UVengers UV1 紫外線輕巧智能除菌棒 殺菌棒

  • 快速除菌-2顆60mW高功率
  • 智能防護-傾斜自動關閉光源
  • 輕便攜帶-138克比手機更輕巧
  • P幣


  • P幣


  • P幣


  • 廠商出貨
  • 宅配到府(本島/低溫)
  • 宅配到府(本島/常溫)
  • 超商取貨(常溫)
  • 超商取貨(低溫)
  • i郵箱(常溫)
  • WengersCOVID-19經長庚大學證實UV1能在3秒去除99.8% 新型冠狀病毒 搭載日本知名領導大廠旭化成高功率60mW UV-C LED UV-C LED 採用最佳殺菌265nm波長區段 搭載智能防護關閉裝置 搭載電量指示燈與低電量警示功能 100%台灣設計、台灣製造Wengers
  • 委託台灣長庚大學實驗測試檢驗後證實 UV1 能在3秒去除 99.8% 新型冠狀病毒推估照射1 秒就可去除 99% 新型冠狀病毒認證證書測試設備測試結果UV-C LED 對於新型冠狀病毒(SARS-CoV-2之去除率測試報告ATrack測試結果測試方法深紫外線可以有效殺死去除新型冠狀病毒。藉由溶斑實驗結果照片和柱狀圖統計結果顯示,經過UV1紫外線照射三秒即可達到99.8%的新型冠狀病毒去除率,根據實驗結果,推估照射一秒後可以達到99%的去除率。
  • 簡潔的外型設計展現除菌裝置乾淨俐落的形象電池電量指示燈可顯示目前電池電量電源鍵長後電源手持機身手部握持與操作設計石英玻璃防護 避免UV-CLED因外力而損壞搭載日本知名領導大廠旭化成UV-C LED兩顆高功率之UV-C LED防滾動設計產品下方切平以防止產品滾動
  • 家居生活 適用於家庭中日常生活與幼兒用品除菌,減少家人間接觸感染與病菌傳播的可能性。照護機構 適用於長照機構、養老院、育兒中心等照護機關,減少免疫力較低的族群感染疾病的風險。
  • 辦公場所 適用於個人辦公物品除菌,個人防疫增添助,降低病毒侵擾。場所適用於旅館、餐廳、休閒娛樂空間等公眾場所,減少因接觸公用物品而染疫的可能性。
  • Wengers隨時隨地貼身守護辦公室鍵盤滑鼠各式開關、平板電腦、桌上電話外食湯匙、叉子、筷子、碗盤、杯子、嬰幼兒物品奶瓶、奶嘴、玩具、娃娃車、餐具貼身物品智慧型手機、鑰匙、飾品配件、鞋類、內休閒娛樂麥克風、遙控器、行李箱、飯店房門卡、把手與按鍵
  • 產品規格型號UV LED 數量UV1重量2(旭化成KL265-50U-SM-WD)充電電源UV-C LED 波長265 nm電池類型UV-C LED 單顆最大光功率60mW電池容量138 g5V 2APanasonic 18650 Li-ion3300mAhLED 數量紅光LEDx1、藍光LEDx 2續航力飽電狀態下累計可使用90分鐘尺寸224x32x32.5 mm工作/儲存溫度10C-45C*產品規格若有更改,恕不另行通知
  • SGSTEST REPORTREPORT NOESN20A00449M0超微量工業安全實驗室Ultra Trace Indutrial Saety HygieneFr Quetion PleaseContact with SGSwwwsgstwDate 2020/11/241  2ATrack Technology Inc8F No 13 Ln 120 Sec 1 Neihu Rd Neihu Dist  City 11493  ROC.The following samples was/were submitted and identied by/on behalf of client asSample Name ApplicantItem NoUVengers UV WandATrack Technology Inc.UV1Date of ReceivedDate of TestingTest RequestedTest Method :2020/10/272020/10/27 2020/11/24Antimicrobial Effectiveness Testing.With reference  the clients specific method. Add  approimately 1  10 CFU/mL) bacteriasolution on coverslip. Place the the sample about 1 cm above the coverslip. The sample was turned onfor 3 seconds. Perform a serial dilution of the recovered liquid. 1 mL was added to each Petri dish andadd 15-20mL TSA to mix and incubate at 32.5  2.5 C for 5 days.Test Results:OrganismEscherichia coliNOTE:Counts of the controlat contact (CFU/mL)ContacttimeCounts of the sampleat contact timeAnti Micro Activity(%)(CFU/mL) x 103 seconds9.0  1099.91.The test report merely reflects the test results of the consigned matters of theclient and is not a certification of the legitimacy of the related products.2.The content of this report is invalid if it is not presented as the entire report.3.Organism NoEscherichia coliBCRC 11634 ATCC 8739 Anti Micro Activity R(%) 1% represents no significant effect of Bacteriostasis/Fungistasis.Signed for and on behalf oSGS Taiwan Ltd.   SGSShin-Jyh ChenManager-END-This document is issued by the Company subject to  General Conditions of Service   available on request or accessible at and for electronic  documents subject to  and Conditions for Electronic Documents at   is drawn to the  of indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Companys findings at the time ofits intervention only and within the  of Clients instructions if any. The Companys sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate  to a transaction fromexercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full without prior written approval of the Company. Anyunauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwisestated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) SGS Taiwan  No 38, Wu Chyuan 7th Rd, New Taipei Industrial Park, Wu  District, New Taipei City, 24890, Taiwan台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 () 2299-3939f(886-2) 2296-1338 comMember of the SGS Group
  • SReport No MW/2020/A000Page 1 o 56CEEMC TEST REPORTTet Report No MW/2020/A0001Applicant ATrack Technology IncAddres 8F No 13 Ln 120 Sec 1 Neihu Rd Neihu Di Taipei City 11493Manufacturer ATrack Technology IncAddress 8F No 13 Ln 120, Sec 1, Neihu Rd, Neihu Dist., Taipei City 11493,TaiwanEquipment Under Test (EUT)Name UV WandBrand Name UVengersModel No. UV1Added Model(s) N/AStandardsEN  55015 2019EN 61547 2009SGS 61000-4-3 2006+A12007+A22010 61000-4-52014+A12017 61000-4-8: 2009EN 61000-3-3:2013+A1:2019IEC 61000-4-2:2008IEC 61000-4-4: 2012IEC 61000-4-6: 2013IEC 61000-4-11: 2004+A1:2017In  configuration tested, the EUT complied with the standards specified above.Date of Sample Receipt Oct. 05, 2020Date of TestDate of IssueRemarks:Oct. 15 23, 2020: Oct. 29, 2020This report details the results of the  carried out on one sample, the results contained in this test report do not relate to othersamples of the same product. The manufacturer should ensure that all products in series production  in conformity with the productsample detailed in this report.This report may only be reproduced and distributed in full. If the product in this report is used in any configuration other than thatdetailed in the report, the manufacturer must ensure the new system complies with all relevant standards. Any mention of SGS TaiwanElectromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory or testing done by SGS Taiwan Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory in connection withdistribution or use of the product described in this report must be approved by SGS Taiwan Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory inwritingApproved By Mark LiuMark Liu (Supervisor)SGDateOct. 29, 2020 otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for  days only.除非另有說明,結果之樣品負責,此樣品保留90本報告本許可,This document is issued by the Company  to  General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at  and for electronic formatdocuments, subject to  and Conditions for Electronic Documents at .  is drawn to the  of ,  and   definedtherein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon refects the Companys findings at the time of its intervention only and within the  of Clients instructions, if any. TheCompanys   is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannotbe reproduced except in full, without  written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or  of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may beprosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.SGS Taiwan No.2, Keji 1st Rd., Guishan District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan-2 st.台灣检验科技股份有限公司1(886-2) 2299-3279f() 327-7559www.sgs.com.twMember of SGS Group
  • SGS超微量工業安全實驗室Ultra Trace Indutrial Saety Hygiene測試報告報告編 ESN20A00449威潤科技股份有限公司台灣台市內湖湖一段20巷13號8樓以下測試之品係由申請廠商所提供及確認:產品名稱: 滅者聯盟 隨身消毒棒For Question PleaseContact with SGSwwwsgscomtw日期:2020年11月24日頁數: 1  2申請廠商:產品型號: UV1威潤科技股份有限公司收樣日期:2020年10月27日測試日期:測試項目:2020年10月27日-2020年11月24日抗菌測試測試方法:本測試依客戶指定方法取10L菌液約1x10 CFUmL於玻片上將樣品放置於距離玻片1公分處並開啟樣品作用3秒鐘後取出液體連續稀釋後各稀釋度取1mL放入玻片中並加入15-20mL TSA 後於325±25培5天。測試結果:樣品作用前之菌量菌株名稱作用時間CFU/mL樣品作用後之菌量(CFU/mL) (%)大腸桿菌2610°3秒鐘9.0×10°99.9(Escherichia coli)備註:1. 測試報告僅就委託者之委託事項提供測試結果不對產品合法性做判斷。2. 本報告不得分離分離使用。菌株編號:大腸桿菌4. 減菌率R(%)小於1%則無明顯抑菌效果。Signed for and on behalf ofSGS Taiwan BCRC 11634;ATCC 8739- END -AN CSGS  Shin-Jyh ChenManagerTAIWANThis document is issued by the Company subject   General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at and, for electronic  documents, subject to  and Conditions for Electronic Documents at   is drawn to the limitation ofliability, indemnication and  issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Companys findings at the  ofits intervention only and within the  of Clients instructions, if any. The Companys sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate  to a transaction fromexercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Anyunauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwisestated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) SGS Taiwan Ltd.No.38. Wu Chyuan  Rd, New Taipei Industrial Park, Wu Ku District, New Taipei City, 24890, Taiwan/北市北路號台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 () 2299-3939f(886-2) 2296-1338www.tw.sgs.comMember of the SGS Group
  • SGS超微量工業安全實驗室Ultra Trace Indutrial Saety Hygiene測試報告報告編 ESN20A00450威潤科技股份有限公司台灣台市內湖湖一段20巷13號8樓以下測試之品係由申請廠商所提供及確認:產品名稱: 滅者聯盟 隨身消毒棒For Question PleaseContact with SGSwwwsgscomtw日期:2020年11月24日頁數: 1  2申請廠商:產品型號: UV1威潤科技股份有限公司收樣日期:2020年10月27日測試日期:測試項目:2020年10月27日-2020年11月24日抗菌測試測試方法:本測試依客戶指定方法取10L菌液約1x10 CFUmL於玻片上將樣品放置於距離玻片1公分處並開啟樣品作用3秒鐘後取出液體連續稀釋後各稀釋度取1mL放入玻片中並加入15-20mL TSA 後於325±25培5天。測試結果:樣品作用前之菌量菌株名稱作用時間CFU/mL樣品作用後之菌量(CFU/mL) (%)金黄色葡萄球菌13 × 10°3秒鐘4.5 × 1099.9(Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus)備註:1. 測試報告僅就委託者之委託事項提供測試結果不對產品合法性做判斷。2. 本報告不得分離分離使用。菌株編號:金黃色葡萄球菌4. 減菌率R(%)小於1%則無明顯抑菌效果。Signed for and on behalf ofSGS Taiwan   Shin-Jyh ChenManagerBCRC 10451; ATCC 6538p LTCSGSTAIWAN- END -This document is issued by the Company subject   General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at and, for electronic  documents, subject to  and Conditions for Electronic Documents at   is drawn to the limitation ofliability, indemnication and  issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Companys findings at the  ofits intervention only and within the  of Clients instructions, if any. The Companys sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate  to a transaction fromexercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Anyunauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwisestated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) SGS Taiwan Ltd.No.38. Wu Chyuan  Rd, New Taipei Industrial Park, Wu Ku District, New Taipei City, 24890, Taiwan/北市北路號台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 () 2299-3939f(886-2) 2296-1338www.tw.sgs.comMember of the SGS Group
  • PChome24h購物的消費者,都可以依照消費者保護法的規定,享有商品貨到次日起七天猶豫期的權益。(請留意猶豫期非試用期!!)您所退回的商品必須回復原狀(復原至商品到貨時的原始狀態並且保持完整包裝,包括商品本體、配件、贈品、保證書、原廠包裝及所有附隨文件或資料的完整性)。商品一經拆封/啟用保固,將使商品價值減損,您理解本公司將依法收取回復原狀必要之費用(若無法復原,費用將以商品價值損失計算),請先確認商品正確、外觀可接受再行使用,以免影響您的權利,祝您購物順心。
  • 如果您所購買商品是下列特殊商品,請留意下述退貨注意事項:
    1. 易於腐敗之商品、保存期限較短之商品、客製化商品、報紙、期刊、雜誌,依據消費者保護法之規定,於收受商品後將無法享有七天猶豫期之權益且不得辦理退貨。
    2. 影音商品、電腦軟體或個人衛生用品等一經拆封即無法回復原狀的商品,在您還不確定是否要辦理退貨以前,請勿拆封,一經拆封則依消費者保護法之規定,無法享有七天猶豫期之權益且不得辦理退貨。
    3. 非以有形媒介提供之數位內容或一經提供即為完成之線上服務,一經您事先同意後始提供者,依消費者保護法之規定,您將無法享有七天猶豫期之權益且不得辦理退貨。
    4. 組合商品於辦理退貨時,應將組合銷售商品一同退貨,若有遺失、毀損或缺件,PChome將可能要求您依照損毀程度負擔回復原狀必要之費用。
  • 若您需辦理退貨,請利用顧客中心「查訂單」或「退訂/退款查詢」的「退訂/退貨」功能填寫申請,我們將於接獲申請之次日起1個工作天內檢視您的退貨要求,檢視完畢後將以E-mail回覆通知您,並將委託本公司指定之宅配公司,在5個工作天內透過電話與您連絡前往取回退貨商品。請您保持電話暢通,並備妥原商品及所有包裝及附件,以便於交付予本公司指定之宅配公司取回(宅配公司僅負責收件,退貨商品仍由特約廠商進行驗收),宅配公司取件後會提供簽收單據給您,請注意留存。
  • 退回商品時,請以本公司或特約廠商寄送商品給您時所使用的外包裝(紙箱或包裝袋),原封包裝後交付給前來取件的宅配公司;如果本公司或特約廠商寄送商品給您時所使用的外包裝(紙箱或包裝袋)已經遺失,請您在商品原廠外盒之外,再以其他適當的包裝盒進行包裝,切勿任由宅配單直接粘貼在商品原廠外盒上或書寫文字。
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