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  • 低音沉穩厚實,中高頻精準呈現,創造立體宏闊音場。
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  • ANC(主動降噪)模式,為您帶來完美的沉浸式聽覺體驗。
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共 2 則評價
  • aazon  Todays Deals   Buy   Svie Brosg Hisry Gif Cards Exercise More          Headphones    Wireless Earbuds Bluetooth Headphones NoiseCancelling Earbuds with Deep Bass Hybrid ANCTransry ode  Werpro in Ear Built in MicHeadphones for Sport Work 3H Playtime   MOOR    of  stars亞馬遜4 45 out of 5  MOOR高評分 to  59er at  to  for   in     &1300%   FANTASTC work eat with our iPhonesReviewed in  United States on April 16 2023   Customer Review of Free Product  thisFinally a decentpriced set of wireless buds that sound great and work as seamlessly with mytouchcontrols are much better than the squeezecontrols on the airpods And while they choice for backup budsSound   bass is your thing youll be happy to know these deliver Those looking for midsnowhere near as good as the ape counterpart Likewise the integration stops at the paringcharged they are on your phoneLooks & Comfort  These look great and are comfortable for hours at a time  wore them forcharged and the buds stayed comfortable They are very discreet and the matteblack finishMicrophone and Touch Controls  The mic sound clear nothing lost here The touchcontrolsforward sum youd be hardpressed to find a better sounding set of buds that sound as good and abackup pair for traveling 10/10 would wireless bud againHelpfulReportcellodrew    VNE VOCE Excellent earbuds with nothing to detractReviewed in the United States on April 25 2023 Black Vine Customer Review of Free Product w looked at enough earbuds these days to have develo1 How they sound - of course this is importantThese earbuds sound pretty good  like them They haverange Like many inexpensive earbuds they would earbuds but most people,  think, would be very happy w2 Playing time Easy to likeReviewed in the United States on May! Black Vine Customer Review of stayed with wired earbuds up untilout and get lost too easily Since  ordewith them falling out, even when exercall, the sound quality is nice! Im a prof Compared to other earbuds cases the case is quite expensive ones, but definitely sound gr the individual earbuds Also like every other earbud set pHelpfulConnor NolanReportGread midrange value bReviewed in the United States on May Black Vine Customer Review ofFor the money, its hard to find buds ththe mids and highs too badly, on top ofThese earbuds do not mention how long they will play mwith the case battery capacity They lasted about 5 hours3 The caseAs mentioned  the case is compact-maybe a bit mhave a piece extending down that rests on your earlobessomething to grab onto to get the earbuds out of thelight that comes on when you plug the c4 ing and noise cellationThese earbuds are supposed to have Pass Through, and audible voice feedback tCall quality as reported on the receiving encthe other Both earbuds working on their owCompared with my many years old Plantronic5) For me the earbuds  very well, although I did6) The controlsPractically every earbud out there requires the mand they are within a distinct area on the stick paearbud, or something else I didnt want to doBased on the instructions you can click twice to PlaThe   VOICE Impressive Sound and Noise Cancelling PerformanceReviewed in the United States on June 12, 2023Color: BlackVine Customer Review of Free Product  this)For under $50 this is an impressive set of Noise Cancelling Headphones With Bluetooth versup there with the newest tech to connect with your devices without any issues The noise canperformance is really good, theyve been used while a party next door to me was blasting unof the night but I was unaware when it really ended because I had these headphones in on Awas surprised by the performance of it, while using them at home to write reports or emailsthe outside noises or humming of appliances, ct to listen to podcasts and the bass perfepretty good but not over bearing I plan on using them when working outdoors with powersee how they hold up with loud noises from leaf blowers or lawn mowers. Overall Im very plperformance of these earphones and that the charging case has USB-C charging port. If youlookout for some inexpensive yet very good performing active noise cancelling earbuds thenthese!HelpfulReportAnon Bluetooth headphonesReviewed in the United States on April 18, 2023Color: Black Vine Customer Review of Free Product  this?)So far so good. The plastic of both the case and the ear buds feels a little cheap but the par. The interface voice ?) that says this like bluetooth connected weirds me out a little bitwith tiny  buds staying in my ears but these are pretty good.  VINE VOICE Very good wireless ear budsReviewed in the United States on April 23, 2023Color: Black  Vine Customer Review of Free Product (Whats this?)I think these are very nice ear buds for the price. The case is excellent and pairinflawless. I found them to be comfortable and can be worn for quite some timeif you know what I mean. These are not for critical music listening, but if youreplay games on your laptop (or phone) they are fine. These arent going to replyou own - you know the ones - so if youve got a date with your favorite these in the charger. For everything else they work great and  definitely reReport press on the Right earbud cycles through ANC.
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  • Long Battery Life播放時間長一次充飽電播放時間可達30小時(加上充電盒)單耳可播放7.5小時充電盒可以提供耳機額外22.5小時電量時間充電時間耳機:1.5小時充電盒:1.5小時MOORMOORMOOR
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  • 【主動降噪&通透模式】ANC主動降噪消除環境噪音,降噪深度達30dB,幫助您在嘈雜環境(如飛機或火車)中享受片刻寧靜,為您帶來完美的沉浸式聽覺體驗。當您在路上行走或開車需要注意周圍環境時,也可切換至通透模式。開啟通透模式,讓耳機同時接收外界聲音,保障您的安全。
  • IPX 5MOORIPX5 WaterproofIPX5防水抗汗水, 防雨水噴濺
  • MOOR播放/暫停接聽電話上一首拒接來電下一首語音助理掛斷電話降噪模式Smart Touch Control全功能智慧觸控
  • 藍牙5.2 DS1ANC TRUEWIRELESS EARBUDSMOORIPX 5IPX5防水…乾淨音質重低音MOOR主動降噪 30 hr30小時播放開盒即配對ANC真無線藍牙耳機
藍牙版本 BT 5.2 支援協議 HFP/HSP/A2DP/AVRCP 支援音頻格式 SBC、AAC 頻率響應 20Hz-20kHz 單體 10 mm 動圈驅動單體 電池 單一耳機: 3.7V/40mAh 充電盒: 3.7V/350mAh 操作時間 耳機 (播放音樂): 7.5小時 (關閉ANC ), 5.5小時( 開啟ANC) 充電盒: 22.5小時 充電時間 耳機 : 大約1.5小時 充電盒:大約1.5小時 麥克風 單支耳機中有3 個麥克風 降噪深度 30分貝 操作距離 15公尺 防水等級 IPX5 重量 單一耳機: 4.18g 充電盒: 36.25g 尺寸 耳機: 35.2*18.5*23.0mm 充電盒: 56.5*45.8*28.2mm
DS1耳機*2 充電盒*1 Type-C充電線*1 耳塞大,中,小各1對 使用說明書*1
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