強效去汙高科技海綿30片 清潔海綿 神奇海綿 奈米海綿 魔術海綿 納米海綿 去污

  • 高分子奈米顆粒構成,擦拭過程自動吸附物體表面汙穢
  • 可隨意切割所需大小不浪費
  • 只需要水,就能清潔髒污
  • P幣


  • 登記抽


  • 登記送


  • 廠商出貨
  • 宅配到府(本島/低溫)
  • 宅配到府(本島/常溫)
  • 超商取貨(常溫)
  • 超商取貨(低溫)
  • i郵箱(常溫)


共 3 則評價
  • 解决98污漬難題9清潔效果 具有99.9%的提升6倍以上自然抗菌效果去油能力提升2倍奈米魔術擦沾水擦拭 超强去污奈米海綿給生活多一點潔淨與清新Nano sponge to life a bit more clean and pure and 德國技術超耐用奈米海綿環保產品足尺寸

    清潔神器奈米海綿魔術擦 幫您解決所有的清潔問題您還在為髒亂煩惱嗎?YOU STILL WORRY ABOUT DIRTY?頑固污漬Lock78Home45凹凸不平難清潔

    汽車清潔專家每個男人需要它使用步驟先沾水雙手擠乾擦試污漬小提醒:1.擦拭時順著一個方向擦,可以延長擦擦的使用壽命2.此產品比較脆,因此不要用力扭捏,避免斷裂或使其組織結構破壞。無需洗劑一沖即淨使用方法Use directions特點 Product features


    產品規格產品名稱:超厚升級效去汙高科技海綿產品材質:三聚氰胺單品尺寸:長9cm 寬6cm 高3cm(±5%)使用範圍:用於家居衛生清潔,大掃除,車輛清洗,皮具擦拭等各類清潔使用9cm6cm適用人群 適用范圍3cm居家浴缸辦公室 汽車及游艇 其它更多用途浴室清潔實驗BATHROOM EXPERIMENT快速清潔臉盆、水龍頭、馬桶、瓷磚等上的水斑污垢清潔前清潔中清潔後

    廚房清潔實驗KITCHEN EXPERIMENT可快速清潔杯具、水槽、竹具、電器、陶瓷牆面和地上的水垢污漬等。清潔前卡滿厚厚的電鍋去重油污強度實驗EXPERIMENT使用前使用後清潔後嶄新、乾淨、沒有污渍使用前使用後


    客廳臥室用品測試清潔清潔 清潔前清潔清潔前清潔後清潔前| 清潔後清潔後|清潔後|

    辦公室清潔(用奈米海綿方便清理)NumLock7Home4清潔前清潔前Home41End清潔後 2清潔後PgUpPgDnEnter深層去污清潔凹凸不平表面,任何深藏的污垢,只需用水,一擦就淨!清潔中清潔前清潔中清潔後


    廚房清潔德國技術 幫您解決所有清潔難題CLEAN GERMANY TECHNOLOGY TO HELP YOU SOLVE ALL PROBLEMS浴室清潔餐廳清潔我們無能為力的污漬常年累積的頑固油污 爐灶鐵銹污臥室清潔注意事項本產品吸油特強擦油污時會加快產品的消耗速度請勿擦拭電子營幕慎用於表面經過特殊理的物品擦拭電器類產品時切記海綿擦擠乾並切斷電源擦拭皮件時請先在不顯眼處拭,無影響後,再使用請勿食用,並放在兒童不能接觸的地方請勿擦拭

    測試報告et Rept騰躍行銷有限公司PRANCE MARKETING  LTD新北市淡水區下圭柔山562號簽名有效For QuestionPlese  with wwwsgscomtwNo CT/207/816Date) 2017/09/05Page) 1  3N 56-22 XIAGUIROU MT TAMSUI DIST NEW TAIPEI CITY 251  R O C)f of  applicant as)送樣廠商(Sample Submitted By)樣品名稱(Sample Description)原產(Country of Origin)收件日期(Sample Receiving Date)測試期間(Testing Period) (The following sample(s) was/were submitted and identied by/on(PRANCE MARKETING . LTD)  中國大陸 2017/08/25 2017/08/25 TO 2017/09/05測試需求(Test Requested):測試結果(Test Results): CNS 15480. As specified by client  sample(s)was/were ed with ence to CNS 15480. Please refer to result table fortesting item(s). (Please refer to following pages).經台灣SGS符合CNS15480檢驗合格TAIWAN T    TechSigned for and on behalSGS TAIWAN LTD.Chemical Laboratory - Th document   by the Company subject to  General  of Service    on  or accessible at and for electronic  documents subject to  and Conditions for Electronic Documents at .   to the  of   and  issues defined . Any  of  document is advised that information contained hereon  the Companys at the  of  intervention  and  the  of   if any. The Companys   is to   and this document does not  to a    all their rights and  under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced  in   prior  approval of theCompany Any unauthorized   or  of the content or  of this document is  and offenders may be prosecuted to the   of the  otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the  SGS        25   2          Taipei ,  of the SGS

    測試報告Test Rept騰躍行銷有限公司PRANCE MARKETING  LTD CT/2017/856  Date 2017/09/05Page 2 of 3新北市淡水區下圭柔山5622號 5622 XIAGUIROU MT TAMSUI ST NEW TAIPEI CITY  TAIWAN R  C)測試結果Test Results)PART NAME)No 1白色海棉WHITE SPONGE)通過PASS)結果測試項目12測試方法(Result)(Test Items)(Uit)(Method)限值(Limit)No 1三聚氰胺-水/Melame DI water/kg 參考CNS 154(民國100年)以高效液相層析儀/二極體陣列偵測器5n d30(Note)1 mg/kg ppm  %  1000ppm2. MDL - Method Detection Limit ()3. n.d.  Not Detected below MDL (MDL)(HPLC/DAD). With ence CNS 15480 (2011). Analyswas performed by HPLC/DAD.結果(Result)No. 1n. d.經台灣SGS符合CNS15480檢驗合格    by the Company  to    of Service    on  or  at  and for   documents  to  and Conditions for  Documents at 80  to the  of   and    .   of  document   that  contained   the  at the time of its intervention  and  the  of    any. The Companys  responsiblity is to its  and  document does not exonerate to a  from  all their  and  under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in      of theCompany  unauthorized  forgery or  of the  or appearance of this document is  and offenders may be prosecuted to the  extent of the .  stated the  shown in this   refer only to the  SGS  Ltd.        ,   , Taiwan (    3237  Member of the SGS

    測試報告Test Rept騰躍行銷有限公司PRANCE MARKETING  LTD新北市淡水區下圭柔山56-22號No CT/2017/81256Date 2017/09/05Page) 3  3 56-22 XIAGUIROU MT TAMSUI DIST NEW TAIPEI CITY 251 TAIWAN R )* 照片中如有箭頭標示則表示為實際檢測之樣品/部位*The ed sample part  marked by an arrow  its shown on the pho)CT/2017/81256 End of Report) 10經台灣SGS符合CNS15480檢驗合格Th  is  by the Company  to    of Service    on  or accessible at   and for electronic  documents subject to  and Conditions for Electronic Documents at drawn to the  of   and  issues defed therein.  holder of this document is  that  contained hereon  the Companys at the time of  intervention  and within the  of  instruction if any. The Companys sole  is to its  and this document does not  to a    all their rights and  under the transaction documents.  document cannot be   in   prior   of theCompany Any    or  of the content or appearance of this document is  and  may be prosecuted to the  extent of the . otherwise stated the  shown in this test report  only to the SGS  Ltd.            , Taiwan (    3237 Member of the SGS

    北京GS测试报告编号XMCCM151101324-日期2015年12月02日页码第1页共4页材料有限公司北京市朝阳北苑家园春园下列品由客户提供及确认样品名称气泡SGS 参考编号XMNMLC1501114702產品經SGS國際認證檢驗合格测试要求根据客户要求收样日期 2015年11月19日测试周期2015年11月19日2015年11月27日测试结果:详细信息请见下页。待续通标标准技术服务有限公司检测中心授权签名黄文明授权人     by  Compny ubject to  General   Service printed   on     and  and f electronic form s subject to Terms and  for Documents at    drawn to     and  sues defined therein  holder   document is  that information contained hereon the Companys findings at the time   intervention  and  the  of    any The Companys sole is to its  and  document does not exonerate parties to a   exercising  their  and obligations under thetransaction documents This document cannot be reproduced except in      of the Company y  forgery or  of s  or appearance of this document is  and offenders may be prosecuted to the extent of the  Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the samples Sested and such samples areretained for 30 days only.  the authenticity of testinginspection report & certificate   us at : or :    S     31  Road  An      ,  361101 安区31号 :361101 )  )  Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

    SGS测试报告编号日XMCCM5101324-2015年12月02日页码第2页共4页测试结果测试样品描述样品编号SN1SGS样品ID描述XMN15-011147001白色泡棉备注:1 1 mg/kg = 00001%2 MDL = 方法限3 ND = 未检出 MDL產品經SGS國際認證檢驗合格测试方法:参考TB/T 3139-2006 章节31 及GB18580-2001 章节62UV-V分析。测试项目甲醛释放量备注:1 MDL = 方法检测限2.ND=未检出MDL单位MDL 001mg/L ND檢驗合格未含有害物質3.以上测试项目是由SGS集团内部的实验室执行。2. RoHS 指令2011/65/EU附录II的修正指令EU)2015/863测试方法:1)参考IEC 62321-5:2013用ICP-OES测定的含量(2)参考IEC 62321-5:2013用ICP-OES测定铅的含量测试项目(Cd)铅(Pb)汞(Hg)(3)参考IEC 62321-4:2013用ICP-OES测定汞的含量(4)参考IEC 62321:2008用紫外-可见分光光度计比色法测定六价铬的含量(5)参考IEC 62321-6:2015用GC-MS测定PBB(多溴联苯)和PBDEs(多溴二苯醚) 的含量限值 单位MDL001100 mg/kg2ND10001000 mg/kg*待续*mg/kg2ND2NDSGSTh  is  by  Comp subject      Service    on request     for electronic   subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic     is drawn to   of indemnification and  issues defined rein.  holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon the   at the  of  intervention only and  the  of   any The   is to   and this document does not exonerate parties to a  from exercising all their rights and obligations  thetransaction documents This document cannot be reproduced except in  without   approval of the Company. Any unauthorizedalteration forgery or  of the content or appearance of this document is  and offenders may be prosecuted to the extent of the .  otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) areretained for 30 days only.:  check the authenticity of testing inspection report & certificate, please contact us at : () 8307 ,or :  检测: Service   .   ,    , ,  ,  361101() 1 ()  •用产业区期31号361101() 1:()Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

    测试报告编号XMCCM51324-31日期 2015年12月02日页码: 第3页共4页六价铬Cr1000多联苯之和PB1000kg一联苯mgkg二联苯三联苯四溴联苯五溴联苯六溴联苯七溴联苯八溴联苯mg/kgmg/kgmg/kgmg/kgmg/kgmg/kg產品經SGS國際認證檢驗合格mg/kgNDNDNDNDNDNDNDNDND多溴二苯醚之和PBDEs1000mg/kgND一溴二苯醚二溴二苯醚三溴二苯醚四溴二苯醚五溴二苯醚六溴二苯醚七溴二苯醚八溴二苯醚九溴二苯醚十溴二苯醚mg/kgmg/kgmg/kgmg/kgmg/kgmg/kgmg/kgmg/kgmg/kgmg/kg   10   NDNDND5ND5ND5ND5ND5NDNDND备注:檢驗合格未含有害物質1 最大允许极限值引自RoHS指令EU) 2015/863。结论: 基于所送样品进行的测试、铅、汞、六价铬、多溴联苯(PBBs)、多溴二苯醚(PBDEs)的测试结果不超过欧盟RoHS指令2011/65/EU附录II的修正指令(EU)2015/863的限值要求。SGS     by  Company    General   Service printed  available on request    and  electronic ormat s subject to Terms and  for Documents at     drawn to the  of  and  issues defined therein Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon the Companys  at the time of  intervention only and within the  of  instructions  any The Companys sole is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under thetransaction documents This document cannot be reproduced except in , without prior written approval of the Company Any unauthorized,  or  of the content or appearance of this document is unful and offenders may be  to the extent of the law Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test  refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) areretained for 30 days only.:  check the authenticity of testing  report  certificate, please contact us at telephone: ()  or  CN SGS       ,  An   , ,  ,  361101 B 产业区用31号() 1 () 邮编:3611011() f () Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

    SGS测试报告XMCCM510124-日期2015年12月02日页码 第4页共4页样品照片此图片仅限于 SGS正本报告使用报告结束產品經SGS國際認證檢驗合格SGS        by  Comp ubjec to     Service    on     nd f electronic format s subject to Terms and Conditions for ElectronicDocuments at    is drawn to   of indemnification and  issues defined rein y holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon the   at the  of  intervention only and  the  of    any The Companys sole is to its  and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising  their rights and  under thetransaction documents This document cannot be reproduced except in  without prior written approval of the Company Any  forgery or  of the content or appearance of this document is unful and offenders may be prosecuted to the  of the law  otherwise stated the results shown in this  report refer only to the s tested and such samples areretained for 30 days only:  check the authenticity of testing  report & certificate, please contact us at telephone:   .or :   a  31  ,  An   , ,  ,  3611013361101t   1  1 () Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

使用說明: ☒不能碰熱、油、酸 ☒不能用超過40℃的溫熱水 ☒不能沾到油污 ☒不能直接用來揉搓蔬果表面或鍋碗瓢盆 ☑適合清潔浴廁、洗手檯、水龍頭 ☑適合清潔櫥櫃 ☑適合清潔牆壁磁磚 ☑適合清潔白球鞋 去污後的用品,最好再用清水沖洗或清水擦拭過會比較好哦~
  • PChome24h購物的消費者,都可以依照消費者保護法的規定,享有商品貨到次日起七天猶豫期的權益。(請留意猶豫期非試用期!!)您所退回的商品必須回復原狀(復原至商品到貨時的原始狀態並且保持完整包裝,包括商品本體、配件、贈品、保證書、原廠包裝及所有附隨文件或資料的完整性)。商品一經拆封/啟用保固,將使商品價值減損,您理解本公司將依法收取回復原狀必要之費用(若無法復原,費用將以商品價值損失計算),請先確認商品正確、外觀可接受再行使用,以免影響您的權利,祝您購物順心。
  • 如果您所購買商品是下列特殊商品,請留意下述退貨注意事項:
    1. 易於腐敗之商品、保存期限較短之商品、客製化商品、報紙、期刊、雜誌,依據消費者保護法之規定,於收受商品後將無法享有七天猶豫期之權益且不得辦理退貨。
    2. 影音商品、電腦軟體或個人衛生用品等一經拆封即無法回復原狀的商品,在您還不確定是否要辦理退貨以前,請勿拆封,一經拆封則依消費者保護法之規定,無法享有七天猶豫期之權益且不得辦理退貨。
    3. 非以有形媒介提供之數位內容或一經提供即為完成之線上服務,一經您事先同意後始提供者,依消費者保護法之規定,您將無法享有七天猶豫期之權益且不得辦理退貨。
    4. 組合商品於辦理退貨時,應將組合銷售商品一同退貨,若有遺失、毀損或缺件,PChome將可能要求您依照損毀程度負擔回復原狀必要之費用。
  • 若您需辦理退貨,請利用顧客中心「查訂單」或「退訂/退款查詢」的「退訂/退貨」功能填寫申請,我們將於接獲申請之次日起1個工作天內檢視您的退貨要求,檢視完畢後將以E-mail回覆通知您,並將委託本公司指定之宅配公司,在5個工作天內透過電話與您連絡前往取回退貨商品。請您保持電話暢通,並備妥原商品及所有包裝及附件,以便於交付予本公司指定之宅配公司取回(宅配公司僅負責收件,退貨商品仍由特約廠商進行驗收),宅配公司取件後會提供簽收單據給您,請注意留存。
  • 退回商品時,請以本公司或特約廠商寄送商品給您時所使用的外包裝(紙箱或包裝袋),原封包裝後交付給前來取件的宅配公司;如果本公司或特約廠商寄送商品給您時所使用的外包裝(紙箱或包裝袋)已經遺失,請您在商品原廠外盒之外,再以其他適當的包裝盒進行包裝,切勿任由宅配單直接粘貼在商品原廠外盒上或書寫文字。
  • 若因您要求退貨或換貨、或因本公司無法接受您全部或部分之訂單、或因契約解除或失其效力,而需為您辦理退款事宜時,您同意本公司得代您處理發票或折讓單等相關法令所要求之單據,以利本公司為您辦理退款。
  • 本公司收到您所提出的申請後,若經確認無誤,將依消費者保護法之相關規定,返還您已支付之對價(含信用卡交易),退款日當天會再發送E-mail通知函給您。