
AURABEAT AG+銀離子車用隨身空氣清淨機 專用濾網組


• AURABEAT 原廠認證專用濾網
• 特殊AG+銀離子配方濾網有效抗菌
• 美國MRI實驗室證實30分鐘去除99%新冠病毒
• 多重防護,徹底去除細菌,病毒及有害物質
• 濾網高效濾除細小顆粒PM0.01

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  • AURABEATAGPORTABLEAG+銀離子車用隨身空氣清淨機專用濾網組ANTI-COVID 美國權威病毒生化實驗室實証PROVEN BY AUTHORITATIVE U.S.VIROLOGY LABORATORYPORTABLE30分鐘去除>99.9%新冠病毒ELIMINATE >99.9% OFCOVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2)WITHIN 30 MINUTES 由美國權威病毒生化實驗室 MRI Global 以新型冠狀病毒實測證實Aurabeat 銀離子技術能有效在分鐘去除 999% 新冠病毒。其他實驗測試亦證明 AurabeatAG 空氣抗菌技術能去除 ≥999999% 真菌9999%金黃色葡萄球菌、9998%大腸桿菌及 99% 空氣懸浮細菌。Accordg  the actual experimental tet result using ID9 by the U virology laboratoryMRI Global Aurabeat silver ion technology can effectively eliminate >999% of COVID19 within30  Other experimental tests have also proven that Aurabeat AG+ air disinfectiontechnology can kill >999999% fungi >9999% Staphylococcus aureus >9998% E coli and>99% of airborne bacteriaThe science you expectThe people you know  LimitedAssessment of Melt BlownFiber with Antiviral CoatingAgainst SSARSCOVLetter Report Technology LimAurabeology LimiteAurabeat TechLimitedRoger Sze To61 6/F, Building 19Science Park W AvePak Shek Kok, Hong Kong Project No. 311664.0001Auracontrols of the test articles without virus added were also performed. The assay was executed infive replicates for each condition.After  days, cells were examined for the presence of cytopathic effect CPE associated withviral presence and replic. Examination is done using a microscope (10x objective to viewthe entire well at once) and observing the morphology of the cells. Healthy Vero cells havesomewhat transparent appearance with pinched or rounded ends in a monolayer of cells withlittle to no space between cells. Dead cells displaying CPE are often not adhered to the plate.round, and much smaller than living cells. Considerable empty space can be seen on the bottomof the plate where cells have detached from the surface. Any well displaying CPE is marked aspositive whether the whole well, or only a small portion is affected, because this is indicative ofthe presence of viable virus.Cytotoxicity was observed at the first dilution of recovered samples from X treated coupons.When media was added to the X coupons, it changed from a red color to a purple color, which isindicative of an increase in pH to a more basic level. No cytotoxicity was observed from controlsamples. Since there was no CPE observed after the cytotoxic effects were gone, we cannot sayfor certain whether there was virus present in the wells that displayed cytotoxicity, thus the quantification of viral reduction in these samples. Day 5 reads showed no CPE in any testwells. All uninfected controls remained healthy and did not display any CPE throughout the day observation period.  1 summarizes these findings. Results were calculated using theReed & Muench Calculator (produced by BD Lindenbach from Measuring HCV infectivityproduced in cell culture and in vivo Methods Mol Biol. (2009) 510:329-36). Resu s are shownas Log reduction relative to timed controls as well as a percent reduction of SinfectivityTable 1. Results of in vitro Neutral ation of SARS--2 with coated  blown .--2SampleNameTime ofContact(minutes)AverageAverageLogReductionPercent Logto ControlsReduction303031.6299.95%3031.621.5050118.723063033050118.725.10 75376.66edSampleMRIGlobal  425  , Kansas City, MO 641Missouri  Kansas  Maryland  VirginiaNameTime ofContact(minutes)Log10 AverageTCID50 TCID501. Results of in vitro Neutralization of SARS--2 with coated melt blown fiber.Percent LogReductionAverageLog10TCID50LogReductionto VirusControlsX30-13031.621.50X30-23031.621.501.503.3399.95%X30-33031.621.503050118.723030125892.5450118.725.10 75376.664.70 80初效濾網PRE-FILTER用於攔截大顆粒灰塵和頭髮Pre-Filter to intercept large particles, dust and hair.活性碳濾層ACTIVATED CARBON LAYER用於去除異味,甲醛和TVOCActivated Carbon Layer to remove odor,formaldehyde and TVOC特效銀離子空氣過濾芯HIGH EFFICIENCY SILVER ION AIR FILTER可消除細菌、新冠病毒及細小顆粒(<PM0.01)High Efficiency Silver  Air Filter to eliminate bacteria,COVID-19,and remove fine particles(<PM0.01)負離子技術ANION TECHNOLOGY抗菌淨化Sterilization and purification(此功能內建於銀離子車用隨身空氣清淨機) 適用場合Applications工作桌面Desktop汽車車室Car compartment 234AAA-8888一般車用隨身空氣清淨機容易造成二次感染風險GENERAL AIR PURIFIERS CANNOT ELIMINATEVIRUSES, LEAD TO SECONDARY INFECTION RISKL最近流行的「新冠肺炎」(COVID-19) 病毒可以透過氣流傳播,然而,市面上大部分車用隨身空氣清淨機,只能將飛沫細菌病毒阻隔於濾芯表面,而濾芯本身並無去除病毒的功能,病毒可以在濾芯上存活一至二星期。每當煞車或更換濾芯時,濾芯受到震動,便會將積存在濾芯表面的塵埃、懸浮粒子及病毒重新揚入車廂空氣中,造成二次感染風險。The COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) is an aerosol transmissible disease. Most car or desktop airpurifiers on the market can only physically block bacteria and viruses on the surface oftheir filters, while the filters cannot eliminate the virus, allowing them to survive on thefilters themselves for weeks. When braking the car or replacing the filter, the vibration willshake off the accumulated viruses back into the air, putting your car or workspace at riskof infection. 權威認證Auhority CertificiCVI19 SARS2 CID50 Assay with Vero E6 Cell SysteATCC CRL1586人類冠狀病毒 配合 Vero E6 細胞系統進行 TCID50 定量化驗ATCC CRL1586ATCC證實Aurabe 技術30分鐘去除% 人類冠狀病毒Proven th Aurabe technology can elimine 99.9% COVID-19 SARS--2 within 30 minsASTM G21-15 andard Practice  Determining Restance Synthetic Polyric  to FungiASTM G21-15測定合成聚合物材料對真菌的抗性的標準證實Aurabe技術可有效去除99.9999%真菌Proven mance  killing fungi 99.9999% eliminionSGS test on  reaus & Escherichia coli eliminionATCC  & 8739SGSSGS測試金黃色葡萄球菌及大腸桿菌去除效果 ATCC 6538 & 8739)證實Aurabeat技術有效去除99.9%金黄色葡萄球菌及大腸桿菌Proven that Aurabeat technology can kill >99.9%Staphylococcus aureaus & Escherichia coliICROCHEMLABORATORY -  for   on    for    on      beat  Aurabeat  T Number Materials  t    D St 30      DSGS Report  of  ) at      at   me) at      at ) Staphylococcus auATCC 6538100 10   mited of )  ATCC at O   (  at (  at 20   (100  at 20  ()證實可去除人類冠狀病毒)Aurabeat Technology LiitedLimitedLim    3  of  on   m  r  The   is    by   Test  -  to  去除99.9%以上細菌peed

注意事項: 為避免抗菌效果不彰或其他相關問題,請使用原廠濾網。 本產品屬衛生用品,拆封前請先查看是否有外觀瑕疵或損傷, 產品外側透明封袋一經拆開,恕不接受退換貨。 規格: 產品名稱:AG+銀離子車用隨身空氣清淨機專用濾網組 尺寸:64(直徑)x68(高度)mm 重量:約26g 包裝尺寸:67x73x67mm 包裝重量:約41g 內容物:濾網組x1 材質:塑料,濾網 產地:中國
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