
The Aesop for Children(Kobo/電子書)

Picture Books for Kids, Perfect Bedtime Story, A Beautifully Illustrated Children's Picture Book by age 3-9 ( Original Illustrated since 1919 )
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    The Wolf and the Kid
    The Tortoise and the Ducks
    The Young Crab and His Mother
    The Frogs and the Ox
    The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox
    Belling the Cat
    The Eagle and the Jackdaw
    The Boy and the Filberts
    Hercules and the Wagoner
    The Kid and the Wolf
    The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
    The Fox and the Grapes
    The Bundle of Sticks
    The Wolf and the Crane
    The Ass and His Driver
    The Oxen and the Wheels
    The Lion and the Mouse
    The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf
    The Gnat and the Bull
    The Plane Tree
    The Farmer and the Stork
    The Sheep and the Pig
    The Travelers and the Purse
    The Lion and the Ass
    The Frogs Who Wished for a King
    The Owl and the Grasshopper
    The Wolf and His Shadow
    The Oak and the Reeds
    The Rat and the Elephant
    The Boys and the Frogs
    The Crow and the Pitcher
    The Ants and the Grasshopper
    The Ass Carrying the Image
    A Raven and a Swan
    The Two Goats
    The Ass and the Load of Salt
    The Lion and the Gnat
    The Leap at Rhodes
    The Cock and the Jewel
    The Monkey and the Camel
    The Wild Boar and the Fox
    The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion
    The Birds, the Beasts, and the Bat
    The Lion, the Bear, and the Fox
    The Wolf and the Lamb
    The Wolf and the Sheep
    The Hares and the Frogs
    The Fox and the Stork
    The Travelers and the Sea
    The Wolf and the Lion
    The Stag and His Reflection
    The Peacock
    The Mice and the Weasels
    The Wolf and the Lean Dog
    The Fox and the Lion
    The Lion and the Ass
    The Dog and His Master's Dinner
    The Vain Jackdaw and his Borrowed Feathers
    The Monkey and the Dolphin
    The Wolf and the Ass
    The Monkey and the Cat
    The Dogs and the Fox
    The Dogs and the Hides
    The Rabbit, the Weasel, and the Cat
    The Bear and the Bees
    The Fox and the Leopard
    The Heron
    The Cock and the Fox
    The Dog in the Manger
    The Wolf and the Goat
    The Ass and the Grasshoppers
    The Mule
    The Fox and the Goat
    The Cat, the Cock, and the Young Mouse
    The Wolf and the Shepherd
    The Peacock and the Crane
    The Farmer and the Cranes
    The Farmer and His Sons
    The Two Pots
    The Goose and the Golden Egg
    The Fighting Bulls and the Frog
    The Mouse and the Weasel
    The Farmer and the Snake
    The Goatherd and the Wild Goats
    The Spendthrift and the Swallow
    The Cat and the Birds
    The Dog and the Oyster
    The Astrologer
    Three Bullocks and a Lion
    Mercury and the Woodman
    The Frog and the Mouse
    The Fox and the Crab
    The Serpent and the Eagle
    The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
    The Bull and the Goat
    The Eagle and the Beetle
    The Old Lion and the Fox
    The Man and the Lion
    The Ass and the Lap Dog
    The Milkmaid and Her Pail
    The Wolf and the Shepherd
    The Goatherd and the Goat
    The Miser
    The Wolf and the House Dog
    The Fox and the Hedgehog
    The Bat and the Weasels
    The Quack Toad
    The Fox Without a Tail
    The Mischievous Dog
    The Rose and the Butterfly
    The Cat and the Fox
    The Boy and the Nettles
    The Old Lion
    The Fox and the Pheasants
    Two Travelers and a Bear
    The Porcupine and the Snakes
    The Fox and the Monkey
    The Mother and the Wolf
    The Flies and the Honey
    The Eagle and the Kite
    The Stag, the Sheep, and the Wolf
    The Animals and the Plague
    The Shepherd and the Lion
    The Dog and His Reflection
    The Hare and the Tortoise
    The Bees and Wasps, and the Hornet
    The Lark and Her Young Ones
    The Cat and the Old Rat
    The Fox and the Crow
    The Ass and His Shadow
    The Miller, His Son, and the Ass
    The Ant and the Dove
    The Man and the Satyr
    The Wolf, the Kid, and the Goat
    The Swallow and the Crow
    Jupiter and the Monkey
    The Lion, the Ass, and the Fox
    The Lion's Share
    The Mole and his Mother
    The North Wind and the Sun
    The Hare and His Ears
    The Wolves and the Sheep
    The Fox and the Cock
    The Ass in the Lion's Skin

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