
【BOOX Page】7吋電子書閱讀器【無皮套】

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  • BOOX The all-new 7 eReader with ourmost advanced processor andcustomizable page-turn buttons全新的7電子閱讀器Page,配備最先進的處理器和特製的翻頁鍵。BOOX
  • 電子閱讀的超強之旅A Supercharged Journey of eReading全新的Page由高通先進的八核心處理器和3B RAM ROM提供的升級配置藉助開放的Android 系統當您閱讀電子書瀏覽網站或第三方應用時可提供令人難以置信的無縫體驗。Powered by a Qualcomm advanced octacore CPU and an upgraded configuration of 3GB RAM + 32GB ROM thebrandnew Page delivers an incredibly seamless experience when you are reading ebooks browsing websites ornavigating third-party apps thanks  the open Android 11 systemCHAPTER IThe Periodwas the best of times it was the worstof times it was the age of wisdom it was theage of foolishness it was the epoch of belief, itwas the epoch of incredulity, it was the sea-son of Light, it was the season of Darkness, itwas the spring of hope, it was the winter ofdespair, we had everything before us, we hadnothing before us, we were all going direct toHeaven, we were all going direct the otherway-in short, the period was so far like thepresent period, that some of its noisiest au-thorities insisted on its being received, forgood or for evil, in the superlative degree ofcomparison only.There were a king with a large jaw and aqueen with a plain face, on the throne of Eng-  the - to  GBRAMQualcomm AdvancedOcta-core CPU9:50 AM G32GB38%Storage19.6GB/32GB Available
  • 符合人體工程學和時尚的設計Ergonomic andSleek DesignThere were a kg with a large jaw and a queen with aplain face on the throne of England there were a king with alarge jaw and a queen with a fair face on the throne ofFrance In both countries it was clearer than crystal to thelords of the State preserves of loaves and fishes that things ingeneral were settled for ever.It was the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundredand seventyfive. Spiritual revelations were conceded to England at that favoured period, as at this. Mrs. Southcott had re-cently attained her five-and-twentieth blessed birthday, ofwhom a prophetic private in the Life Guards had heralded thesublime appearance by announcing that arrangements weremade for the swallowing up of London and Westminster. Eventhe Cock-lane ghost had been laid only a round dozen ofyears, after rapping out its messages, as the spirits of this very PMBook the First-Recalled to Life 15/1064BOOX翻頁鍵-in Page-Turn Buttons繼承自我們暢銷的頂級設計之一,為閱讀時的靈巧使用提供了出色的功能,甚至可以作為滾動按鍵進行客製,以使在各種應用程式中導航變得更加容易。Inherited from one of the top-rated designs of our bestsellers,the page-turn buttons provide outstanding functionality forambidextrous uses while reading, and are even customizable asscrolling buttons to make navigating so much easier invarious apps.
  • 難以置信的纖薄和輕巧Unelievbly Thin d Compact憑藉我們優化的結構即使升級了電池和磁吸式皮套的磁鐵 仍然是一款可以完美合您手掌的設備。無論您是上下班還是度假旅行新的磁吸式皮不僅增加了高級感覺還可以保護它免受刮擦和跌落。(磁吸式皮套為選購品)With our optimized internal contruction,  Page remains a vice that can perfectly fit your palm, even withthe upgrad battery and magnets for the magnetic cover Whether you are commuting to work or traveling onvacation, the new magnetic cover not only adds a premium feel, but also protects it from scratches and drops.s   de   the  b an   a   de
  • 最先進的-Ink電子墨水技術State-of-the-art E Ink Technology7電子紙顯示幕配備最新的EInk Carta 1200 觸摸模仿在紙上閱讀的體驗 300  的高每個單詞的顯示都比以往任何時候都更清晰讓您的眼睛更輕鬆減輕眼睛疲勞The 7 ePaper display is equipped with the latest E Ink Carta 1200 touchscreen to mimic the experience ofreading on paper With a high definition of 300 PPI, every word is shown with improved clarity and crispercontrast than ever before, making it easier on your eyes and reducing eyestrain300 PPIof breath, and holding the breath, and havingthe pulses quickened by expectationThe sound of a horse at a gallop camefast and furiously up the hill-ho! the guard sang out, as loud as hecould roar. Yo there! Stand! I shall fire!The pace was suddenly checked, and,with much splashing and floundering, amans voice called from the mist,  that theDover mailNever you mind what it is! the guardretorted. What are you?Is that the Dover mail?
  • 多合一的個人圖書館All-in-one Exclusive 足夠大的儲存空間可以攜帶幾乎任何常見格式的所有電子書和漫畫包括E、MBI、TXT、CBR 等等毋庸置疑它可以透過microSD卡或USB-C隨身碟進行擴充還可以集成第三方雲端硬碟如Google 和使無法直接讀取的檔案更加方便 internal storage is spacious enough to carry all your ebooks and comics in almost any popular format including, MOBI, TXT, CBR, and many more Needless to say, it is expandable via a microSD card or a USB-C flash drive, as wellas the integration of third-party cloud storage like Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive that couldnt make accessingyour files online more convenient.  PUBA  of TwoJane Les MisérablesPM The GREAGATSBYYou can only download documents from the following Cloud Storages, asuploading is currently not supported. To  your reading data, pleaselog in to your ONYX AccountEPUBPride andSherlock HolmesThe Great GatsbyDropboxGoogle Drive helvesBooksBaidu CloudOneDriveOLibraryStorageAppsmicroSD cardUSB-C flash driveThird-party cloud storage Folder/BooksLibraryStorageAppsBOOX
  • 捕捉並分享您的靈感Capture and ShareYour Inspirations的NeoReader可以醒目地顯示最能激發您靈感的句子或段落透過在社交媒體上註釋和與他人分享您的想法來表達自己也很簡單The built-in NeoReader allows to highlight thesentences or paragraphs that inspire you most It isalso simple to express yourself by annotating andshare your thoughts with others on social mediaThe pace was suddenly checkedand with much splashing andfloundering, a mans voice called fromthe mist, Is that the Dover mailfA Tale of Two CitiesepubCharles Dickens223-05-31   0in a state of agitation. The hearts of the passen-gers beat loud enough perhaps to be heard; butat any rate, the quiet pause was audibly expres-sive of people out of breath, and holding thebreath, and having the pulses quickened by ex-pectation.The sound of a horse at a gallop came fast andسد   A.The pace was suddenly checked, and, withuch splashing and floundering, a mans voicecalled from the mist, Is that the Dover mail?Never you mind what it is the guard ed. What are you?Is that the Dover mail?Why do you want to know?
  • Onyx Cloud  同步的書中註記Sync Your In-bookAnnotations您的醒目底色、劃底線和註記可以直接在任何受支持的電子書中進行註冊Onyx雲端硬碟後您可以使用10GB的免費儲存空間將所有讀取數據同步到其他 BOOX 設備,或在線Your highlights, underlines, and annotations can bemade directly in any supported ebooks After signingup to the Onyx Cloud, you can make use of the 10GBfree storage to sync all your reading data to otherBOOX devices, or check them online.
  • 重新構想閱讀體驗Reimagined Reading Experience隨心所欲地握持Carry  Way You LikeFeel at ease to switch tween different carrying wayseffortlessly with auto rotation隨時隨地閱讀Read Anytime AnywhereEnjoy your bedtime stories with adjustable soft frontlights without disturbing your partner聆聽有聲讀物Listen to Audiobooks InsteadConvert your ebooks to audiobooks using free TTS services and listen through the speaker or headphones無憂無線傳輸Hassle-free Wireless TransferTransfer ebooks between your mobile devices, with thehelp of our send2boox platforms and BOOX Assistant appThe Dover mail was in its usual genial position that theguard suspected the passengers, the passengers suspected oneanother and the guard, they all suspected everybody else, andthe coachman was sure of nothing but the horses as to whichcattle he could with a clear conscience have taken his oath onthe two Testaments that they were not fit for the journeyWo-ho said the coachman So, then One more pulland youre at the top and be damned to you, for I have hadtrouble enough to get you to it-Halloa the guard repliedWhat oclock do you make it, Joe?Ten minutes, good, past eleven.My blood ejaculated the vexed coachman, and notatop of Shooters yet! Tst! Yah! Get on with you! BOOX  The
  • 令人興奮的新功能即將推出Exciting New Features Ahead除了設備上預裝的所有功能外我們的定期系統更新包含新功能和優化將確保您的電子閱讀器始終處於最佳狀態。 addition to every feature that comes preloaded on the device, ourregular firmware updates packed with new features and optimizationswill ensure that your eReader is always performing at its best
  • Pick Your Best 7 eReaderBOOX 7電子閱讀器比較表BOOKPageLeaf2$7,780$6,5807電子紙顯示幕高通八核心處理器3GB記憶體+32GB儲存空間2,300mAh電池支援磁吸式皮套7電子紙顯示幕高通四核心處理器2GB記憶體+32GB儲存空間2,000mAh電池支援卡入式皮套
  • 支援microSD卡實體翻頁鍵內置喇叭支援自動旋轉的重力感測器Android 11支援micro-SD卡實體翻頁鍵內置喇叭/麥克風支援自動旋轉的重力感測器Android 11可調節雙色前燈156137  6.0mm(  5.4 x 0.24)Black Version: 185g (6.5oz)可調節雙色前燈156x137x6.0mm(6.1 x 5.4 x 0.24)195g (6.9oz)* Onyx文石授權艾凱科技股份有限公司於台灣地區正式代理* BOOX致力於為所有新使用者和現有用戶免費提供10GB Onyx存儲。無論您購買哪種型號您都可以為每個 Onyx 帳戶獲得免費的10GB 雲端儲存空間以在線儲存您的筆記並保證它們安全無虞。White Version: 170g (6oz)
  • PChome24h購物的消費者,都可以依照消費者保護法的規定,享有商品貨到次日起七天猶豫期的權益。(請留意猶豫期非試用期!!)您所退回的商品必須回復原狀(復原至商品到貨時的原始狀態並且保持完整包裝,包括商品本體、配件、贈品、保證書、原廠包裝及所有附隨文件或資料的完整性)。商品一經拆封/啟用保固,將使商品價值減損,您理解本公司將依法收取回復原狀必要之費用(若無法復原,費用將以商品價值損失計算),請先確認商品正確、外觀可接受再行使用,以免影響您的權利,祝您購物順心。
  • 如果您所購買商品是下列特殊商品,請留意下述退貨注意事項:
    1. 易於腐敗之商品、保存期限較短之商品、客製化商品、報紙、期刊、雜誌,依據消費者保護法之規定,於收受商品後將無法享有七天猶豫期之權益且不得辦理退貨。
    2. 影音商品、電腦軟體或個人衛生用品等一經拆封即無法回復原狀的商品,在您還不確定是否要辦理退貨以前,請勿拆封,一經拆封則依消費者保護法之規定,無法享有七天猶豫期之權益且不得辦理退貨。
    3. 非以有形媒介提供之數位內容或一經提供即為完成之線上服務,一經您事先同意後始提供者,依消費者保護法之規定,您將無法享有七天猶豫期之權益且不得辦理退貨。
    4. 組合商品於辦理退貨時,應將組合銷售商品一同退貨,若有遺失、毀損或缺件,PChome將可能要求您依照損毀程度負擔回復原狀必要之費用。
  • 若您需辦理退貨,請利用顧客中心「查訂單」或「退訂/退款查詢」的「退訂/退貨」功能填寫申請,我們將於接獲申請之次日起1個工作天內檢視您的退貨要求,檢視完畢後將以E-mail回覆通知您,並將委託本公司指定之宅配公司,在5個工作天內透過電話與您連絡前往取回退貨商品。請您保持電話暢通,並備妥原商品及所有包裝及附件,以便於交付予本公司指定之宅配公司取回(宅配公司僅負責收件,退貨商品仍由特約廠商進行驗收),宅配公司取件後會提供簽收單據給您,請注意留存。
  • 退回商品時,請以本公司或特約廠商寄送商品給您時所使用的外包裝(紙箱或包裝袋),原封包裝後交付給前來取件的宅配公司;如果本公司或特約廠商寄送商品給您時所使用的外包裝(紙箱或包裝袋)已經遺失,請您在商品原廠外盒之外,再以其他適當的包裝盒進行包裝,切勿任由宅配單直接粘貼在商品原廠外盒上或書寫文字。
  • 若因您要求退貨或換貨、或因本公司無法接受您全部或部分之訂單、或因契約解除或失其效力,而需為您辦理退款事宜時,您同意本公司得代您處理發票或折讓單等相關法令所要求之單據,以利本公司為您辦理退款。
  • 本公司收到您所提出的申請後,若經確認無誤,將依消費者保護法之相關規定,返還您已支付之對價(含信用卡交易),退款日當天會再發送E-mail通知函給您。