
Get Your Money Where Your Mouth Is(Kobo/電子書)

How to Use Seminars and Public Speaking to Market and Promote Your Business, Profession, or Passion—Profitably
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  • We are in an age where the battle to get your customers’ attention is fierce and advertising options are becoming more expensive and less effective. In Get Your Money Where Your Mouth Is, you will learn everything you need to know to market yourself and your business in the least expensive and most effective way possible—by using the power of seminars and public speaking.

    With seminar and public speaking expert David Portney as your guide, you’ll learn how to

    • organize a seminar for little or no money
    • sell from the stage
    • write a presentation in four easy steps
    • brand yourself as the expert in your field
    • get your customers to come to you

    Get Your Money Where Your Mouth Is contains all of the information and know-how so that you can go from stage-wary beginner to awe-inspiring speaker in no time flat, including

    • a 30-day fast-start action plan,
    • a cornucopia of resources,
    • tons of advice and methods for overcoming stage fright and fear of public speaking,
    • how to combine your Internet strategy with your seminar strategy,
    • and all the tips and techniques you need to market whatever you’re selling effectively, inexpensively—and profitably.

    Reviews for Get Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

    Attracting clients to your business can feel like an overwhelming task. You can try email or traditional mail, word of mouth, and advertising. But these techniques can cost a lot of time and money, and often bring in very little new business. Or you can try a different approach – seminars and public speaking.

    David R. Portney has over 20 years experience in running seminars, and he has distilled his wisdom in Get Your Money Where Your Mouth Is. In his easy-to-follow 30 day plan, he’ll show you exactly how to set up your own seminars and bring targeted clients to your doorstep.

    People can think of many reasons why they wouldn’t be successful as a public speaker. Stage fright, lack of expertise, and the inability to plan for a speaking engagement hold them back from tapping into the incredible power seminars offer. But Portney shows us that we can easily get past these self-limiting beliefs by following his simple plan.

    If you’re ready to move in a powerful new direction and reach out to clients eager to do business with you, you would be wise to read this book. Seminars and public speaking will be just what you need to bring in more new clients than you ever dreamed possible.

    —Reviewer: Alice Berger, Bergers Book Reviews

    Communication skills are an absolute necessity for the success of any entrepreneurial enterprise. That’s why David R. Portney’s “Get Your Money Where Your Mouth Is: How To Use Seminars And Public Speaking To Market And Promote Your Business, Profession, Or Passion – Profitably” is such a critically important, thoroughly ‘user friendly’, 236-page instruction manual crammed from cover to cover with advice, commentary, insight, tips, tricks and techniques for implementing a 30-day, quick-start, action plan for marketing whatever product or service you need to sell. From organizing a seminar to preparing a speech, from market research to customer recruitment, “Get Your Money Where Your Mouth Is” covers it all from beginning to end. A kind of one-volume workshop, “Get Your Money Where Your Mouth Is” by David Portney is an invaluable instruction manual and reference guide for all aspiring entrepreneurs and corporate executives laboring in today’s highly competitive and volatile market place.

    —The Midwest Book Review

    “I’m a veteran of over 2,500 paid presentations worldwide and have presented to both small and large groups in over 87 industries, and I can tell you that David Portney’s book, Get Your Money Where Your Mouth Is, is a comprehensive guide to using speaking and seminars as the most effective way to generate leads and convert prospects in the smartest, most effective, and most fun way I know of. This book will get you going in the right direction when it comes to marketing your business quickly and cost-efficiently.”

    —Tom Antion, President and CEO, Antion & Associates

    “Imagine how you’d feel if you were a dynamic, charismatic and believable speaker. Well, this book shows you how to be one. Portney gives winning advice on how to do seminars and public speaking easily and correctly. Recommended reading for anyone wishing to take their business and/or passion to the next level.”

    —Dr. Jennifer Jianjun Wang, Ph.D. Wellness & Success Coach, Speaker, and Author

    “David Portney’s book makes you want to immediately run out and start giving talks and seminars. He provides a practical easy- to-read guide which provides all the details on what you need to do to succeed in this arena. Even more importantly he helps you overcome those secret fears that keep you hiding in your office and shows you how to use seminars and public speaking to let the world know about the valuable talents you have to offer.”

    —Myra S. White, Ph.D., J.D., Author of Follow the Yellow Brick Road: A Harvard Psychologist’s Guide to Becoming a Superstar

    “As a professional speaker and trainer for over 30 years, I find the information in this book the best I have ever used. Applying these action principles will make anyone who has a message to deliver a more sought after speaker.”

    —James Spooner, MBA Certified Instructor for the Napoleon Hill Foundation

    “Seminars are my most important and effective marketing method now. My marketing methods used to be advertising, direct mail, cold calls, and networking. I used to spend at least $2,000 per month for marketing, but now my marketing cost is average $700 a month, and my income is more than double compared to the income I was earning before I started seminars. This is all because of David Portney’s seminar coaching. David Portney is right. Seminars are the most effective and inexpensive marketing method. No doubt about it!”

    —Tracy Taguchi, California Insurance Broker

    “I was well into my professional career before I even considered speaking in public voluntarily. Now I can’t think of anything more rewarding than sharing my knowledge with an audience and seeing how they can instantly apply it to their own situations. But there’s more to becoming a successful speaker than knowing what to say. If you actually want to make money, why take the long and windy road when David can show you all the shortcuts? Get Your Money Where Your Mouth Is will cut miles off your journey.”

    —Liz Lynch, Speaker, Coach, and Author of Smart Networking: Attract a Following In Person & Online

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