
How to Make More Money 11 Ideas to Build Extra Income Plus 10 Ways to Make Money Online(Kobo/電子書)

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  • How to Make More Money 11 Ideas to Build Extra Income Plus 10 Ways to Make Money Online

    Table of Contents
    Chapter 1: What is Your Attitude about Money?
    Chapter 2: Passive and Active Income: What’s the difference?
    Chapter 3: Things to Consider In Building Extra Income
    Chapter 4: 11 Ideas to Build Extra Income
    Sell some stuff online.
    Be an agent for selling cars, houses and lots, apartments, condos, and other things.
    Turn your hobby into cash.
    Make a Blog or Develop a Website
    Have some part time work or job.
    Own some vending machines
    Breed some pets, dogs, cats, or whatever animal
    Invest some of your monthly income into the stock market
    Make your own invention or products
    Open a car washing service in your garage.
    Engage in Beekeeping
    Chapter 5: Building Extra Money Booster
    Bonus - 10 Ways to Make Money Online
    Way 1: Think About Selling Products Either Yours or Others
    How We Could Use Marketing Channels
    Affiliate Marketing
    Google Pay Per Click
    Pay Per Click and other CPA Marketing Tactics
    Marketing Channels and Auction Sites Just as eBay
    Advantages of Using Auction Sites/eBay to Sell Your Products:
    Timing Strategies:
    Way 2: Selling Digital Products with Clickbank
    Way 3: Developing an Etsy Shop to Sell Amazing Crafts
    Way 4: Developing Career on oDesk – Selling Your Skills
    Way 5: Are you A Creative Writer? Join iwriter.com or iNeedArticles
    Way 6: Fiverr.com Can Help a Lot
    Way 7: Writing Kindle Books to Sell on Amazon
    Way 8: Have a Teaching Passion? Teach Others Online
    Way 9: How You Can Flip Websites on Flippa
    Way 10: How to Double Your Money Using Online Resources

    In today’s economy, it is a wise decision to learn how to build some extra income. Sticking to your paycheck alone from your day job isn't secure anymore. Some people experienced some sudden layoffs from their employers and they ended up desperate and shocked. Aside from that, upon building extra income, you can add more money into your savings and investment accounts that will truly work for you in the future.
    Therefore congratulations for taking some time reading this eBook about how to build extra income. This is your very important first step to learn how to live with different streams of income. Probably you have heard about financial freedom. Many people often love this. They want to be free from the bondage of money problems. Yes, money is not enough for a lot of people. Yet, you are different from them because you believe that there’s a way out for this problem.
    So, in this book you will learn a lot of ways and tricks on how to build more income. To be specific, this book will
    Condition your mind to have the right mind setting to acquire more money
    -Explain to you the difference between passive and active income
    -Give you 11 money making ideas to build extra income with a clear discussion
    -Give you some tips on how to handle extra income without sacrificing your health
    -Help you unleash your very own creativity to build more income
    This book provides simple; yet comprehensive guidelines in building extra income. It will also boost your inner confidence about money itself. In short you will learn how to carefully choose a wise decision in order to build extra income. It will also teach you not to waste your time on unsuccessful ways of earning some extra income.
    This book will mold your whole personality when it comes to building extra income. And it will also prepare you to embrace the important points to consider when choosing the right ways to earn.
    This book will let you remember your forgotten talents, capabilities, creativity, knowledge, skills, and everything about you that can make a difference in making more income. Who knows you can turn that extra income into a super income that could replace your day job. Well, that is not impossible!

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