
NIKKOR Z 135mm F1.8 S Plena 望遠定焦鏡頭 (公司貨)

  • f/1.8最大光圈
  • Meso-amorphous 塗層
  • ARNEO 塗層
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    Bokeh Perfection withPlena

    PlenaA Lens Above The Resttep into a new world of imaging with the NIKKOR135mm f/18 S Plena Named after plenum, symbolising boundlessrichness, this lens is designed to fulfil your creative potential Its elegant design, reminiscent of the Noct lens, proudlyshowcases the engraved Plena, while the wide f/1.8 aperture empowers you to create captivating, enveloping bokehwithout the need for adjustment.Experience an elevated level of artistry with exceptional rendering, allowing you to capture even the finest nuances ofskin and hair. It seamlessly adapts to your needs, offering video-friendly features and rugged durability to fuel yourcreative journey.0.82mf/1.8S-LineMeso Amorphous CoatMinimum focus distance. Constant Max. Aperture.Lightweight at its class.Superb performance.For backlight tolerance.

    PlenaFulloverflowing,the image andimaginationOne of a kind The NIKKOR  135mm f/1.8  Plena offersversatile modes of expression, for portraits,landscapes and still subjects. Discover the magic ofnear-circular bokeh, even at wide apertures, and aflood of light that ensures uniform brightness acrossthe frames periphery.Harnessing the full potential of the  mount, it deliversunrivaled bokeh and optical excellence, a feat onlypossible with Nikon.Dreamybokeh.At f/1.8, the NIKKOR  135mm f/1.8 S Plenadelivers near-circular round bokeh that makesyour subjects pop against dreamybackgrounds, without stopping down theaperture. Every point light source across theframe is reproduced with brilliance, free fromvignetting.

    MinimalColourFringingEnjoy stunning, unspoiled bokeh withminimal colouring on the edges acrossthe entire screen, from foreground tobackground, letting point light sources.around your subject shineDepth and clarityFrom bustling cityscapes, intimate portraits, to delicate flowers, experience large soft foreground and background bokehthat brings out your subjects dimensionality. Say goodbye to onion-ring bokeh at the periphery, ensuring consistentshapes across the frame.

    Never miss the beauty of everymomentDesigned for exceptional video performance, the NIKKOR  135mm f/18 S Plena offers quiet operation, a click-less controlring and focus-breathing suppression Capture natural-looking footage with minimal angle-of-view shifts while enjoyingsmooth control and quiet precision during video recording.

    Unrivalled DetailWith superior rendering performance the NIKKOR  135mm f/1.8  Plena captures even the finest details of skin and hair with immaculateprecision, ensuring that no detail goes unnoticed.

    Perfect Point-ImageReproductionUniformBrillianceAcross TheFrameAchieving the highest point-image reproductionperformance among NIKKOR  lenses it is ideal forlandscapes and night scenes. Your images willreflect the beauty of every point of light.With abundant peripheral light volume at its f/1.8maximum aperture, the NIKKOR  135mm f/1.8 Plena maintains uniform brightness across theentire frame, resulting in better transparency andbrilliance.AF Precision in Motion.The NIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8  Plena boasts a multi-focusing system for precise control over multiple focusing groups,delivering fast and accurate autofocus, even at maximum aperture. What truly sets it apart is its whisper-quietoperation, thanks to two silent stepping motors (). This means delicate moments remain undisturbed, preservingthe atmosphere and ensuring smooth focusing, especially during video recording.

    Better nBacklightThe NIKKOR Z 135mm f1.8 S Plena excelschallenging backlit situations. Thanks toMesoAmorphous and ARNEO coatings itreduces ghosting and flares caused byvarious incident light sources. Capturecrystalclear, sharp images, even underharsh lighting conditions like intensesunlight or strong backlighting.Plena offered further connection with natureand its beauty - a very important aspect of myshooting style. Whats more, the autofocusmade it easy to focus on small subjects, evenin motion, and during backlit scenes,everything I shot stayed clean and clear.@Taru RantalaPhotographer / Finland

    IntuitiveControlElevatedPrecisionSeamless L-FnConvenience.Positioned atop the lens, the L-Fn button mirrors theversatility of camera /Fn2 buttons, allowing you toassign various functions and adjust settings duringvertical shooting.     A newly designed control ring offers outstandingoperability. Its smooth, comfortable torqueguarantees a noise-free experience, particularlyduring video recording. Adjust setting values inresponse to the level of rotation, delivering precisionand ease at your fingertips.135/1.8 S

    RuggedReliabilityWith sealing across various lens areas,including movable parts and the lensmount, the   135mm f/18  Plenacomes with dust- and drip-resistantperformance² you can rely on Theelectromagnetic diaphragm mechanismensures precise aperture control andstable exposure management, even incontinuous shooting scenarios. Its readyto withstand the elements, ensuringunwavering performance when you needit most.NIKKOR

    TechnologyStepping MotorNIKKOR  lenses use a stepping motor forfast, accurate, smooth, quiet autofocuswith reduced wobbling This quiet drivesystem makes the lenses ideal for usewhen shooting videoElectromagnetic DiaphragmMechanismAn electromagnetic diaphragmmechanism in the lens barrel provideshighly accurate electronic diaphragm oraperture blade control when using autoexposure during continuous shootingFluorine CoatPhotographers need gear that canwithstand the elements. Nikons fluorine effectively repels dust, waterdroplets, grease or dirt, ensuring easyremoval even when they adhere to thelens surface. Nikons fluorine coatendures a high frequency of lens surfacewiping and its anti-reflective effect alsocontributes to the capture of clearimages. Extra-Low Dispersion) GlassAn optical glass developed by Nikon thatis used with normal optical glass intelephoto lenses to obtain optimumcorrection of chromatic aberrations.

    IF A NIKKOR lens in which ly the internallens group shifts during focusing  IFNIKKORS do not change in size during AFoperation allowing for compact,lightweight lenses capable of closerfocusing distances These lenses will bedesignated with the abbreviation IF onthe lens barrelARNEO An anti-reflective coating developed byNikon and used in conjunction with NanoCrystal  to further reduce ghost andflare effects caused by incident lightentering the lens vertically This allowsfor the outstandingly clear capture ofimages even when a light source islocated within the frameAspherical LensA lens with a curved, non-sphericalsurface Used to reduce aberrations andenable a more compact lens sizeAspherical lenses minimise coma andother types of lens aberrations, evenwhen used at the widest aperture. Theyare particularly useful in correctingdistortion in wide-angle lenses and helpcontribute to a lighter, more compactdesign by reducing the number ofstandard (spherical) elementsnecessary. Aspherical lens elementscorrect these distortions by continuouslychanging the refractive index from thecentre of the lens.Meso Amorphous CoatMeso Amorphous Coat suppresses ghostand flare caused by incident light fromany direction, including those enteringthe lens diagonally and vertically, to theutmost limit, demonstrating the highestanti-reflection performance in NIKKORhistory. With this coating system,amorphous particles are interconnectedand overlapped randomly to create alarge number of air gaps termedmesopores. The many gaps within thecoating form an ultra-fine mesoporousstructure, attaining an outstandingly lowrefractive index. Additionally, a higher-precision base coat is employed tofurther enhance the anti-refectioneffect.

    ShortWavelength Refractive Lens is a high- and specialised-dispersionglass  that refracts light withwavelengths shorter than that of blue Bycontrolling short-wavelength light, thelens is able to achieve highly precisechromatic aberration compensation sothat the colours in your images are moreaccurately reproduced It also allows formore flexible optical designs, whichallows for compact, lighter lenses to bedesigned-breathing may sometimes be noticeable depending on the distance between the lens and the subject due to the characteristics ofthe lens. dust- and drip-resistance is not guaranteed in all situations.


    光圈葉片11片(圆形光圈孔)光圈範圍f/1.8  16塗層濾鏡尺寸尺寸抗反射高清(ARNEO)塗層,中孔非晶態塗層82mm (P = 0.75mm)约98mm(最大直徑)x139.5mm(從相機鏡頭卡口邊緣到鏡頭末端的長度)重量自動對焦對焦對焦隨附配件约995g提供提供自動,手動LC-82B鏡頭蓋(前蓋)、LF-N1鏡頭蓋(後蓋)、HB-108鏡頭遮光罩、CL-C2鏡頭袋

    NikonAuthorized DistributorNikon Taiwan 官方特約網路經銷商LCS00598

Nikon Z-Mount
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