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  • 30SEMPER VIETNAMof supporing rms finally   NVA to retreat  safety of  DMZThe earlier frustratis   Marines experienced  aresult of the political restrictions prohibiting them  suing the marauding NVA  the DMZ finally  t  on  Thien That same day MACV  MAF to conduct ground s in the  halfof the DMZGeneral Walt ted no time in putting together a joUSMC/ARVN operation to exploit this ne freedom sentially his pl called for ground attacks into the DMZ bythe 3d Marine Division   ARVN Division along allel tracks as far north as the  Hai River At the sametime  Alpha BLT  would make a supporting phibious landing in the  portion of the DMZ low the mh of the river Once all involved reached the river they would  around attack to the on a broad front and  all the  found between the DMZ and Route 9 A  objective of the would be to remove any civilians found in the who would impede the SPOS Their removal would  ahuge freefire zone The SLF portion of the  design Beau Charger The ARVN called their sweepoperation Lam Son  Operation Hickory  the codename for the 3d Marine Divisions operationOperation HickoryThe Beau Charger portion of the combined operation began carly on 18 May  UH  with Company A   off the deck of the USS  and inland At  they  at  ,  awithin small  range of the north bank of the Ben the first   down,  machine-raked its  length,  one infantryman, w crew members and three infantrymen, and destroythe crafts radios Four  troop-  and tUH-1 hips were also hit, but the    intthe   minutes the   was  out1967131around LZ Goose Based on the pilots reports, subsequentlandings were diverted to LZ , about eight hundred me- to the southAbout this time, Company D successfully completedtheir amphibious landing, Ninety minutes later Company Bcame ashore Both of these companies, plus the rest ofCompany A, then double-timed toward LZ Goose, wherethe  still raged Even after the forces linked up, the wouldnt  Company A sent one of its platoonson a wide flanking maneuver around a tree line in an  to break the enemys defenses They were surprisedby an NVA ambush Only after a furious hand-to-hand fightwere the grunts able to  back to their perimeter The employment of gunships and air strikes eventuallyforced the NVA to retreat, leaving sixty-seven of their rades dead on the battlefieldOperation Hickory also began at  on 18 May asMarines   and 29, supported by tanks and ONTO vehicles each mounting six  re ,headed north from Con Thien At the same time, CH-46 Sea helicopters carried  northwest of Con Thien intoLZ actually within the DMZ These Marines would act only as a blocking force to prevent any NVA from  to the north, but also to prevent any enemy reinforce from heading southWithin three hours of  off, the lead elements of2/26 made contact with what  turned out to be two of well-dug-in NVA. The fight developed quicklyas  Marines pressed forward. Within minutes the airwas  with the pop-pop of , the  report ofmachine guns, the heavy booms of the tank cannons and coilless rifles, and the sharp explosions of mortar rounds. their deep, well-prepared bankers, the NVA poured a  of lead on the Marines. The battalion com- and his operations officer were wounded and ated. Soon, the attack ground to a  as the riflemen soughtLate that , 2/9 maneuvered forward on 2/
  • DQBX35-A900GY9KZ
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