
Complete Western Romance Adventure Antholgies(Kobo/電子書)

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  • This collection includes an active table of contents for easy navigation.


    Victor Ollnee's Discipline (1911)

    The Spirit of Sweetwater (1898)

    The Moccasin Ranch (1909)

    The Trail of the Goldseekers (1899)

    A Spoil of Office (1892)

    Cavanagh: Forest Ranger (1910)

    The Light of the Star (1904)

    The Forester's Daughter (1914)

    Main-Travelled Roads (1891)

    Other Main-Travelled Roads (1892)

    Prairie Folks (1892)

    They of the High Trails (1916)

    Wayside Courtships (1895)

    A Little Norsk; Or, Ol' Pap's Flaxen (1892)

    The Captain of the Gray-Horse Troop (1901)

    Rose of Dutcher's Coolly (1895)

    Money Magic (1907)

    The Shadow World (1908)

    The Eagle's Heart (1900)

    A Son of the Middle Border (1914)

    A Daughter of the Middle Border (1921)

    The Tyranny of the Dark (1905)

    A Spoil of Office (1892)

    The three great movements of the American farmer, herein used as background--the Grange, the Alliance, and the People's party--seem to me to be as legitimate subjects for fiction as any war or crusade. They came in impulses with mightiest enthusiasms, they died out like waves upon the beach; but the power which originated them did not die; it will return in different forms again and again, so long as the love of liberty and the hatred of injustice live in the hearts of men and women.

    The Forester's Daughter (1914)

    This little story is the outcome of two trips (neither of which was in the Bear Tooth Forest) during the years 1909 and 1910. Its main claim on the reader’s interest will lie, no doubt, in the character of Berea McFarlane; but I find myself re-living with keen pleasure the splendid drama of wind and cloud and swaying forest which made the expeditions memorable.

    Other Main-Travelled Roads (1892)

    The entire series was the result of a summer-vacation visit to my old home in Iowa, to my father's farm in Dakota, and, last of all, to my birthplace in Wisconsin. This happened in 1887. I was living at the time in Boston, and had not seen the West for several years, and my return to the scenes of my boyhood started me upon a series of stories delineative of farm and village life as I knew it and had lived it.

    Wayside Courtships (1895)

    One of the most characteristic phases of life in the West is the movement of its people, particularly of its young men. The latter are always on the road to college, to the city, to places farther west. On the way a woman's face often causes the young man to pause, turn, and perhaps remain. This motive underlies the book. On her part the woman finds a peculiar fascination in the passing of the stranger and the effect upon her life. A deeper interest still is suggested in the proem and elsewhere in the book.

    Rose of Dutcher's Coolly (1895)

    One of Garland's famous novels picturing the life of Midwestern farmers.

    Money Magic (1907)

    While Mr. Garland can hardly be said to break new ground in his latest novel, he certainly sounds in it a new note. As ever, he holds the balance between East and West, between a form of daily existence, a code of social and moral ethics and practice that in its uncompromising, simple directness and frankness, its conviction of equality, its unhesitating acceptance of the principle that "a man's a man for all that" remains fundamentally American, and a society that is becoming more and more sophisticated and Europeanised. The American scene of Hamlin Garland is the Antithesis of Mrs. Wharton's.

    A Son of the Middle Border (1914)

    Mr. Garland, in this story of his own life, seems hardly to be writing a confession, unless it be a confession or rather avowal of faith. He does not read like a man who has anything to recant or even abate; he lays down his cards very assuredly; he gives the reader, without reserve, not a finished and consequently more or less inscrutable product, but himself the artist, together with the material of his art.

    A Daughter of the Middle Border (1921)

    A continuation of that intimate social history of Midland American which Garland started in "A Son of the Middle Border." The cosmopolitan life of the author, his home in West Salem, his literary experiences in Chicago, Washington, and London, his love-story, all make up an autobiographic record with the zest and flavor of a novel. Won the 1922 Pulitzer Prize for Biography.

    The Tyranny of the Dark (1905)

    In this powerful story Mr. Garland has entered a new field, full of fascination for the modern mind--that of the occult. The heroine is a girl in all respects normal except for a strange psychic power which she possesses, but does not understand. Coming under strange influences, she is in danger of being exploited for her wonderful powers. The incidents of her rescue from the "Tyranny of the Dark," undertaken by her lover, make this book stand out alone as a striking departure from current fiction.

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