
文石BOOX Tab X 13.3 吋電子閱讀器

  • 6 GB RAM + 128 GB ROM
  • 6300mAh 持久續航電力
  • 13.3吋 HD E ink Carta 1250 純平電子墨水
  • 贈品
    買就送 Tab X 皮套
    • P幣

      全盈+PAY單筆消費滿499回饋33 P幣,每帳號限乙次,限量2222名)

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    • 廠商出貨
    • 預購
      預計出貨日 2024/07/02 - 2024/07/04
    • 宅配到府(本島/低溫)
    • 宅配到府(本島/常溫)
    • 超商取貨(常溫)
    • 超商取貨(低溫)
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    • 本商品為預購型商品,消費者同意,此預購型商品發生缺貨或貨源不足等情形,​致網路家庭無法出貨時,本公司得取消訂單退還款項或調整商品出貨日。


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      2022 BOOX Tab X 13.3 吋電子閱讀器專業智慧科技閱讀工具:文石 BOOX 積極並重視使用者的問題,持續在重影畫面上做研發與推進,全新的超級刷新技術以及獨特的 GPU 圖像顯示器,搭載高通八核 CPU,以減少重影並提升速度,清晰的電子紙技術和高工效率,提供更好的使用體驗。



      文石 BOOX Tab X 13.3 吋電子閱讀器外觀採低調的深綠色設計,鋁鎂合金背面觸感。搭載 HD E Ink Carta 1250 純平電子墨水,全新對比度提升 33%,207ppi 清晰程度,得益於墨水螢幕成熟的成像原理,顯示如紙書,時刻呵護您的雙眼。 

      13.3 吋大螢幕,纖薄 6.8mm 機身,約 560g 的重量,接近 A4 紙張大小的「巨無霸」護眼大螢幕, 1 : 1 原尺寸顯示 A4 紙大小的文獻資料,無需任何裁剪處理,檔案多格式支援,直接打開和提筆即寫。

      優化的前螢幕閱讀燈光源均勻度,可依環境調節色溫,有效降低藍光造成的傷害,與減少長時間使用 3C 設備的疲勞,即使在陽光下也無眩光,讓閱讀更加舒適。


      with       to create detailed s  poverty  map  T maps revealed     standards  municipalities andwithin the territial boundaries used for funds from the European Uni   third  the  annual budgetequivalent to than   dedicated to investments ininfrtructure such as hospitals and schools in ecomically developed areas Because the allocatiof  depends  an   domestic (GDP) per capita poor municipalities situated in poor regions may  receive funding Armed withthe poverty map  responded with proposalsfor new geographical subdivions that concentrate funds in the poorest areas This thanks to better  and analysis has the potential to inequality and pockets of poverty in CroatiaA  running and rich example of the of  data are the Demographic and  which cover s such as   andbased  (see spotlight  Over the few decades data from  of these s  by sex have been used as inputs for  banning domestic violence  educa  and more  Vietnam a survey  Reducing poverty Mapping pockets ofpoverty in Croatia aled better targeting ofantipoverty fundsCROATIA on genderbased violence revealed that more than    half of women have experienced   oremotional abuse that nearly half of these had cal injuries as a result and that seven in   notseek any  These data  a  discussionab the topic informed the National Strategy on  and  counseling healthlegal and shelter services for women subject to violence at Saving  and  between geospatial data and    gos  resources Incompleteand outofdate property and taxpayer  are animportant reason that taxes remain uncollected inmany low and  countries In Tanzaniathe  introduced a Geographic Information System for tax reporting and  The system identified buildings via satellite imagery,collected and digitized data on their characteristics,and provided a comprehensive, upto-date  of properties Using this new method, the cityvernment of  identified  than with earlier he welfare systems  example, in Argentina the government identified ineligible beneficiaries acrossvarious social programs using the countrys systemof unique taxpayer ID numbers The exercise generated estimated savings of   over eightyears More generally, investments in better datasystems have been shown to pay for themselves progress and   Publicintent data can also help  resources by  progress on  indicators and deliverablesover longer periods of  Sach  is for creating and tracking national and internationaldevelopment  The Sustainable Goals (SDGs), for example, rely heavily on publicintent data  the data needed to measure  of the were collected  every  years, trackingprogress would become challenging-country comparable composite often created by think , research institutions,and international organizations-allow countries to their performance over time and peers and to decide on priorities These data can to respond with reforms in areas poverty

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      detiled s   d    mps reveled        with   boundaries    from                 dediced      hospitals  schools   developed  Because           per capita   situ    may  receive fg  with     with f   subdivis   funds  the   This thans     analysis h the       pty  A   rich example  the     the    which    as        Over the  decades  from   these s  by    used as puts    domestic lce    and    a survey   pty ping ckets  in  aled   anti fundsen based vio revealed   than  half of  have experienced cal  or  that  half of these had physical  as a  and that seven in   not any  These   a  ab the   the Naal    and    and  services  women  to violence at   and     and   help   resources Incompleteand outof  and   are animportant reas that  remain  inmany low and middle   In the   a Geographic Inmati System for  reporting and  The    via  imagery and   on their characteristicsand provided a comprehensive up to date  of   this  method the  of Arusha   nearly    than with earlier  year  the  was  the    their revenue collectionby   on  administrative  have  beenused to   and save  in    example in  the government identified ineligible  various social programs using the  of unique  ID numbers The  ated  savings of   over  More   in better systems have been shown to pay for themselves  and determining   data  also help prioritize resources by   on   and over   of time Sach  is for  and  national and development  The Sustainable Development  for example rely heavily on public data  the data needed to   of the were collected only every  years tracking would  - comparable   created by think , research ,and international -allow  tobenchmark their performance over time and  and to decide on  These data can  to respond with  in where they are   , which measure  at the  andindividual levels, track  indicators in countriesk ofpo  The map andMap  Reducing poverty   ofand poverty in Croatia  better targeting of fundsthe Demographic and as a  for public   Public  data and development Three pathways for adding value 1/2)57(77/349)BOOX PMPublic intent data and development Three pathways for adding value (1/2)57(77/349)


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      BOOX 提供所有使用者網頁版 SEND 2 BOOX 雲端服務免費 10GB 雲端空間,可以將閱讀器上的手寫筆記同步到電腦上,也可以在電腦上將正在看的網頁立即同步。 


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      一體成型設計,結合無電池技術,搭配 BOOX 電子閱讀器,就像使用真正的紙、筆一樣直接和輕鬆。筆尖比較柔軟,厚度為 1.6 mm,具有 4096 級壓感,提供接近紙的書寫體驗。內置橡皮擦,可快速清除筆劃,幫助您更高效地工作。可替換的筆尖筆芯,筆頭磨損也不用換新筆,寫感順滑細膩。

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      BOOX31cm產品規格Mkea6.8cm22.8cm手寫第三方APP應用| 耳機插孔擴音喇叭麥克風記憶體擴充OTGType-C(最大支援 512G)BOOX文石 (Onyx) 團隊,成立於 2008 年,是一家專注為使用者提供優秀數位內容閱讀體驗的科技公司,旗下 BOOX 品牌閱讀器為全球用戶所喜愛,成立近 11 年,文石致力為全球喜愛閱讀的用戶提供接近紙質閱讀體驗的產品、方案與服務。BOOX 電子閱讀器憑藉優秀的顯示效果、強大的 PDF 功能、不斷更新的軟體、開放的操作系統、經典的工藝設計,一直被全球使用者追捧喜愛。文石非常注重創新技術的引進與應用,是中國最早使用 Android 系統的閱讀器企業,也是中國最早獲得 Adobe 授權的企業,更是全球最早發佈高畫質 13.3英寸柔性螢幕閱讀器的企業。同時文石也是全球唯一堅持採用電磁手寫設備的閱讀器企業

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    主機尺寸:310 x 228 x 6.8 mm 主機重量:約 560 g 顯示器:13.3 吋 HD E ink Carta 1250 純平電子墨水螢幕 解析度:2200 x 1650(207 ppi ) 前光:雙 32 級冷暖雙色溫 觸控:電磁+電容 雙觸控 處理器:八核心 記憶體:6 GB LPDDR4X RAM+128 GB UFS2.1 ROM 作業系統:Android 11 無線傳輸:Wi-Fi(2.4 5GHz +5GHz)、藍牙 5.0 連接埠:Type-C(支援 OTG) 電池:6300mAh可充電鋰聚合物電池 可支援檔案格式:pdf(最大支持2G),djvu, cbr, cbz ,azw3, doc, docx, epub, fb2, html, mobi, rtf, txt ,chm,zip 可支援圖片格式:bmp, png, jpg, jpeg ,bmp, tif 可支援音訊格式:WAV, MP3 內容物:閱讀器 x 1,觸控筆x 1,保固書 x1,說明書 x1,傳輸線 x1 產地:中國 保固:主機非人為損壞一年,配件享新品瑕疵 7 日內可更換新品 貼心提醒:此商品為電子儀器,使用前請詳閱說明書。內含鋰電池,請正確回收或處理廢棄產品。
    主機非人為損壞一年,配件享新品瑕疵 7 日內可更換新品
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    • 如果您所購買商品是下列特殊商品,請留意下述退貨注意事項:
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