
【南紡購物中心】 GT Elite Wheel Plate Edition 鋁擠型賽車模擬車架

  • 優質陽極氧化黑色鋁飾面
  • 鋁型材上的預加工精密孔,堅固且易於組裝
  • 踏板位置高度、角度和距離可調
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  • RACING COCKPITSGTELITE WHEEL PLATE EDITIONRACING COCKPITSGT※賣場內容敘述為商品介紹實際以賣場型號為準。*electronics and accessories not includedABOUTIntroducing the new Next Level  GTElite Cockpit The GTElite cockpits patent-pending design brings rigidity and stability into a new price point making it the bestmid-range aluminium profile cockpit on the market With attention to detail andengineering as seen on our Elite series, the GTElite compared to mid-range cockpits inits class is more rigid, easier to assemble, provides more inclusions, while providing ahigher quality finish.While constructed to suit the mid-range category with a 4080 profile, through cuttingedge engineering and manufacturing, combined with unique components, fixtures, andreinforcements, the GTElite is the most rigid mid-range cockpit. Through this innovativeprocess, the GTElite in some cases is stronger than conventional 16040 cockpits seenon the market.With an extensive ecosystem in mind, the GTElite is upgradable to be compatible withNext Level  Motion Products and has the ability to be transformed into a multi-position cockpit solution with the ready set kits*.
  • Motion Kit and Formula kit need to be purchased separately.GTBUILT TO BE STRONGConventional corner brackets are things of the past. The GTELite Cockpit utilizes an8mm thick Carbon Steel Reinforced Upright Direct Mounting plates, the GTElite hasa stronger reinforcement and connection between the vertical uprights and thebase of the chassis. To eliminate any movement and increase the clamping forcebetween the components, custom-engineered full channel width spring ball T-slotnuts are used throughout the build  through bolts for areas that requirehigher clamp force and rigidity. The 8mm Carbon Steel Sandwich Plate alsoprovides a connection between the vertical uprights and the pedal plate to lock inand increase the reinforcement between the structural parts of the cockpit. Thestrength continues with precision machined holes to bolt the base of the profiledirectly for a more rigid foundation.
  • TAKE CONTROL UNDER INTENSERACINGHighend features like strong wheel and pedal base like never seen before nowavailable at a midrange price point. Precisely designed multi-folded wheel pedal,and shifter plates combined with thick carbon steel removes deflection and flex toprovide a stronger and more rigid platform for users to attach their highestperforming electronics. The strength can be seen in the FEA (Finite ElementAnalysis) Tests comparing the innovative GTElite plate designs to other flat steel oraluminium designs seen in conventional cockpits on the market.Wheel Deck -equivalent to 14.3mm steel or 20.85mm aluminiumPedal Deck - equivalent to 10.84mm steel or 15.83mm aluminiumShifter Plate - equivalent to 18.51 steel or 29.18mm aluminium
  • ENEXT LEVEL RACINGINNOVATIVE FLEX-FREE NLR SEATSLIDERS & BRACKET SYSTEMThe innovative Next Level Racing® Seat Sliding System has been designed andengineered to eliminate the issue of flex found in conventional seat sliders used insimulators. The NLR ratchets are included to easily slide your seat back and forthto find the desired position for a flex-free racing experience.The Next Level  Seat Brackets are constructed from 4mm carbon steel toprovide the rigidity required for competitive racers and the new design providesmore adjustability to support multiple seating positions with 55 adjustmentcombinations. Users are also able to use the included Universal seat brackets toprovide height and angle adjustability for bottom mounting seats. This is a newrange of adjustment introduced for bottom mounting seat users that will providemore fine adjustments, resulting in a more personalized racing experience. TheNext Level Racing® Elite Sim Racing Seats are the recommended seats to use withthe Elite range of cockpits as they have been designed and optimized for elite simracers.
  • ALL THE EXTRAS INCLUDEDEquipping the user with all the gear needed for the most authentic sim racingeperience Premium anodizing quality and finish aluminium profile with custom NLR endcapsLaser-etched logos and line markings for easier and quicker adjustmentsGear shifter and handbrake support plateButtKicker Gamer 2 AdaptorFlex free seat slider system Pedal slider system for quicker distance adjustments, with easy alignmentlaser line guides 4mm flex-free carbon steel seat brackets with 55 adjustment combinationsNext Level  Custom Feet with height-adjustable shock-absorption feet6 x Next Level  Custom Cable Clips holding up to 4 larger cables or 8smaller gauged cables Next Level  Tool Kit Holder to have your tools for adjustmentconnected to the cockpit for when needed as well as a magnetic spirit level forprecision
  • aluminium profile for wheel mount uprights allowing more legclearance for a wider range of users and driving positions Larger wheel deck allowing attachment of accessories and peripheralsTHRUSTMASTERINEXT LEVEL RACINGTGTEASE OF ASSEMBLYBy designing custom components and using advanced manufacturing processeswith precision machined holes in the aluminium profile, it allows for easierassembly and a more rigid connection as the profile bolts together The improveddesign means that the hassles of aligning fiddly corner brackets are a thing of thepast Combining the ease of assembly with the laser-etched line markings on theGTElite profile helps you to get racing quicker than any other aluminium cockpitbefore. Each piece is individually placed in our custom foam packaging to ensurethe safety of the product while in transport, providing a seamless user experiencefrom the time the packaging is opened, completing the Elite experience.
  • COMPLETE YOUR GTELITEECOSYSTEMThe Next Level  GTElite is able to be upgraded within the Elite series to suitthe users racing needs With the purchase of the Next Level  GTEliteMotion Adaptor  the GTElite can be compatible with Next Level Racingsexisting and future motion products The GTElite can also become a Formula orHybrid racing position cockpit with the addition of the Next Level Racing GTEliteFormula and Hybrid Pedal Upgrade Kit. With a growing ecosystem of accessoriesin the Elite series, users are able to create a full racing experience by addingaccessories like the attach on Monitor Stands, keyboard and mouse trays, tabletmount holders, and VR holders.Items purchased separately
  • DSBC07-A900HKF3N
  • SPECIFICATIONSSupported Height: 120210 cm or 4ft  6ft 9 inchesSupported Ma eight: 150 kg or 330 Product Dimensions: () 148 cm  () 82.5 cm or (H) 86.5cm (L) 58.3 inches  32.5 inches  H 34.1 inches) Box Dimensions: 128.5 cm (L)  41cm () X 25.1cm (H)/ 50.6 inches(L) x 16.1inches (W) x 9.9 inches(H) Product Weight: 34.5 kg or 76 lbs Boxed Weight  37.9 kg or 83.5 lbs Part Number - NLR-E022COMPATIBLE NLR PRODUCTS Next Level  Elite Freestanding Monitor Stands Next Level Racing Elite Direct Monitor Mount- Black Edition Next Level Racing ERS1 Elite Reclining Seat Next Level Racing Floor Mat Next Level Racing Motion Plus platformNext Level Racing Motion Platform V3 (Requires Next Level Racing GTElite
  • Motion Adaptor Upgrade ) Next Level Racing Traction Plus platforms (Requires Next Level Racing GTEliteMotion Adaptor Upgrade Kit) Next Level Racing GTElite Motion Adaptor Upgrade Kit Next Level Racing Elite Keyboard and Mouse Tray- Black Edition Next Level Racing Elite Tablet/Button Box Mount Add-On Next Level Racing GTElite Formula and Hybrid Pedal Upgrade KitADJUSTABILITYGT
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