-Morning”, The Lotus and the Bottle, Smith, Caught, Cupid’s Exile Number Two, The Phonograph and the Graft, Money Maze, The Admiral, The Flag Paramount, The Shamrock and the Palm, The Remnants of the Code, Shoes, Ships, Masters of Arts, Dicky, Rouge et Noir, Two Recalls, The Vitagraphoscope

    The Four Million(McClure, Phillips & Co., 1906)**

    Tobin’s Palm, The Gift of the Magi, A Cosmopolite in a Café, Between Rounds, The Skylight Room, A Service of Love, The Coming-Out of Maggie, Man about Town, The Cop and the Anthem, An Adjustment of Nature, Memoirs of a Yellow Dog, The Love-Philtre of Ikey Schoenstein, Mammon and the Archer, Springtime à la Carte, The Green Door, From the Cabby’s Seat, An Unfinished Story, The Caliph, Cupid and the Clock, Sisters of the Golden Circle, The Romance of a Busy Broker, After Twenty Years, Lost on Dress Parade, By Courier, The Furnished Room, The Brief Début of Tildy

    The Trimmed Lamp(McClure, Phillips & Co., 1907)**

    The Trimmed Lamp, A Madison Square Arabian Night, The Rubaiyat of a Scotch Highball, The Pendulum, Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen, The Assessor of Success, The Buyer from Cactus City, The Badge of Policeman O’Roon, Brickdust Row, The Making of a New Yorker, Vanity and Some Sables, The Social Triangle, The Purple Dress, The Foreign Policy of Company 99, The Lost Blend, A Harlem Tragedy, “The Guilty Party”, According to their Lights, A Midsummer Knight’s Dream, The Last Leaf, The Count and the Wedding Guest, The Country of Elusion, The Ferry of Unfulfilment, The Tale of a Tainted Tenner, Elsie in New York

    Heart of the West(The McClure Company, 1907)**

    Hearts and Crosses, The Ransom of Mack, Telemachus, Friend, The Handbook of Hymen, The Pimienta Pancakes, Seats of the Haughty, Hygeia at the Solito, An Afternoon Miracle, The Higher Abdication, Cupid à la Carte, The Caballero’s Way, The Sphinx Apple, The Missing Chord, A Call Loan, The Princess and the Puma, The Indian Summer of Dry Valley Johnson, Christmas by Injunction, A Chaparral Prince, The Reformation of Calliope

    The Voice of the City(The McClure Company, 1908)**

    The Voice of the City, The Complete Life of John Hopkins, A Lickpenny Lover, Dougherty’s Eye-Opener, “Little Speck in Garnered Fruit”, The Harbinger, While the Auto Waits, A Comedy in Rubber, One Thousand Dollars, The Defeat of the City, The Shocks of Doom, The Plutonian Fire, Nemesis and the Candy Man, Squaring the Circle, Roses, Ruses and Romance, The City of Dreadful Night, The Easter of the Soul, The Fool-Killer, Transients in Arcadia, The Rathskeller and the Rose, The Clarion Call, Extradited from Bohemia, A Philistine in Bohemia, From Each according to his Ability, The Memento

    The Gentle Grafter(The McClure Company, 1908)**

    The Octopus Marooned, Jeff Peters as a Personal Magnet, Modern Rural Sports, The Chair of Philanthromathematics, The Hand that Riles the World, The Exact Science of Matrimony, A Midsummer Masquerade, Shearing the Wolf, Innocents of Broadway, Conscience in Art, The Man Higher up, A Tempered Wind, Hostages to Momus, The Ethics of Pig

    Roads of Destiny(Doubleday, Page & Company, 1909)**

    Roads of Destiny, The Guardian of the Accolade, The Discounters of Money, The Enchanted Profile, “Next to Reading Matter”, Art and the Bronco, Phœbe, A Double-Dyed Deceiver, The Passing of Black Eagle, A Retrieved Reformation, Cherchez la Femme, Friends in San Rosario, The Fourth in Salvador, The Emancipation of Billy, The Enchanted Kiss, A Departmental Case, The Renaissance at Charleroi, On Behalf of the Management, Whistling Dick’s Christmas Stocking, The Halberdier of the Little Rheinschloss, Two Renegades, The Lonesome Road

    Options(Harper & Brothers, 1909)**

    “The Rose of Dixie”, The Third Ingredient, The Hiding of Black Bill, Schools and Schools, Thimble, Thimble, Supply and Demand, Buried Treasure, To Him who Waits, He also Serves, The Moment of Victory, The Head-Hunter, No Story, The Higher Pragmatism, Best-Seller, Rus in Urbe, A Poor Rule

    Strictly Business(Doubleday, Page & Company, 1910)**

    Strictly Business, The Gold that Glittered, Babes in the Jungle, The Day Resurgent, The Fifth Wheel, The Poet and the Peasant, The Robe of Peace, The Girl and the Graft, The Call of the Tame, The Unknown Quantity, The Thing’s the Play, A Ramble in Aphasia, A Municipal Report, Psyche and the Pskyscraper, A Bird of Bagdad, Compliments of the Season, A Night in New Arabia, The Girl and the Habit, Proof of the Pudding, Past One at Rooney’s, The Venturers, The Duel, “What You Want”

    Whirligigs(Doubleday, Page & Company, 1910)**

    The World and the Door, The Theory and the Hound, The Hypotheses of Failure, Calloway’s Code, A Matter of Mean Elevation, “Girl”, Sociology in Serge and Straw, The Ransom of Red Chief, The Marry Month of May, A Technical Error, Suite Homes and their Romance, The Whirligig of Life, A Sacrifice Hit, The Roads We Take, A Blackjack Bargainer, The Song and the Sergeant, One Dollar’s Worth, A Newspaper Story, Tommy’s Burglar, A Chaparral Christmas Gift, A Little Local Colour, Georgia’s Ruling, Blind Man’s Holiday, Madame Bo-Peep, of the Ranches

    Sixes and Sevens(Doubleday, Page & Company, 1911)**

    The Last of the Troubadours, The Sleuths, Witches’ Loaves, The Pride of the Cities, Holding up a Train, Ulysses and the Dogman, The Champion of the Weather, Makes the Whole World Kin, At Arms with Morpheus, A Ghost of a Chance, Jimmy Hayes and Muriel, The Door of Unrest, The Duplicity of Hargraves, Let Me Feel your Pulse, October and June, The Church with an Overshot-Wheel, New York by Camp Fire Light, The Adventures of Shamrock Jolnes, The Lady Higher up, The Greater Coney, Law and Order, Transformation of Martin Burney, The Caliph and the Cad, The Diamond of Kali, The Day We Celebrate

    Rolling Stones(Doubleday, Page & Company, 1912)**

    The Dream, A Ruler of Men, The Atavism of John Tom Little Bear, Helping the Other Fellow, The Marionettes, The Marquis and Miss Sally, A Fog in Santone, The Friendly Call, A Dinner at ——, Sound and Fury, Tictocq, Tracked to Doom, A Snapshot at the President, An Unfinished Christmas Story, The Unprofitable Servant, Aristocracy versus Hash, The Prisoner of Zembla, A Strange Story, Fickle Fortune or How Gladys Hustled, An Apology, Lord Oakhurst’s Curse, Bexar Scrip No. 2692, Queries and Answers, Poems, Letters

    Waifs and Strays(Doubleday, Page & Company, 1917)**

    The Red Roses of Tonia, Round the Circle, The Rubber Plant’s Story, Out of Nazareth, Confessions of a Humorist, The Sparrows in Madison Square, Hearts and Hands, The Cactus, The Detective Detector, The Dog and the Playlet, A Little Talk about Mobs, The Snow Man

    O. Henryana(Doubleday, Page & Company, 1920)**

    The Crucible [p], A Lunar Episode, Three Paragraphs, Bulger’s Friend, A Professional Secret, The Elusive Tenderloin, The Struggle of the Outliers

    Postscripts(Harper & Brothers, 1923)*(see update v.2.0)*

    135 short stories, vignettes, and poems

    Uncollected Stories and Poems

    The Miracle of Lava Canyon, Auto Bugle Song, April, Two Chapters, Remorse, The Reporter’s Private Lexicon, To a Gibson Girl, Letter

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