高階三合一 Type-C,Lightning,Micro-USB 迷你 OTG 轉接頭 -酷黑

  • 支持全新iPhone 15系列和市售98%手機平板裝備,即插即用
  • 迷你輕巧Type-C頭支持10Gbps理論傳輸,備份,無線設備擴充等
  • 支持Apple OTG輸出供電,可為藍牙耳機組隨時充電.支持檔案格式如附表
  • 登記送


  • 登記抽

    【新春24H不打烊】App限定 全站指定品下單登記抽桂格養氣人蔘禮盒

  • PChome 倉庫出貨,24小時到貨
  • 宅配到府(本島/低溫)
  • 宅配到府(本島/常溫)
  • 超商取貨(常溫)
  • 超商取貨(低溫)
  • i郵箱(常溫)
  • OTG ConverterType-C/Micro usb/light plug to USB3.0 socketON-THE-GO
  • The phone is attached to a USB stick The phone isattached to a USB stickThree-port arbitrary switching to get rid of the need to bring ultiple connectors文件 m     共享添加 Connect to yourType-C phoneConnect yourlighting phone实用工具Connect toMircos phoneON-THE-GO
  • Widely compatible with USB devicesSupport all kinds of storage devices,keyboard and mouse, handle, printer, etc.Type-Need to supportOTG functionlightinglighting5 and above)ON-THE-GOUSB 3.0 interfaceAndroid Mirco(Need to supportOTG function)()USB fan gamepad mouse cell phone keyboardmobilehard diskprinterhand-painU diskdata lineted board
  • Fast transfer without waitingType usb3.1 Gen2 maximum speed10Gbps large file transfer in seconds10GbpsType-C5GbpsLighting480MbpsNote: When realizing the 10Gbps rate function,the front-end device port needs to meet the conditions
  • USB3.0TriadOTG connectorAndroid MicroB Type-C Apple LigthningON-THE-GOON-THE-GOUSB deviceUSB3.0No delayExquisite andWidely compatibleEfficientNo CatontransmissioncompactEasy to carry
  • Compact and easy to carryLightweight and not occupied easy to get out of the bag,go out to convert without burdenON-THE-GO
  • High-quality materials Inside andoutside protectionExterior aluminum alloy protection shell, heat-resistant fast wearanti-fingerprint, inner layer onePhysical reinforcement design, stable and better protection of the circuitThe inner layer reinforces the PVCON-THE-GOExterior aluminum housing
  • Watch blockbuster movieswithout a mobile phoneDont worry about the phone memoryproblem, watch HD movies/series at any timeON-THE-GO
  • The tablet is connected tothe keyboard for easy office workSupport keyboard, mouse, gamepad, etc. fortyping and gaming on tablet PC, one step aheadRTNM
  • Laptop Expansion USBExpand the USB interface of the notebook computer,it is more convenient for office, entertainment and gamestabcaps lock2
  • Mobile phone chargingheadphone compartmentThe Apple OTG function outputs the maximumpower of , 350mA current to charge theBluetooth headset anytime, anywhereTHE-GO
  • Plug and Play Direct Read driver needed, just plug it inand use it, no delay or lag0022已选择1张照片:拷贝照片添加到共享相簿添加到相簿复制-THE-GO
  • Compatible withmultiple system file typesCompatible with Windows/Mac/ios/Android systemsupport all kinds of music photo video,office file and other formatsVideo:  .mpg.vob.wmv .rmvb.avi.mp4.mkv .flv.mpg Music:   Image: .jpg.gif.tif.png .bmpFile:  .docppt .xls .xlsx .pdf
  • Lightning OTG DescriptionFeaturesPhot andVideostransmissiontransfer speedRead word excelPPT PDF and otheroffice softwareMP3 audioMP4 videooff-cameraJPG, MP4 files shot by cameraDCIM folderHard disk support 92-124To read with the built-in photo, the followingconditions must be met: the photo is takenby a digital camera, in the DCIM folder andthe secondary directory, and the formatof the photo and video are JPG andMP4 respectivelyBoth photos and videos supportone-way import from memorycard to iPhone USB 20not supportnot supportThere must be a DCIM folder,and a secondary folderunder the DCIM foldernot supportThere must be a DCIM folder,and a secondary folder underthe DCIM foldernot supportSupport mousenot supportkeyboard supportSupport U diskcurrentnot supportU disk must be FAT32 orexFAT does not support NTFSThe single head model supports externaldevices within 200  The upgraded versioncan support external devices within500 mA when the power is turned on. 13/iPad os can be read in 2 ways.  The readingmethod refers to the method of 12.4, there is no difference. 2. Open thefolder of , and then see the photosand videos from the folder, you canopen or read without importing.Both photos and videos supporttwo-way import from memorycard to iPhone and iPadUSB 2.0You can read the contents of these files, butyou cannot modify them. If you need tomodify them, you can download other to complete them.Most of them can be read directly, butsome special audio cannot be read directly.Most of them can be read directly, but somespecial videos cannot be read directly.Most of them can be read directly, butsome special files cannot be read directly.You can viewit directly with FileSupport somelow current hard disksSupported Path: Settings  Accessibility   Assistive Touch  Mouse Keys)supportU disk must be FAT32 orexFAT does not support NTFSThe single head model supports external deviceswithin 200 mA. The upgraded version cansupport external devices within 500 mAwhen the power is turned on.
  • Bill desired by the Coolest one
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  • 如果您所購買商品是下列特殊商品,請留意下述退貨注意事項:
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