
PN53系列-AMD R7處理器 / 8G記憶體 / 512G SSD / Win11專業版迷你電腦

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PN53系列-AMD R7處理器 / 8G記憶體 / 512G SSD / Win11專業版迷你電腦
PN53系列-AMD R7處理器 / 8G記憶體 / 512G SSD / Win11專業版迷你電腦
    • 升級至 Windows  Pro 裝置四個理1 有史以來最安全的 Windows 系統降低 58%降低0%使 Windows  Pro 裝置的安全事件安全攻擊風險 易於管理為您的未來業務做好準備節省時間金錢提升25%增加20%部署速度2安全團隊的生產力3 隨時隨地輕鬆工作97% 應用程式相容50% 速度提升工作流程和協作支援最廣泛的應用程式外部備和裝置生態系統2 用於業務轉型的裝置250% 投資報酬率增加 61%在不到6個月回本 平均續航時間使系統性能更加迅速全面升級體驗無倫比的效能立即投入新世代 Windows  Pro裝置開啟業務嶄新時代Windows 12022年2月Windows  Windows  裝置相比 由 Forrester  於2022年12月發表的研究《The Total Economic Impact of Windows  Pro Devkes請注意反映過去三年合併成單一綜合組織的結果該組織產生年度營收10億美元2000名員工四年一次新整理硬體並且工作力完整移轉至 Windows  裝置   及 Azure Active Directory需另行購買  Windows 10 裝置相比提升日常體驗由 Prinopled  於2023年2月發表的數據  保證計畫資料效益包括IT和員工生產力更快速部署以及降低授權支出7.電池續航力會依設定使用方式和其他因素而有明顯差異Windows Windows  專業專為現在和未來打造Windows 10 於2015年推出專為82%的員工在辦公室工作的時代而打造 如今大約80% 的員工是混和或遠端辦公「傳統工作型態已逐漸降低比例探索 Windows10/專業的不同之處體驗強大的預設安全性和流暢的管理自開啟裝置那一刻起封鎖威脅。Windows  專業版裝置安全性。透過無與倫比的相容性和更順暢的自動更新,您更流暢地進行管理。功能“+”代表更好的功能,而“++”代表功能的最佳版本。安全性 Defender SmartScreen 與增強的網路保護當您在具有風險的網址或是位置上輸入密碼或使用憑證時,Microsoft Defender SmartScreen 會主動警告您。Microsoft 易受攻擊的驅動程式封鎖清單封鎖清單原則現在預設為,可保護您的 Windows 核心,以防範潛在易受攻擊的驅動程式,並且使用者可以 Windows 安全性應用程式強制執行原則。Windows Hello 和 Windows Hello 企業版Windows Hello 具備個人安全登入選項,其中包括 PIN臉部或,以及如狀態的創新功能,狀態會在您離開時鎖定裝置,並在您返回時再次將您登入。!碳感知更新管理Windows 會在有再生能源可供使用時排程更新。當裝置插上插頭、開啟電源,以及連線至可存取可用區域碳濃度資料的網路時,這個碳感知功能就會。永續性電源設定和建議永續性電源設定和建議可讓 Windows 根據預設在裝置處於閒置狀態時減少能源使用量。快速更新和適用於商務用 Windows UpdateWindows 11 更新使用的頻寬減少 40% 並節省更多網路成本且更有效率,可讓您更輕鬆地在任何地方讓裝置保持最新、受保護的狀態。即時輔助字幕Windows 10 專業版 Windows 11 專業版提高生產力透過適用於商務的最新 Windows 11 專業版裝置,增強生產力。員工可透過卓越可靠和持久的電池使用時間世界級基礎功能,隨時隨地發揮最佳表現。生產力在 Windows 11 中,使用者可以即時針對影片和線上會議啟用全系統的即時輔助字幕。支援英文、中文、法文、德文、義大利文、日文、韓文、葡萄牙文、西班牙文和丹麥文。快速存取 VPN 和藍牙快速設定功能表會直接在工作列顯示藍牙裝置和 VPN 連線能力清單。在經過更新的 Windows 11 專業版裝置上,使用者可以輕鬆地將裝置配對及連線至 VPN。此外,使用者也可以直接從 Windows 11 的工作列將音訊靜音。需要特定硬體,包括指紋、I 紅外線,或其他生物特徵辨識器和支援裝置。立即查看比較 Windows 10 專業版與 Windows 11 專業版 | Microsofthttps://www.microsoft.com/zhtw/windows/business/windows-10-pro-vs-windows-11-proWindows 11取得您需要的答案使用 Windows 11 中的 Copilot9透過 Windows 11,將工作效率與創意提升至更高層次取得您需要的多功能性、您渴望的效能,以及一直夢想擁有的AI支援創新。更輕鬆地使用更輕鬆地發揮工作效率Windows 11 全新、清爽的設計可 透過 Windows 11,無論是創意相讓您輕鬆地搜尋和尋找,而且全 關的工作、複雜的工作或每日例新的智慧功能可協助您以快速、 行工作,全新的多工工具可以協有趣且輕鬆的方式完成工作。助您更快、更輕鬆地完成工作。更輕鬆地保持安全Windows 11 已在安全防護之中。與您的硬體搭配運作,協助您的應用程式、身分識別、資料和隱私權保持安全。更輕鬆地玩樂取得激發您熱情所在所需的效能,以及您喜愛的所有應用程式和配件。如何挑選適合您的 Windows 11 版本?BitLocker 磁碟機加密功能Windows 11 專業版Windows 11 家用版如果您的裝置遺失或遭竊,BitLocker 會您的裝置,因此,沒有人可以存取您的系統或資料。」加入公司網域存取資料不再困難重重,讓你辦公不再有地域限制 -商務用 Windows Update協助確保任何地方的裝置都能擁有最新的安全性和Windows 功能。裝置加密如果您啟用裝置加密,只有經過授權的人員可以存取您的裝置和資料尋找我的裝置追蹤您的裝置,即使是觸控筆也行!防火牆與網路防護您的 Windows 裝置隨附內建安全性功能,有助於防範病毒、惡意程式碼和勒索軟體。網際網路保護Windows 安全性中的[應用程式與瀏覽器控制有助於保護您的裝置,防範的危險應用程式、檔案、網站和下載家長監護和防護當您連線家人的 Microsoft 時,即可管理螢幕使用時間、限制對成人內容的存取,並且控制線上購買行為。安全開機協助防範惡意軟體應用程式和未經授權的作業系統在系統啟動期間載入。Windows Hello使用臉部辨識、指紋或PIN,以快速、安全、免密碼的方式解除鎖定相容的 Windows 電腦Windows 安全性內建 Microsoft Defender 免費且強大的防毒軟體,檢視及管理裝置安全性和健康情況。1. TPM 金鑰保護需要TPM 或更新版本。 需要與  / AOAC/ 相容。更多詳細資訊,請前往https://aka.ms/deviceencryption. 只在最新版本的 Windows 11提供使用。為了盡可能保證您的安全,必須從新系統開始。執行舊版 Windows 的電腦必須完全重設 Windows 11 作業系統,該功能才能正常運作。4. 檔案可供離線使用。否則必須具備網際網路存取。可能必須支付。需要 Microsoft帳戶。 需要特定硬體,包括指紋辨識器、R紅外線感應器,或其他生物特徵辨識感應器和支援裝置。

      windows 11 Pro

    • Ultrcompact m PC    erieprocesss   RadeGraphics sups QuadKdisplays and    Genx4 M2  25 Gb LAN  ed by the latest AMD  00H Series with Radeon graphics Quad displays suppt and 8K UHD suppt Suppt    including 2 x  4  C sand onboard   portsFeatures TwoWay  Noise Calation  providecrystalclear online voice communicationSupport DisplayPort      through USB  C portOnboard bE LAN delivering faster Ethernetconnectivity Multistorage design support up to up to 2x  Gen4x4  and  HDDIntegrated   and Bluetooth for easy cordlessconnections Ports support COM 247 reliability  Extensively tested to ensure longtermdependabilityExpertCenter datasheetepeatSILVERCompareUltracompact  PC provides flexible comprehensivesolutions ExpertCenter PN53 is no lightweight when it comes to  It harnesses the power of the latest AMD  000 seriesprocessor combined AMD Radeon 00M series graphics and can accommodate multiple storage combinations Theres also two  Gen 4  slots and  support to ensure fast boot times and rapid app loadsndows® 11 Pro to 9AMD  000 series processorAMD RadeonIntegrated graphicsUp toGen4x42x    slotsUp to1GB  Dual  DIMM 25G LANOnboard 25G EthernetUp to AMD RYZEN RYZENSystem & CPU PerformancePN53 delivers a system performance uplift of up to  better performance indaily multitask coming comparing to previous generation  providingpowerful computing capacity and enabling easy multitasking and smoothoperationGraphics PerformanceExpertCenter PN53 gets a significant graphical boost with Radeon Graphicsto deliver crisp clear visuals that are way ahead of its class It delivers a markedimprovement raising its score from 55 in 3DMark Fire Strike and increasing49 3DMark Night Raid performance benchmarks  7 PCMark SYSmark 2014 %Cinebench R20 %Cinebench R20  10%3DMark  Spy3DMark Fire Strike3DMark Night RaidDX12 7  7 +66%+55%+49%  Ryzen 6800H     M2    Ryzen     M2   ing PN53AMD Ryzen 6800H Processor    M2       12700H Processor    M2  SSD  Ryzen  Processor   3200 M2  SSD Ultrafast   SSD 40 doubles the data transfer rate of the prior   standardExpertCenter PN53 support 2x  Gen4 x4 SSD to deliver greater dataperformance and lower latency SSD SSD2700Sequential WriteMBs1300Sequential ReadMBs6400300001000 2000 3000 4000  6000Test   Mini PC  SAMSUNG   SAMSUNG  performance may  depending on   7000Versatile USB 4 TypeCPower The Power Delivery  function can receive power from a supporteddisplay or supply power to mobileSuperfast data transfersExperience up to 40 Gbps datatransmission speeds with USBDisplayPortEnjoy up to 8K 30 Hz videooutputPower Delivery  input only supported by the rear USB 4 port speed may  depending on devices and Faster and Better DDR5 RAM ExpertCenter PN53 is powered by the new AMD 6000 Series CPU supporting the next gen memory - DDR5 With DDR5 4800memory that is  faster and 8% more energy efficient than DDR4 3200MHz memory PN53 provides excellent performance for dailycomputing tasksRAM speed3200MHz4800MHz100020003000400050006000ASUSUSB  Gen1OverviewUSB 4 Type-CSupport HDD LEDPower Button & LEDAudio Jack out inHeadphone outPower consumptionDDR4HDMI Pad-lock Ring Up to )USB 4 Type-CSupport  PD input)G RJ45 LAN-inUSB 32 Gen1 Port(options /HDMI /COM/VGA)Kensington Lock4K Resolution & Quad Display SupportIntegrated AMD Radeon 600M series graphics enable ExpertCenter PN53 to displaystunning 4K UHD videos and imagery With HDMI USB-C DisplayPort and aconfigurable port that can be specified for video signal output PN53 lets you extendyour workspace across up to four displaysUltra-realistic 8K VisualsExpertCenter PN53 supports stunning 8K UHD visuals via USB 4 or the configurablevideo output ports for detail four times greater than 4K or a remarkable 16 times thatof traditional FHD visuals PN53 is capable of pumping out 8K imagery at 30 Hz viaUSB 4 or DisplayPort  or up to 60 Hz through HDMI 21 to bring images to life000  or  in 4K or    dual channel memory Configurable ports are  SKU   resolution may vary depending on devices and application /SAMSUNG Test  SAMSUNG  objective  Actual performance may vary depending onaSPEC may vary from country or Exceptional Connection Experience - Wi-Fi 6 & Wi-Fi The built-in  6 module allows ExpertCenter PN53 to deliver smooth high-resolution video streams fewer dropped connections and fasterperformance farther away from the router even in dense environments  6E is an expanded version of  6 to support high-speed MHz channelsAnd Wi-Fi 6E is the expanded version of Wi-Fi 6 to support extra high-speed 160MHz channelsASUS 6EWiFi 63X FASTERthan standard AC 2 with 80 MHz channels4X CAPACITYimprovement in dense environment for more devices with  &E only  in  regions or  and is dependent on local -6- devices  to enjoy all the benefits of WiFi ()The speed is calculated with  6 devices that support 160 MHz channelsThe data refers to -OFDMAActual performance ince may vary depending on objective  changes75% LOWERLATANCYseamless and reliable video displaying or conferencingConfigurable PortExpterCenter PN53 is well-equipped for a wide range of functions and canbe d for digital signage, POS systems or intelligent vending machinesThe configurable port can be specified with either HDMI, VGA,DisplayPort, or COM ports, for monitors or legacy devices such as barcodescanners or receipt printersSuperfast  Gbps Networking25 Gb Ethernet provides superfast networking and data transfer speeds forefficient, productive multitaskingUP TOHDMI 21COMDP 14VGAFASTER2.5G PortThan Gigabit port DisplayPrinterBarcode Scanner Router & ModemConfigurable ports are  SKU before configuringEasy modification,maximum possibilitiesAn optional multi-storage design that accommodates up to two  Gen4 )SSD and a 2.5-inch solid-state drives (SSD) or hard disk drives (HDD) for addedstorage flexibility.Power Delivery (PD) - Input & OutputPD input lets the monitor provide power to ExpertCenter PN53 via a singleUSB-C cable, allowing for a neater workstation. ExpertCenter PN53 is able toreceive power and deliver a DisplayPort signal via this connection, and alsosupply power to charge mobile devices.PCleGen4x4 2280 SSD x2SATA2.5 HDD/SSDUp to  height driveMonitor with Power Delivery FunctionASUS ExpertCenter PN53ASUS 100W*Max. 15WSmart PhoneUp to 8K 30Hz display outputPower Delivery (PD) put only supported by the rear USB 4 portActual speed may vary depending on devices and  G2 Extreme coolingTo unleash high-end performance in such a compact machine, ASUSdesigners and engineers fine-tuned every aspect of the ExpertCenterPN53s cooling system. The self-cleaning fan module includes  heats that are connected to full-sized heatsinks and fan outlets. Thiscomprehensive cooling solution enables the CPU to operate at optimumtemperatures for stronger performance that lasts.-Dust Self-Cleaning SystemThe Anti-Dust Self-Cleaning System not only keeps the heatsinks clean,but also effectively ejects the dust and other particles to prolong thelifespan of the system. The fan is never overworked, so less  isgenerated for a quieter workstation.UP TOCPU thermal designpower toleranceFine-tuned fin module Self-cleaning fan moduleCopper plate & heat pipe test data is according to ASUS testing , comparing to early generation designActual performance may vary depending on objective environmental changesThe principle of centrifugal forceacts upon the dust or particlesmoving in the circular path withinthe fan, which is effectivelypushed away from the axis of therotation and enters the anti-dusttunnels.Dust and other particles in the fanmodule are blown along the walls, and eventually expelled outof the chassis through the anti-dust tunnels. This preventsbuildup on the heatsink fins.Enhanced Software -  Noise CancelationTwo-Way Al Noise CancelationFilters unwanted noise from themicrophone and incoming audio forcrystal-clear voice communication.System DiagnosisHardware diagnosticScenario check-upProvides brief descriptions to enableusers to identify different situationsencountered and select the idealdiagnostic checkup required.Smart Fan ControlPerformance & Quiet modesGives users the flexibility to usemaximum fan speed during heavyloads or switch to a lower speed forsilent operation.PERFORMANCEOther FunctionsWiFi SmartConnectOptimizes the wireless connectionTaskFirstAllocate networking bandwidth tospecific tasks. Link to MyASUSAllows users to connect thecomputer to a mobile device.

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    ●主要規格 作業系統:Win11 Pro 64Bit 處理器:AMD R7-7735H(3.2GHz/8C/16T) 晶片:AMD 顯示:AMD® Radeon™ Graphics 記憶體:8GB DDR5-4800MHz memory (2 x SO-DIMM) (up to 32GB*2) 儲存:提供 1 x M.2 512G SSD(客戶另可再自行擴充第二顆M.2及SATA3 2.5" 1TB HDD) 光碟機:無 無線網路:Dual Band 802.11ax (WI-FI 6) + BT V5.0 有線網路:2.5G LAN, 10/100/1000/2500 Mbps 介面 側端:Kensington Lock slot 前端: 1 x USB 4 Type-C (Support DP1.4) 2 x USB 3.2 Gen1 1 x Audio Jack (Line out/ Mic in/ Headphone out) 後端: 1 x USB 4 Type-C (Support DP1.4, PD input*) 3 x USB 3.2 Gen1 2 x HDMI 2.1 (Up to 4K@60Hz) 1 x VGA Port 1 x 2.5G RJ45 LAN 1 x DC-in 1 x Padlock ring 讀卡機:無 體積:120 x 130 x 58 mm 重量:0.9 kg (including 2.5" HDD) 保固:三年 onsite!
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