
【CATIS】食品防油紙22x22cm 每包500張 報紙印花(食物油炸油紙墊 三明治包裝紙 炸物墊紙 吸油紙)

  • 背面淋膜防油 500張
  • 適用廣泛可商用 可家用
  • 22x22滿足各種包裝需求
  • 登記送


  • 登記送


  • 登記送


  • 廠商出貨
  • 宅配到府(本島/低溫)
  • 宅配到府(本島/常溫)
  • 超商取貨(常溫)
  • 超商取貨(低溫)
  • i郵箱(常溫)
  • 名稱:印花防油墊紙22x22cm

















    22x22 食品防油紙 healthy live better romantic country

    puctusd i  but m  hricl procss   f ad carate   a    high  The  to  a is    d thousd laycake () west fos      beca   the r e  ad   urope erica a br and  10 isnd sugarto the Danish butter this is the delopnt  a rproduct us in an    nin Ambohydrve methe perspect proceing habits  bre  foor North  S   the to eat bread but the perspective of  process and habits for bread  carbohydrate  or ncentrated in ,  America East and havean c  in  in , Middan e perspec main 8erica, S Eolonialstapleod bread n pean come countof  od  原木漿材質選自大自然原木漿材質大豆油印刷,食品及安全無害 to eat bread, but, of  around thedevelopment process ande perspective of historical habits for bread daily food sourceed in Europe3

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