【南紡購物中心】 美國Q-13專業校色卡校色板校色卡灰階卡2片套裝標準色卡數位典藏色階卡Color Separation Guide & Gray Scale

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  • Separation Guideand Gray Scale (Large)Q-14MKodak Gray ScaleKodakKodak Color Control Patches
    ●【品名】美國KODAK柯達專業色階校色卡+標準灰卡Q-13(2張入)校色板Color Separation Guide & Gray Scale適商業攝影

  • Clor Sepration Guideand Gray Scale (Small)CAT 12 7654      a Q-13Kodako 41771 52765 5Kodak
  • The  Company 2000KODAK Gray ScaleC Y MKodakLICENSED PRODUCTA 1 2 3 4 5 6 M 8 9 10 11 12  14 15 B 1 18 19Inches121365 6710 1112 13 141516 1718CentimetresKODAK Color Control Patches The  Company, 2000BlueCyan GreenYellowRed Magenta White19KodakLICENSED PRODUCT3/ColorBlack
  • KODAK  Separation Guide and Gray Scale SmEach component of this quality control device is 8 inches long The identical format is also available in a larger size 14 inches Kodak Publication Q14 KODAK Color Separation Guide and Gray Scale Large)The KODAK Gray ScaleThe gray scale is a qualitycontrol device of stepped neutral values to help the photographer (1) compare the tone values of reflection originals with thetone values of their reproduced image (2) compare exposure and processing in a photographic environment so that changing conditions can beidentified measured and controlled (3) balance negatives and positives in a traditional  reproduction process that requires the use of masksseparation films and filters and (4) determine values for plotting tonereproduction curvesThe gray scale is composed of 20 density steps step aims are 010 density increments and relative density values from a nominal white ofapproximately 005 to 195 Density increments are tightly controlled and  vary  slightly from the nominal density value Neutrality and uniformityare also tightly controlled The background approximates an 18% neutral gray to neutralize flare and adjacency effectsNOTE The patches identified with the designations A M and B are used in KODAK Three-Aim Point  methods for reproducing color reflection with traditional masking and color separation procedures A M and B patches correspond with reflection densities of 00 070 and 60respectively which represent average highlight middletone and shadow values in color or black-and-white reflection copy use the gray scale1 With a reflection densitometer calibrated to ANSI specifications, read the density values of each of the patches of the gray scale Record readings you do not calibrate to a check plaque, then zero (null) the densitometer to the white A-patch Place the gray scale alongside the image you are reproducing Make sure the film size is large enough to include the gray scale Make  exposures3 With the same reflection densitometer, read the density values of each of the patches of the reproduced gray scale Record your readings4a By comparing successive images of the gray scale, you can tell if changes have occurred in your exposureprocessing conditions With 010 densityshift equaling 13 of a stop of change density increases by 010 (1 step darker), then exposureprocessing conditions have increased 1/3 of a stop Decrease exposure by 1/3 of a stopto compensateIf density decreases by 010 (1 step lighter), then exposure/processing conditions have decreased 1/3 of a stop Increase exposure by 1/3 of a stopto compensate On a sheet of graph paper, plot the values obtained in Step 1 above on the horizontal axis plot the values obtained in Step 3 on the vertical axisWhen you connect the plots, the resulting curve is a tone reproduction curveIf you use this gray scale often, we suggest that you replace it with a new one on a regular schedule, say, once a monthThe KODAK Color Control PatchesKODAK Color Control Patches help the photographer compare the color of the subject with kn printing colors They also help the graphic arts cameraor scanner operator identify color separation negatives and positives for color reproduction processes. (For the best , print your  colorpatches on your own paper and with your own inks-using the mechanical on the reverse side of this sheet. You could then use your own patches forcolor  and color balance as well as for identifying reproduction steps. See Print Your Own Color Patches, below.) provide a repeatable reference, these patches are printed using accredited SWOP (Specification Web Offset Publications) inks on Kimdura stock(not a SWOP specification). Solid ink densities are within SWOP high-low targets. Solid colors include the single colors and two-color overprints of theSWOP chromatic colors, plus a single-color black. Also included is a three-color combination of equal values of cyan, magenta, and yellow to differentiatea three-color black from the single-color black. The lighter colors represent a press result equaling nominal quartertones with an aim of 25%. As with thegray scale, the background approximates an 18% neutral gray to neutralize flare and adjacency effects.To use the color patches for separation work: Place the color patches and gray scale next to your reflection copy, making sure you include them in your film size for reproduction. Make yourexposures with recommended red, green, and blue separation filters. Compare the color patches of each of the three color-printing negatives (or positives). Film negatives will appear light or clear where ink is to be printed, and dark where no ink is to be printed. Film positives will be just the opposite.These patches are uncoated and are, therefore, subject to scuffing and abrasion. If you use them often, then we suggest replacing them on a regularbasis, say, once a month.Print Your Own Color PatchesOn the reverse side of this sheet, you will find a guide for creating artwork which will allow you to make your own color patches-minus the neutral-graybackground. Each color printing image allows the necessary printing color to print where required to produce an identical color guide with your inksTo use these masks:1. Make a same-sized line negative of the artwork on a high-contrast film. Cut the four images apart. Strip each image into flats in register-one flat each for cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. Expose each flat onto separate printing plates. Print the plates using the inks. paper, and laydown sequence that you use for production work. Remember: you are making your own colorpatches for comparing your own results and determining your own color correction, and so are recreating all of your standard conditions for color-separation work.NOTE: These instructions are for making solid color patches only. To add tint values to your color patches, strip small blocks of uniform tints forcyan, magenta, and yellow into the appropriate windows in the resulting negatives. Use of tint values that correspond to approximately 25%printing dots will produce satisfactory results. As with any 4-color stripping, be careful to align these tints to your standard 4-color screening angles.

  • Clor Separation Guideand Gray Scale (Small)Q-13CAT 12 7654   Kodako 41771 527655Kodak

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