
APPLE IPad Pro A1980 11吋 平板專用 防藍光鏡面鋼化玻璃膜 靜電吸附

  • ◆保護面板/修補刮痕
  • ◆9H硬度
  • ◆防刮,抗爆,抗指紋
  • P幣


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  • 超商取貨(低溫)
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  • 靜電式 防藍光鏡面鋼化玻璃膜 靜電吸附 9H硬度 防爆 抗刮
    ( APPLE IPad Pro A1980 11吋 平板專用)
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    機身保護貼防藍光鏡面鋼化貼 賣場。
  • SGS藍光本公司抗藍光鋼化玻璃螢幕貼經SGS檢測平均阻隔率達 55.5%檢測報告在本賣場最下方
  • 2018 iPad Pro 11 A1980 鋼化貼抗藍光  防水疏油
  • 透過率%防藍光100 1000使用後1000 1000 1000使用前GS624537VJ10090706050403020100通AB没有防藍光380~AB防藍光  300  320 330 340 350   380 390 400 410 420  440 450    490     540 550     波長 nm型號:化玻璃膜(本品2層防刮花 9H)【結構表面處理【特性】玻璃* 有點水成珠電鍍處理,透光穿透度達96-98%以上,防指油電鍍處理400C 度高溫剛化處理磨光處理高清玻璃0.12MMOCA 矽膠50±2um 剝離膜* 靜電式超強吸附無須像PET膜那麼難貼合,只需放正位置本產品可自動吸附貼合。* 表面 8-9H硬化處理,可受鋼刀鐵球硬物質東西刮以及碰撞。* 玻璃經過剛化處理,破例時絕對不會傷害到人體,可放心使用本產品
  • 超強硬度防刮抗爆鋼化保護膜|普通保護膜
  • 抗指紋 疏水疏油處理極致保護
  • 安裝方式安裝前請用酒精布將表面乾淨再用無塵布差擦拭,用黏塵貼貼黏殘留灰塵,要使螢幕表面乾燥無灰塵。撥下黏貼的保護層小心把玻璃膜與螢幕對齊,將貼膜貼在清潔後的螢幕上只需要輕輕從中間往四周按壓保護膜,保護膜即會完整附著將螢幕表層清潔乾淨撥下黏貼的保護層小心把玻璃膜與螢幕對齊輕輕從中間往四周按壓保護膜,完成
  • 材料及工程實驗室-高雄試驗報告試驗設備名稱廠牌UV-V-NIR SpecrometerSHIMADZU實驗室環境條件環境溫度:23±2相對濕度:(50±5)%RH試驗方法:報告編號:KV-15-07418X頁數: 2 OF 5報告日期:104年08月17日型號Solidspec-3700參照 ASTM E903-12 Standard Test Method or Solar Absorptance Reflectance andTransmittance  Merials Using Integrating Spheres試驗條件:檢測器單位: Integral Sphere掃描速度: Fast量測間距: 5nm波長範圍: 300nm~500nm量測模式: Transmittance試驗結果:試驗項目平均阻隔率(%)(300nm~500nm)2試驗結果555瑞本報告若有提供規範值該規範值僅供參考合格之判定以委託單位實際要求為準報告簽署人Th document is issued by  Company subject  its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf available on request or accessible at and for electronic format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at   is  tothe  of , indemnication and  issues defined therein Any holder of this document is advised that  contained hereon reflects the Companys findings at the of its intervention only and within the limits of  instructions, if any The Companys sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate  to a  exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction documents This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company Any alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the resultsshown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested.TWB6601287SGS Taiwan Ltd.台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司, Kai  Road, Nanzih Export Processing Zone, Kaohsiung, Taiwan /高雄市楠梓加工出口區開發路61號t (886-7) 301-2121f(886-7) 301-1165 of  daisy-tw_huang
  • SGS材料及工程實驗室高雄試驗報告KV-15-07418X頁數: 3 OF 5報告日期:104年08月17日試驗結果:波長nm穿透率(%波長(nm)穿透率(%)300607740514928305799241027537310960741547.10031510.98342067.105320.08042579.45832512.30743086.07833012.63643589.17733512.44344090.65734012.30844590.81734512.09445090.76235011.77145591.14935511.41146091.06536011.07546591.37136510.86047091.24937010.43847591.48437510.34148091.61438010.31348591.55738510.10849091.56539010.03349591.70239510.11450091.66740010.7603本報告若有提供規範值該規範值僅供參考合格之判定以委託單位實際要求為準12  報告簽署人This documen is issued by the Company subject  its General Conditions o Service printed  available on request or accessible at and for electronic format documents subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at   is drawn tothe  of  indemnication and jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon  the Companys findings at the of its intervention only and within the  of  , if any. The Companys sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate  to a transaction from  their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorizedalteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is  and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the shown in this  report refer only to the sample(s) tested.TWB6601288SGS  Ltd.台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司, - Road,  Export Processing Zone, , Taiwan 61t (886-7) 301-2121f(886-7) 301-1165www.sgs.tw of SGS daisy-tw_huang
  • 材料及工程實驗室高雄試驗報告試驗圖譜:1000004000020000報告編號:KV1507418X頁數: 4 OF 5報告日期:104年08月17日000030005000.4本報告若有提供規範值該規範值僅供參考合格之判定以委託單位實際要求為準歌旗報告簽署人Th documn is issued by  Company subject  its General  o Service printed overieat available on request or accessible at http://wwww.sgs.com/en/Terms-and-Conditions.aspxand for electronic format documents, subject  Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at  -e-.  is  tothe   , indemnification and  issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Companys findings at the of its intervention only and within the limits of  instructions, if any. The Companys sole responsibility is to its  and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction exercising  their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in , without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorizedalteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the shown in this test report refer only to the samples tested.TWB6601289SGS Taiwan Ltd.台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司, Kai Fa Road, Nanzih Export Processing Zone. Kaohsiung, Taiwan /高雄市加工出口區開發路61號t (886-7) 301-2121f(886-7) 301-1165www.sgs.tw of SGS daisy-tw_huang
商品名稱:防藍光鏡面鋼化玻璃膜 靜電吸附。 適用型號:APPLE IPad Pro A1980 11吋 專用。 產品規格:防藍光鏡面鋼化玻璃膜。 製造產地:Made in China (商品出貨不含平板及配件)
保固期限:7天 保固範圍:新品瑕疵(全新未使用) (若產品需更換時,必須是完整包裝及配件)
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