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In 2004, an cial lake on the Parichu stream (atributary of the Spiti in Tibet)caused  after a landslide,leading to heavy loss of life in theSutlej and Spiti valleys. In 2005,flash floods in the Sutlej Valley atKinnaur again turned the atten-The construction of the barrageal lake.tion towards the artificialat the Zada ge forms a muchlarger reserpossible and aial forTONIGHTfeedtmassive damage. Several large tributariesed the Sutlej with melted.glacial waters above the pointwhere the barrage is being built.Officials at the Ministry of External Affairs refused to on the existence of the barrageNot that India can do mabout it. India cannot even acChina of breaking a formal wsharing treaty because n between the two cThis is partly becausborder between the ononers. There2008: In放大2.5倍效果Hindustan Times recl quietly builds aConstr 16-2estern Tibetan gorge may impact Indias water situTsaparang (capital of the ancientGuge kingdom), show the barragedistinctly. Though the images sug-est work on the barrage has beenompleted, it could not be con-med. China has not sought pub-ty for it as it did for the ThreeesDam.tever be the stage of con-the idea of a barragewhichenters InLa in Himachalfor the counof evionmassive damage. Several rs. Thereutaries feed the Sutlej wglacial waters abovewhere the barrage is beOfficials at theternal Affairs refusbarrage raises concern that Chinamay finally be controlling and regulating flow of water into India.Such constructions could alsolead to disasters. In 2004, an cial lake on the Parichu stream (atributary of the Spiti in Tibet)caused floods after a landslide,leading to heavy loss of life in theSutlej and  valleys. In 2005, China of breakiflash floods in the Sutlej Valley atKinnaur again turned the atten-tion toward he artificial lake.The con of the barrageTONIGHTon the existence of tNot that Indiaabout it. 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