
HEPA替換濾芯+活性碳組【KC-JD50T-W KC-JH50T-W KC-JH51T-W KC-D50 KC-E50 KI-JS50 KI-HS50空氣清淨機】

  • HEPA濾網為高效靜電過濾材質。可過濾99.9% PM2.5懸浮微粒
  • 有效去除異味和有效隔絕過敏原
  • 建議﹕台灣氣候濕熱且空污日益嚴重,HEPA濾網每6-12個月更換一組
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  • SGS試報告報告編號:淨博企業社US/2020/5027超微量工業安全實驗室Ultra Trace Industrial Safety Hygiene日期:2020年06月0日頁數: 1 of 2台北市內湖區以下試之樣品係由申請廠商所提供及確認:樣品名稱:申請廠商:樣品型號:送樣日期:試日期:PUREBURG FILTERS淨博HAP-801-042020年05月13日2020年05月13日~2020年06月01日方法:測試結果:專業可靠優質自家送測台灣 SGSPM25 過濾效能 %公司名稱跟單位均公開透明非網路截圖報告實驗組:將受測產品架設於25m06m125m之密閉測試空間中注入固定濃度之並均勻混合後以監測器連續監測開機1小時後之空氣中小於25um之微粒濃度變化。對照組:與實驗組相同之執行方式惟獨不開啟受測產品。比較實驗組與對照組以了解受測產品對空氣中粉塵之清淨能力。測試結果測試項目單位去除率對照組實驗組懸浮微粒PM2.510101/99.9%備註: 1. 測試報告僅就委託者之委託事項提供測試結果不對產品合法性做判斷。2. 本報告不得分離分離使用無效。3. 本次委託測試項目由SGS環境實驗室-台北執行(PX/2020/5008)。Signed for and on behalf ofSGS Taiwan Ltd.   Shin-Jyh ChenManager-END-EBURG** 備註:測試只針對個別型號。物料為物理性過濾測試結果數據在其他型號上大致相同This document is issued by the Company subject to  General  of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at and, for electronic format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at http://www.sgs.com.tw/Terms-and-Conditions Attention is drawn to the limitation of,  and jurisdiction issues defined . Any holder of this document is advised that information contained   the Companys findings at the  ofits intervention only and within the limits of Clients instructions, if any. The Companys sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction fromexercising  their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Anyunauthorized alteration,  or falsification of the content or  of this document is  and offenders may be  to the  extent of the . Unless otherwise
  • ReporREPORT NOHomeburg Limite超微量工業安全實驗室Ultra Trace Industrial Saety HygieneUS20206035 A-01Date 202007/08GPage 1 of 3Neihu Dist  City 11490 TaiwanThe following samples) was/were submitted and identified by/on behalf of applicant asSample Name Applicant:Style/ No:Date of Received:Date of Testing:Test Requested :Test Method:Test Results:PUREBURG FILTERS FOR KC-JD70THomeburg LimitedKC-JD70T2020/06/182020/06/18 to 2020/07/08Formaldehyde専業・可靠・優質自行送測台灣SGS1小時内去除99%甲醛公司名稱跟單位均公開透明非網路截圖Control - The test procedure was as same as experiment without putting the sampleExperiment test- Prepared the sample and put it into the  chamber Injected theFormaldehyde standard gas into the chamber and turning on the sample Sampling the gasand determining the Formaldehyde content at specific elapsed time pointControl test:Test Formaldehyde/LOD: Experiment test:Elapsed )Concentration(ppmv)100110.0210.0Natural Attenuation Rate-%0.00%Signed for and on behalf ofSGS Taiwan Ltd.Elapsed TimeTest Item(hour)Concentration(ppmv)10.0Elimination RateFormaldehyde12N.D.99.0%99.0%/LOD: 0.100ppmvBURGSGS   SGSShin-Jyh ChenManagerTAIWAN** 備註:測試只針對個別型號。濾材物料為物理性過濾測試結果數據在其他型號上大致相同This document is issued by the Company subject to its General  of Service printed overleaf available on request or accessible at and for t dsubject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at is drawn to the   and  issues  therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon  the Companys findings at the time ofits  only and within the limits of  instructions if any. The Companys sole responsibility is to its  and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction fromexercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full without prior written approval of the Company. Anyunauthorized  forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the  extent of the law. Unless otherwisestated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested.SGS Taiwan Ltd. No.38  Chyuan 7th Rd.,  Taipei Industrial Park, Wu  District, New Taipei City, 24890, Taiwan  (886-2)2299-3939f(886-2) 2298-1338台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司www.tw.sgs.comMember of the SGS Group
  • 亞馬遜熱銷   副廠濾網來自世界各地的家庭共同選擇很合我的機型。換上後感覺到空氣質量的差異。Nicole 比以前好太多了 Works well air feels freshURE Reviewed in the United States on January 10 2020Verified PurchaseFits my HOMEDCS HEPA 15 I can tell a difference in the air quality after changing out a new filter Much betterPURE P BURG跟貴森森的原廠一樣好  ets Clean airReviewed in the United States on January , 2020Verified PurchaseAppears to be just as good as the more expensive name brand filtersHEPA跟前置活性碳質量都很好,很合我的機型。價格便宜且跟原廠一樣好。會再回購喔Erica XX Quality filter(s) packed wellReviewed in the United States on January 31, 2020Verified PurchaseThis filter (main, white) along with the charcoal filters it comes with to use with it are quality items. They fit my airpurifier well and seem to be just as good as the pricier versions.  buy this filter set again.
  • 如何判斷是否需要更換濾網?因每個家庭所屬環境不同(例如家中有寵物/附近有工廠/抽菸環境建議每2~3個月,打開濾網 肉眼判斷髒污是否已到卡塵的狀態~如果沒有定期更換濾網,都可能會在生2次汙染以及損害機台本身喔~肉眼如何判斷濾網是否需更換?建議更換請立即更換A乾淨濾網灰黑色嚴重卡塵
  • AFTER REPLACEMENTCommon PetPollutantsDanderPM2.5 SmokeHigh EfficiencyHEPA FiltersBeforeReplacementPURE BURG
本產品組合包含﹕ 高效HEPA濾網組 X 1 蜂巢活性碳濾網 X 1 (本組合不包含藍色水活力濾網) 更換方式﹕ 一次需更換白色HEPA + 黑色前置蜂巢狀活性碳濾心 適用SHARP 夏普 台灣機型﹕ KC-JD50T KC-JD50T-W KC-JH50T KC-JH50T-W KC-JH50T-B 日本機型﹕ KC-D50 KC-E50 KC-F50 KC-G50 KC-D40 KC-G40 KC-E40 KC-F40 KI-JS50 KI-HS50 濾網型號﹕ 高效HEPA集塵濾網﹕FZ-D40HFE / FZ-D50HF (兩款通用) 活性碳脫臭過濾網﹕FZ-D40DFE / FZ-D50DF (兩款通用) 產品效能﹕ 這為副廠產品,質量媲美原廠。性價比極高。 HEPA濾網為高效材質。 可過濾99.9% PM2.5微米(μm)的懸浮微粒 活性碳濾網為加厚型。除臭效果極佳。 有效去除甲醛及異味和有效隔絕過敏原 貼心設計組合﹕ 包裝一組為1片HEPA長效濾網+配搭蜂巢狀活性碳濾心。 蜂巢狀活性碳為加強除臭效果用。 這組合足夠使用最少1年以上。 建議﹕ HEPA濾網每12個月更換一片 活性碳濾網每6-12個月更換一片
機器圖為展示用。出貨不包含機器 本產品中有關之說明所附記之商標,系分屬於各該公司所有
  • PChome24h購物的消費者,都可以依照消費者保護法的規定,享有商品貨到次日起七天猶豫期的權益。(請留意猶豫期非試用期!!)您所退回的商品必須回復原狀(復原至商品到貨時的原始狀態並且保持完整包裝,包括商品本體、配件、贈品、保證書、原廠包裝及所有附隨文件或資料的完整性)。商品一經拆封/啟用保固,將使商品價值減損,您理解本公司將依法收取回復原狀必要之費用(若無法復原,費用將以商品價值損失計算),請先確認商品正確、外觀可接受再行使用,以免影響您的權利,祝您購物順心。
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