Fast Charging Basic Cable USB-C Type-C to Type-C 480Mbps PD3.0 60W 3A 快充數據傳輸充電編織線附束線帶

  • Type-C to Type-C,PD3.0 /PPS充電技術,提供最大 60W 功率和高達 480Mbps 的傳輸速度。
  • 防纏結尼龍編織線+鋁合金連接器;56kΩ 電阻標準自動識別連接的設備以獲得最佳輸出。
  • 通過 CE / RoHS 認證;產品資訊 - 長度:0.5m / 1m,包括用於整理的束線帶。
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  • RingkeRingkeRingke
  • for an instantfull charge!Ringke Fast Charging Basic Cables output of20V 3A 60W can quickly charge all kinds ofType-C devices.65W Charging and transfer speeds may vary depending on the chargingenvironment, device, adapter, etc.
  • Quick and ReliableFast ChargeInstantly charge up all sorts of devices throughUSB PD3.0 and PPS charging technology.RingkeFast ChargingBasic Cable70%Super fast charging30% Charging and transfer speeds may vary depending onthe charging environment, device, adapter, etc.Fast chargingNormalUSB-C Cable
  • SimultaneousCharge andData Transfer!480Mbps transfer speeds allow for stable datatransfers even while charging. Charging and data transfer speeds may vary based on the charging environmentdevice, accompanying adapter, and more.command
  • Compatible withType-C InterfacesPerfect for a wide range of type-c devices.Charge up not only your smartphone, butalso your tablet, gaming console, and laptop.
  • High-Quality to the CoreThe compound shielding structure and tin plating reducepotential loss of data, support clear image quality, andprovide stable charging.Tinned copperAluminium Foil ShieldPVC Insulation JacketBraided Nylon
  • 70%RingkeTickness4.4mmUnchangingSpeed4.4mm cable sends powerful currents toyour device without power loss for asmooth charging experience.Tickness2.5mm
  • High-densityBraided NylonThe durable, tangle-free nylon cable isdesigned to withstand continuous usage
  • FlexiblestructureConsistentBrand-New FeelThe highly durable connectorand joints can without continuousbending without damageor disconnectionfor long-time use.3000+RingkeBendTest
  • RingkeHigh-StrengthAluminum AlloyDurable aluminum alloy withanti-corrosion properties, dissipates generatedheat for more efficient charging.
  • 70%RingkeA must-have! ResistorRingke Fast Charging Basic Cable adheres tothe standard USB specs with a 56kresistor whichautomatically recognizes the connected devices andmanages the output current to prevent the occurrenceof damages and fire.
  • Optimized for SafetyEquipped with safety features toprevent accidents that may occurwhilst chargingRingkeOvercurrentProtectionOvervoltageProtectionOverchargeProtectionOverheatProtectionElectromagneticAutoRadiation BlockerPower off
  • Gurted SafetytifiationRgke Fat Charging asic Cable  certified for safety reliabily through        Сertificat     101     BTECHNOLOGYCertifi  Certificate   ManufacturerManufacturerSHZH NOBLEFULL TECHNOLOGY   2001 xing  eet   SHENZHEN NOBLEFULL TECHNOLOGY  Building 2001 Hengxing Songgang eet enzhen Guangdong Chinae C  type c cable 1001C028001   , , NBF1001C048001,           and  in      ,       to  thecompliance   CerlderShHoStrManufacturerShHoStrTrade MarkNModel ProductTypTrademarkModels)NPTest Method&EN   The following s irective 2011EU EU20172102   it  only  in eRoHEN        is   and of the    HTT  DThis Certificate of nformityproduct does not  an a 000  HTT  Co, Ltd.Web      Building Heng       ,  ,  CE
  • 020.5MPortablepower bankcar mount2MLong-distancecharging,office meetings921MData transmission,in-vehicle use
  • Keep it NeatComes included with a convenienthook-and-loop fastener foreasy organization.Ringke
  • InformationRingke Fast Charging Basic CableModelRCC-B05Type-CType-C10mmRingkeRingkeTypeUSB Type-C to USB Type-CMaterialNickel plating,Aluminum alloy, PVC, NylonLength  Width  Weight500mm(1.65ft)  4.4mm / 20gCable tie 100mmPower20V 3A (Max 60W)CertificateCE / 0.5M(L)Data Transfer speed480MbpsFast charging supportPD3.0Origin / BrandMade in China / Ringke
  • InformationRingke Fast Charging Basic CableModelRCC-B10Type-CType-C10mmRingkeRingkeTypeUSB Type-C to USB Type-CMaterialNickel platingAluminum alloy, PVC, NylonCable tie 100mmLengthWidth  Weight1000mm(3.3ft)  4.4mm/30gPower20V 3A (Max 60W)CertificateCE / 1M(L)Data Transfer speed480MbpsFast charging supportPD3.0Origin / BrandMade in China / Ringke
  • PackagRingke ABETTERDAYECO PackageEnvironmentally friendly package with minimal  of s  The best things comein a small package and our ecofriendly packaging helps us get  step closer to a better EarthThe spacesaving eco package  al yet efficient Go , and feel good about yourselfYouve  helped our planet become just   e
  • FA Does it allow Samsungs Super Fast Charging 20A Ringke Fast Charging Basic C to C Cable does not support SamsungsSuper Fast Charging 2.0. t does support Super Fast Charging 2.0through an 100W 5A Type-C to C cable with an E-Marker chip. Can I charge my iPad with it?A Yes, you . Can I use it with Android Auto?A It is possible if your vehicle supports a Type-C port My type-C device is not charging.A Some devices, such as portable fans, hand warmers, and power banks,are only compatible with Type-A to C cables, and may not work with thisproduct. We recommend using a Type-A to C cable for such devices Does it support ?A Ringke Fast Charging Basic Cable cannot transmit video, it does not support . Is this cable  certified?A As Ringke Fast Charging Basic Cable is a Type-C cable, it does not fallunder the  Program.Q Is the 56K Pull-Up Resistor only applicableto the Ringke Fast Charging Basic Cable C to C?A Type-C to C cables do not have Pull-Up Resistor features as it only applies to Type-A to C cables.
品牌:Rearth Ringke 類型:Type-C to Type-C 尺寸:500 x 4.4 mm / 1000 x 4.4 mm 重量:20 g / 30 g 相容:採用 Type-C to Type-C 的智慧型設備 充電:PD3.0 / PPS 充電技術;最大 60W 充電輸出 傳輸:480Mbps 高速資料傳輸率; 材質:鍍鎳 Nickel plating, 鋁合金 Aluminum alloy, 聚氯乙烯 PVC, 尼龍 Nylon 產地:中國
Fast Charging Basic Cable USB-C Type-C to Type-C 480Mbps PD3.0 60W 3A 快充數據傳輸充電編織線(附束線帶)
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