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  • <內容簡介> 鑑於印度大學目前使用的華語教材相當老舊,且與印度的國情與文化有極大差距,故印度臺灣華語教育中心決議為印度學習者編寫一套國別化華語教材。 本書以幽默有趣的故事、文化對比的角度介紹臺灣和印度的文化特色。主要學習對象為在印度大學學習華語第二年、華語程度A2 - B1的印度學生,以文化比較與語言學習為主軸,設計在地化的教材。每一課分為七部分:課程目標及課文屬性、課文對話、短文、生詞、語法、跨文化延伸和語言任務。 希望此書在印度華語教材和臺印文化交流上扮演領頭羊角色,期盼拋磚引玉,能專門為在印度學習華語的學習者編寫更多元、更適性的華語教材。 Given that the Mandarin textbooks currently used by Indian universities are pretty outdated, bearing a large gap with the Indian culture and condition of the nation, TEC has been proactive in advancing pedagogies and teaching materials. Incredible Mandarin is targeted at students learning Mandarin Chinese for the second year at Indian universities or those with Chinese skills between CEFR A2 and B1 levels. This book is designed with localized content aiming at cultural comparison and language learning for communication. The ten lessons are threaded by an interesting story, introducing cultural highlights of Taiwan and India through cross-culture comparison. Each lesson is divided into seven parts: Lesson Objectives and Topics, Dialogues, Readings, Vocabulary, Grammar, Cross-Cultural Extension, and Language Tasks. With this book, we have finally started the trial and set foot on the expedition of language education materials for Indian learners. For an even better cross-cultural communication between India and Taiwan, we sincerely hope this textbook would lead more scholars to join us in developing and providing more diverse and adaptive teaching materials for learners in India. ★目錄: 目次 Contents 序一 Preface 1 序二 Preface 2 各課重點 Scope and Sequence 詞類表 Parts of Speech in Chinese 主要人物介紹 Introduction to the Main Characters Lesson 1 印度我們來了 India, Here We Come! Lesson 2 接風 Holding a Welcome Reception Lesson 3 自由行 Self-Organized Tours Lesson 4 熱鬧的排燈節 Lively Diwali Lesson 5 去喝喜酒 Going to a Wedding Reception Lesson 6 古蹟的故事 Stories of Ancient Monuments Lesson 7 逛逛市集 Going to the Market Lesson 8 養生的方法 Ways of Keeping Healthy Lesson 9 伴手禮 Souvenirs Lesson 10 歡送會 Farewell Dinner 附錄一  生詞索引 中—英 Vocabulary Index (Chinese-English) 附錄二  生詞索引 英—中 Vocabulary Index (English-Chinese) 附錄三  簡體字課文 Text in Simplified Characters 附錄四  跨文化延伸中文版 Cross-Cultural Extension in Chinese <作者簡介> 主編◎陳淑芬 Shu-Fen Chen Professor Department of Chinese Literature, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan 編寫教師 張箴 Felicia Zhen Zhang Assistant Professor Master Program of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan 劉殿敏Diane Dien-Min Liu Senior Chinese teacher at Mandarin Training Center of National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan 陳慶華 Ching-Hua Chen Lecturer International Bachelor Degree Program, Chinese Language Center, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan ★內文試閱: 第一課 印度,我們來了! Lesson 1 India, Here We Come! 課程目標: Topic: 出訪前準備 1. 能說明出訪前準備。 2. 能了解並比較臺灣與印度的送禮習俗。 3. 能了解臺灣和印度兩國女性就業的情況。 Lesson Objectives: Topic: Pre-departure Preparation 1. Students can explain what to prepare before departure. 2. Students can understand and compare the customs of gift giving in both Taiwan and India. 3. Students can understand employment situations for females in both Taiwan and India. 在臺灣公司辦公室,周經理與王祕書討論,該買什麼見面禮。 In the Taiwan company’s office, Manager Zhou and Secretary Wang are discussing what they should buy as gifts for when they first meet people. 對話Dialogue 周經理:去印度,我們應該帶什麼禮物? 王祕書:因為宗教的關係,我們不能送皮類和酒類的東西。 周經理:那應該送什麼? 王祕書:我們多帶幾罐臺灣烏龍茶好了! 周經理:好。現在新德里是春天嗎? 王祕書:是的,不冷不熱,帶一件薄外套就好了。 周經理:電壓是跟臺灣一樣是110 伏特嗎?插頭是什麼形狀的? 王祕書:電壓是220 伏特,插頭是三孔圓形的。 周經理:從臺北到新德里要坐多久的飛機? 王祕書:臺灣離印度有一點遠,不過,大概七個小時能到。 周經理:最重要的是別忘了帶合約。王祕書:沒問題。文件我都整理好了。 周經理:辛苦了。有人來接我們嗎? 王祕書:放心,有人會來接我們的。 課文漢語拼音Text in Hanyu Pinyi Zhōu jīnglǐ : Qù Yìndù, wǒmen yīnggāi dài shénme lǐwù? Wáng mìshū : Yīnwèi zōngjiào de guanxi, wǒmen bù néng sòng pílèi hàn jiǔlèi de dōngxi. Zhōu jīnglǐ : Nà yīnggāi sòng shénme? Wáng mìshū : Wǒmen duō dài jǐ guàn Táiwān wūlóngchá hǎole! Zhōu jīnglǐ : Hǎo. Xiànzài Xīn Délǐ shì chūntiān ma? Wáng mìshū : Shì de, bùlěng búrè, dài yí jiàn bó wàitào jiù hǎole. Zhōu jīnglǐ : Diànyā shì gēn Táiwān yíyàng shì yìbǎi yīshí fútè ma? Chātóu shì shénme xíngzhuàng de? Wáng mìshū : Diànyā shì liǎngbǎi èrshí fútè, chātóu shì sān kǒng yuánxíng de. Zhōu jīnglǐ : Cóng Táiběi dào Xīn Délǐ yào zuò duōjiǔ de fēijī? Wáng mìshū : Táiwān lí Yìndù yǒu yìdiǎn yuan, búguò, dàgài qī ge xiǎoshí néng dào. Zhōu jīnglǐ : Zuì zhòngyào de shì bié wàngle dài héyuē. Wáng mìshū : Méi wèntí. Wénjiàn wǒ dōu zhěnglǐ hǎole. Zhōu jīnglǐ : Xīnkǔ le. Yǒu rén lái jiē wǒmen ma? Wáng mìshū : Fàngxīn, yǒu rén huì lái jiē wǒmen de.課文英譯Text in English Dialogue Manager Zhou : What should we take when we go to India? Secretary Wang : For religious reasons, we cannot give leather and alcoholic goods as presents. Manager Zhou : What should we give them as presents then? Secretary Wang : I think it would be best if we take a few cans of Taiwanese Oolong tea. Manager Zhou : Good. Is it Spring in New Dehli now? Secretary Wang : Yes, it’s neither cold nor hot, taking a light jacket with you will be just fine. Manager Zhou : Is the voltage 110 volts like in Taiwan? What shape is the plug? Secretary Wang : The voltage is 220 volts. The plug has a round head with three holes. Manager Zhou : How long does it take by plane from Taipei to New Dehli? Secretary Wang : Taipei is a bit far from India. But it would probably take about seven hours to arrive. Manager Zhou : The most important thing is not to forget to take the contract with you. Secretary Wang : No problems. I have already organized all the documentation. Manager Zhou : Thanks for all the hard work. Will someone meet us there? Secretary Wang : Don’t worry, someone will come and pick us up.生詞一Vocabulary 1 編號生詞漢語拼音詞性英文翻譯 1. 經理jīnglǐ N manager 2. 祕書mìshū N secretary 3. 宗教zōngjiào N religion 4. 關係guānxì N reason, condition 5. 皮類pílèi N leather type 6. 酒類jiǔlèi N liquor type 7. 罐guàn M measure word for a can 8. 薄báo Vs thin 9. 電壓diànyā N voltage 10. 伏特fútè M volt 11. 插頭chātóu N plug 12. 形狀xíngzhuàng N shape 13. 孔kǒng N hole 14. 圓形yuánxíng N round shape 15. 合約héyuē N contract 16. 文件wénjiàn N document 17. 整理zhěnglǐ V to put in order, to arrange 專有名詞Proper Nouns 編號生詞漢語拼音英文翻譯 1. 新德里Xīn Délǐ New Delhi編號生詞漢語拼音英文翻譯 1. 辛苦了Xīnkǔ le. You have been working so hard.
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