
Dagger 金鋼彈 750W 金牌SFX全模組 電源供應器

  • 符合最新SFX12V V3.3標準
  • 超過90%高效率轉換率,80Plus 金牌認證
  • 全漢獨創 MIA IC 晶片專利技術 / 全黑化模組扁線設計
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    接單後陸續安排出貨,最晚出貨日為 2024/10/03
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  • FSP PO Series7W /  Ready 30 50850W FSPATX 3080PLUSGOLD10YARWARRANTYDAGGER CPUDAGGER R 850W  DAGGER EIntroductionThe FSP DAGGER PRO series features 12VHPWR Connector which complies  50 and the latest Intelpower design guide of ATX30 the power excursion 200% of the PSUs rated power for  with a 10% dutycycleAnd with its standard SFX size and included ATX adapter bracket to help users easily install an SFX powersupply into an ATX Micro-ATX or Mini-ITX chassis With this compact size but comes with powerful outputespecially the 12V single-rail offers VGA cards full power individually and to avoid any overloading conditionsBesides the fully modular and all black cable design save your system an optimal airflow space and easy tomake a cable management for a polished lookFeatures12VSINGLE12VSemi-fanless DesignTo spin over 20% loading that makesoptimal cooling and reduces noise.12V Single Rail DesignDesigned for power-intensive VGA cardsprovides strong power to any overloadingcondition.DC DC ModuleProviding high efficient stable power.SFX to ATX Adapter BracketHelps users easily install an SFX powersupply into an ATX Micro-ATX or Mini-ITXchassis.. Compliance with ATX12V V3.0SFX12V V4.0 for 750W & 850W)Compliance with PCle 5.0 Efficiency  90% at typical load IC (Multiple Intelligence Ability) chip set inside. Semi-fanless design for silent operation Quiet and long-lasting 92mm ball bearing fan.Ribbon cables for the need of enthusiasts Powerful single +12V rail design Japanese electrolytic capacitors Intel Latest CPU ready Circuit protections OCP OVP SCP, OPP, OTP
  • Product OverviewNew ATX PSU SpecificationsUpdated ATX 30 specifications for the next-generationhardware power demandsUnleash the full power:Deliver power excursion 00% of PSU sizeTo get the best possible performance from thenext-gen  5 desktop graphics cards and theprocessorsA New VHPWR ConnectorThe  Gen 5 (124) pin connector and the124 pin cable21 Peak Power: 2000W2 Time for Power Excursion: 100 Constant Power: 817W Time Constant: 900 1000W PSU for example Rated current up to 92A per contact with all12 power contacts Fully isolated terminals* The 12VHPWR connector that uses 16AWGwires.Single 12V railMulti.+12V railPower100%Power50%VGAVGAENERGSAVINGPowerful +12V Single RailVGA card is a component which needs greedyand stable power supporting most. The compactsize DAGGER PRO series comes with a single+12V rail design that offers VGA cards full powerindividually and to avoid any overloadingconditions.2013 /EuP ReadyThe total AC power consumption of thecompleted system is less than 0.3W instandby mode.
  • Product OverviewMIA IC Chip Set with DC-DC ModuleAn integrated power solution of FSPs ownpatented IC design with DC-DC moduleensures solid power delivery to your systemJapanese CapacitorsJapanese electrolytic capacitors endureover 105 C degree temperature, itensures safety on spare parts for prolonglifespan and reliability.Semi-fanless Design with 92mm FanAn advanced semi-fanless design will spinover 20% loading that makes optimal coolingand reduces noise under maximum opera-tion.
  • Product OverviewDAGGER 50SFX to ATX Adapter Bracket helps you easily install an SFX powersupply into an ATX, Micro-ATX or Mini-ITXchassis. 5.0 12VHPWR ConnectorThe DAGGER PRO series carries the latest12VHPWR power connector designed todeliver up to 600W of raw, unhindered powerto the graphics card. With completelyisolated terminals for added protection, theycome fully remastered to handle the dramat-ic power spikes that many of the newerhigh-end graphic cards draw on max load.Full Modular Design with Ribbon CableNeat build and easy installation enhance cooling performance.
  • Product OverviewShown DAGGER PRO 8WInnovative cooling layoutWhat is the distracti of developing highwattage SFX ? s the heatFirst of all DAGGER PRO series uses Japaneseelectrolytic capacitors to build the foundationfor high temperature resistance  usesinnovative PB board circuit design fortransformers and inductance components thatare most prone to high temperatures to formnatural heat dissipation air ducts from the insideout to eliminate waste heat. Improve theendurance of the power supply and breakthrough the limitations of small size, high wasteheat, and small wattage, so that the SFX sizepower supply can reach 85W  750W poweroutput.Tiny but powerfulIt conforms to the standard small form factorsize (  100  63.5mm) and provides thehighest 850W power output in the industry,demonstrating FSPs high power densityRD technology capabilities.125mmDAGGERPerformanceEfficiencyEff.10094888684828010100mm63.5mmDAGGER PRO 750WAcoustic DAGGER PRO 750WRPM00dB4025002000251500201510001050050020%50%100%0% 10% 20% 30%40% 50% % 70% 80%90% 100%Loading SpeedFan NoiseLoading  Vac  23025C  & 1    and  PSU  on
  • EfficiencyEff.DAGGER PRO 85WAcoustic NoiseDAGGER PRO 85WRPMdB454098009694200025150088%86%10001584%1082%500%50010%20%50%115Vac 100%Loading0% 10% 20% % 40% 50% % Fan SpeedFan Noise70%80% 90% 100%Loading  30Rating25            750W100-240V 10-6A50-60Hz(not for china)AC Input200-240Vac 6A 50-60Hz(Only for china)DC Output3.3V 5V+12V-12V+5VsbMax Output Current20A20A 62.5A0.3A2.5AMax Combined Power120W750W3.6W12.5WTotal Power750W850W100-240V, 12-6A,50-60Hz(not for china)AC Input200-240Vac 6A 50-60Hz(Only for china)DC Output+3.3V +5V +12V-12V+5VsbMax Output Current20A20A70.83A0.3A2.5AMax Combined Power120W850W3.6W 12.5WTotal Power850W
  • SpecificationsModelTypePFCInput VoltageInput CurrentInput FrequencyOutput CapacityMax Output PowerFan TypeEfficiencyMTBFProtectionDimension)WarrantyAdditionalInformation750WSDA2-750SFXActive PFC100-240V10-6A50-60Hz750W750Wball bearing fan92mm90%200000 HrsOCP OVP SCP OPP OTP125*100*63.5 mm10 Years850WSDA2-850SFXActive PFC100-240V12-6A50-60Hz850W850Wball bearing fan92mm90%200000 HrsOCP OVP, SCP, OPP, OTP125*100*63.5 mm10 YearsConnectors750W850W11MB 20+4 PINCPU 4+4 PIN 6+2 PIN2244
  • 124 PINSATAMOLEXCable Length750W / 850WMotherboard11622SATA350450 10 1010CPU45010SATA/MOLEX33010- 6+2 Pin+1050010-PCle 12+4 Pin50010-10010
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