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Apart from cement mortar, there is currently a lack of readily available materials on the market that can effectively and simply repair "ceiling and wall bulges (cracks and swelling)".
Even when hiring professional plastering teams, they still use cement mortar for repairs. Not only is this costly and has a limited warranty period, but finding skilled and conscientious craftsmen is becoming increasingly difficult. For those without home repair experience, attempting DIY repairs is even more challenging.
This product has been specifically developed to address the issue of self-repairing wall bulges. Unlike traditional cement mortar, it offers non-drip properties, earthquake-resistant elasticity, exceptional waterproofing, strong adhesion to smooth surfaces, rapid drying, and resistance to high concentrations of acidic and alkaline solvents. Currently, there are no similar materials available on the market.
1. Water-based formula, odorless, easy to apply and finish, devoid of lime content, gentle on hands.
2. Ready for use upon opening, no need for self-mixing, blending, or preparation. Unused material can be stored for up to a year.
3. Extremely high adhesive strength, inherent superior waterproofing capability, and resistance to strong acids and alkalis.
4. Retains flexibility after drying, able to withstand drastic temperature changes, UV exposure, and seismic forces.
5. Simple and easily obtainable tools for operation, suitable for ages 7 to 70.
Ensure that the wall surface you intend to treat is clean. Remove any loose cement chunks and wipe away dust with a damp cloth. Especially focus on thorough cleaning for dirt, dust, sand, oil stains, or mold. Next, take this product and apply it directly to the recessed area, then smooth it out.
1. Whenever possible, remove loose cement chunks, and exercise caution to ensure your safety, as well as that of others and surrounding furniture and equipment.
2. After removal, clean the area using a brush, air blower, or similar tools to clear away dust.
3. Use tools like trowels or scrapers to extract the material and apply it to the wall after dampening the area with water to enhance adhesion.
4. After firmly pressing the material, gently turn and pull the trowel or scraper sideways a few times to prevent material detachment.
5. Gradually expand the application area, making sure each application overlaps 1/4 to 1/3 of the previously applied area.
6. Gradually increase thickness as described in points 3 to 5.
7. Do not exceed a maximum thickness of 3cm. For deeper holes, multiple applications are necessary to avoid detachment.
8. In hard-to-reach corners and deep indentations, you can use your hand to apply and press the material.
9. Drying time depends on application thickness and environmental conditions (temperature and humidity).
10. For holes less than 3cm deep, you can proceed to the next step after 6 hours.
11. If not enough force is applied to compact the material or if the application is insufficient, minor cracks might appear on the surface after complete drying. These can be smoothed with the "Flexible Waterproof Putty".
12. Material that falls during the process should not be discarded; you can collect and mix it back into the container for further use.
13. The edges of filled holes might not align perfectly with the original wall surface. Use a damp cloth to smooth them out.
14. If slight unevenness remains after completion, you can use "Ultra Anti cracking Waterproof malleability Putty" to even it out.
15. Once dry, this product possesses a soft, elastic texture with seismic resistance, but it should not be considered a replacement for cement mortar.
【示範影片/Demo Video】
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