作者: | |
譯者: | Gina Wang |
ISBN: | 9786263000988 |
出版社: | |
出版日期: | 2022/02/11 |
- <內容簡介>
本書以強化學習者閱讀能力、增進英語聽力及口語技巧為目標,依各中西節慶分成16 課,每課分成四大部分:
I. Reading(閱讀):
II. Reading Comprehension Questions(閱讀測驗):
III. Conversation(對話):
IV. Listening Practice(聽力練習):
+ 附文章與對話翻譯,也有聽力腳本方便讀者對照學習。
+ 附文章朗讀及聽力測驗內容MP3,訓練聽力技巧與發音。
Unit 1 New Year’s Day 新年
Unit 2 Chinese New Years 中國新年
Unit 3 Lantern Festival 元宵節
Unit 4 Valentine’s Day 西洋情人節
Unit 5 St. Patrick’s Day 聖派屈克節
Unit 6 Easter Day 復活節
Unit 7 Tomb Sweeping Day 清明節
Unit 8 Mother’s Day 母親節
Unit 9 Dragon Boat Festival 端午節
Unit 10 Independence Day 美國獨立紀念日
Unit 11 Father’s Day 父親節
Unit 12 Ghost Festival 中元節
Unit 13 Moon Festival 中秋節
Unit 14 Halloween 萬聖節
Unit 15 Thanksgiving 感恩節
Unit 16 Christmas 聖誕節
Listening Practice 錄音稿及譯文
Answer Key 解答
謝佩芩博士於美國拉希瑞亞大學(La sierra University)取得教育博士學位(英語教學專業),自2009年起任教於敏惠醫護管理專科學校通識教育中心助理教授,研究領域專注在英語教學中的電腦輔助語言學習及專業英語教學,著有《English for Beauty Care Professionals: Refreshing Your Body and Mind》和《English up! Success With English》。
Dr. Pei-Chin Hsieh received her Ed.D in curriculum and instruction (TESOL Specialization) from La sierra University, United States. She is an assistant professor of center for general education at Min-Hwei Junior College of Health Care Management where she has been a faculty member since 2009. Her research interests focus on the area of CALL and ESP instruction. Her publications include English for Beauty Care Professionals and English up! Success with English.
Owain Mckimm
畢業於劍橋大學(University of Cambridge),在2009年時來到臺灣,期間從事英語教學工作,學生涵括不同年齡及程度。他同時也是自由作家,作品散見於旅遊及文化雜誌、英語教學雜誌、書籍,以及網站雜誌。
Owain Mckimm is a University of Cambridge graduate who has been working in Taiwan since 2009. He has taught English to learners of all ages and levels, and is also a freelance writer. He has written for numerous publications in Taiwan, including travel and culture magazines, English teaching magazines, books, and webzines.
譯者:Gina Wang
中央大學英美語文學系碩士。喜愛音樂劇、電影和美國影集,其中又以風趣搞笑的喜劇系列尤甚。曾擔任《放映週報》【電影英文】專欄編輯、TED演講影片翻譯志工、台視奧斯卡和葛萊美獎字幕翻譯團隊,同時也是電影/DVD中文字幕譯者。曾任職出版社英文編輯,編有《英語力:英語聽說能力訓練1-3》叢書、《專業醫護英文》和《Business/Tourism Essentials》等書。
審訂:Judy Majewski