

  • HDR及 FullHD 1080P高畫質影像
  • IPX4防水盒適用於任何戶外施工現場
  • 粗糙/光滑/管狀/平面都可夾持固定
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    1000Revie around t globe自8年起已銷售超過百萬台縮時相機cle Time lape success    H120   me   wthru the    traverse    Great for cstructi time lapse  the   us on 10     0   pchased   for a construction se time lapse video After mounting the mera  a tree  has served its purpose admir Eve  weeks   video from the  d   in rechargeable ries After construction finhes  use s for other   recommendedO  found  Great gift for sm and  Reviewed in the  es us on 17  meAnniealwaywe bou the first ur multiple plant lotionsDan  Worked Wonderfully and as AdvertisedReviewed in the ted tates us on 10     ATH120  urchase was building a  house and this camerawas perfect for catching the constructioncess Batteries  over 2monthsrecording every 15- from  7pm You have to convert the AV s toMP which can be done with MicrostPhotos free ne United tes us on 4 200  ATH120  camera   on a  that would s every 20  Theof the canal and a  handsit time  construction projects Called the company for tips on the best way to getthey were EAT Totally recommendThe only showReviewed in the United Stat    ATH12The only shortcoming of thiits own You need to  is aweme does exactly what it says it doesReviewed in the United States on November 11 1 Pack Verified Purchase bought this to monitor a construction site it's one of thof the box menu options are clear and easy to use battewe've left the camera up for the winter taking only a fewwhole of winter from inside our cabin Very cool, happy O and ATH120 are an extraordinary findReview  Na PRReviewed in the United S   -ATThe operation of the proThe ofworth10/10Jon Charron We've now ordered a dozen of these!Reviewed in the United States on July 9 2 Pack Verified PurchaseOver the course of the last 9 or 10 months since we bought the first TLC200, our company has boughtseveral of these, usually in sets of 2, 3, or 4, for our multiple plant locations, where we use them for LeanPrinciple timelapse studies of our production  operate 3 for the local branch The plants are ex tothe elements, rugged, dusty places, and these ca have no problem  out in the   experienced any issue with the weatherproofing and no issues with the cameras themselves  is a   a cruise that would very 20 seconds Thehe canal and a few handsook  12  toAll though notcruise that would crossry 20 seconds Thehe canal and a few hands almost 12 hours toAM  sturdy carReviewed in the Uni  TLC200 PExcellent camera, for the lastLet me start by saying    thisperfect,  was  with the reshDamian Reviewed in   TLC200 PJust what our job squicker RevieweRichardGSReviewed in the United Kingdom on ptember 3 1 Pack Verified PurchaseWorks really well Quite easy to set upJust read the manual onceSet up high for best resultsSize  TLC200  ATH120 Verified PurchaseUpdatecameraWe wenalong w  caSize Name TLC200   ATH120 Verified PurchaseThe operation of the product too some getting used to, however, the quality outcome was definitelyworth waiting for  was very impressed to find that this time lapse camera captured things so clearlyAmazon Customer Amazing Customer Support Excellent Value for a quality productReviewed in the United States on August 12Size: 2 Pack Verified Purchaseably Every few weeks  grab video from the  card and put in new bought this 2, camera bundle which includes 2 BCC200s (Cameras with WeatherCases to record work at my custom home job site After a few weeks of satisfactoryuse one of the screens developed white, horizontal lines near the bottom third  alsonoticed moisture in the enclosure of the other camera The short story: Brinnoreplaced BOTH cameras (the 2nd as a precaution in case it was damaged by themoisture and they replaced the enclosure They coordinated the replacement withme, so  would not lose a single day of recording at my job site  highly recommendthe product and the companyDespite the fault in one camera,  would buy these again in a heartbeat Brinnoabsolutely stands behind their product What about using these cameras and theresults they deliver?They ship withmicro SD cards  chosen file system only supports up toonstruction site inHaving a greReviewed in the United StaSe Name: TLC200 Pro  ATH12Having a great time filmingthe shots and they were GRVero Perfect productReviewed in the United Kingdom ca on 14 February Name: BCC2000 Plus (with  Cable) Verified PurchaseBought this to record the construction of a garden office shed. Though  have only been using it for afew weeks  am very impressed. Overall  am glad that I splurged for the extender kit. The camera hasbeen installed up on the roof of my house, too high to reach without a ladder. Because I have theextension cable I can plug it  my tablet at any time to check how the batteries are doing and makesure the camera is doing everything it should do.Reviewed in the United States us on 17 OctoberSize Name: TLC200 Pro ATH120 Verified PurchasePurchased this item as a gift for my husband, he loved it He is always finding something new to buildso I thought this might be the perfect gift so that he could see what I see all the time and effort) putinto these small projects. The ATH120 Housing was definitely worth the purchase since the weather isalways unexpected in these days. I would definitely recommend this product to anyone who wouldsimply like to capture a few significant moments in life! ghtposed tobeing out in the action. I haven'tmeras themselves. There is a


    豐富的縮時相機組合配件搭配萬用固定夾具、彈性綁繩、IPX4 戶外防水盒,即使攝影新手也能短時間熟悉的全方位相機配件。管狀平面 戶外專用IPX4防水盒brinno360°球型雲台可自由旋轉調整角度適應管狀及平面的防滑夾面


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  • 商品規格(因改良而有變更時,恕不另行通知)

    型號 BCC300C
    相機型號 TLC300
    解析度 1080P HDR
    鏡頭光圈 F 2.0
    鏡頭視角 118°
    鏡頭類型 可替換式CS光學鏡頭
    相機設定 夜拍模式,自動曝光
    拍攝模式 縮時攝影
    拍攝週期 每日、每周
    LCD 取景窗 1.44″ IPS LCD
    儲存媒介 SD記憶卡(最高支援128GB)*1
    電源供應 電池:4顆AA電池
    直流電 DC IN:5V 1A(Micro USB接頭)
    電池壽命 間隔5分鐘拍攝,使用長達100天
    操作溫度 0 °C ~ 45 °C
    尺寸 64 x 52 x 107 mm
    重量 140克(無電池狀態)
    防水盒 ATH120
    防水防塵等級 IPX4
    材質 主體:PC;鏡頭區:耐候性壓克力;按鍵與防水結構:Rubber
    尺寸 125 x 89 x 54 mm
    重量 110g
    材質 航太鋁合金、塑膠尼龍
    夾持範圍 圓柱體Ø4 ~ Ø50 mm、平面厚度1 ~ 50 mm
    快拆螺絲 1/4″
    荷重 本體結構 40kg;球型雲台 3kg
    尺寸 展開時 12.5 x 9 x 16.4 cm;收納時 15 x 3.1 x 17.3 cm
    重量 207g(含雲台)
    1. 最高支援128GB記憶卡。首次使用64GB或128GB記憶卡時,相機將提示引導格式化。
  • 相關產品比較表

    BCC2000系列TLC300型號BAC2000TLC2020系列(TLC2000)(BCC300系列)BCS039BCS019搭載鏡頭(不可拆卸更換)可選更換鏡頭:BCS1855(廣角)、BCS2470(望遠)鏡頭光圈F2.2F2.0鏡頭視角解析度69°(1080P)可調式對焦距離4段對焦距離感光元件118°(1080P)單一對焦距離HDR & FHD 感光元件防水盒配件ATH1000防水防塵殼(IPX67)ATH2000防水電能盒(IPX5)拍攝模式縮時攝影、璉拍模式、定格動畫、靜態影像ATH120戶外防水盒(IPX4)或ATH2000防水電能盒(IPX5)縮時攝影LCD取景窗自訂拍攝時間儲存媒介電源供應備註2.0
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