
素色枕頭套2入組 (台灣製 柔絲棉 多款任選)

  • 台灣製造 品質保障
  • 精緻作工 簡約時尚
  • 活性染整 環保無毒
  • 登記送


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共 10 則評價
廠商回覆 :
廠商回覆 :
廠商回覆 :
  • 玩色主義 純色枕套純淨白香檳金 蘋果綠玫瑰粉-鮭魚粉-夢幻紫神秘紫簡約-經典灰粉彩藍- -深藍 --橄欖綠 -古銅灰 -蔚藍海 -
  • 輕貼舒柔膚適裸睡の柔軟床品SOFT CARE柔軟的超細纖維、猶如貼身衣物,入睡更加舒適
  • LEP COMFORTABLE優質床品柔絲棉柔絲棉是一種處理技術,使用裏了沙布的滾筒,在布裡面進行磨擦,在布面上磨出產生短密的纖維,使布料手感變得更加柔軟而舒適接近純棉的質感,是四季都適用的布料材質。柔絲棉具有不易掉色、不易起毛的特性,經久耐用,維持最佳的睡眠狀態。LIFEATTITUDESSOFTERELAX
  • REACTIVE DYEING環保活性印染環保健康手感順滑不易褪色水洗無憂 不易褪色不添加任何對人體有害物質,久洗不褪色Let me dance with cotton. Its a dream for time traveller刺激
  • 商品細節 -Detail時尚純色柔絲棉表布採用柔絲棉織料,具有表面鬆弛、皺紋持久、尺寸穩定、彈性良好等特點,柔軟舒適,吸濕透氣,色牢度高
  • PURE WHITE純淨白LIFEON NATUREIf time can turn backA way which should set us freeA quilt catches your eye The needlework is impeccable, the materials fine. And the style is trapunto  stuffed little pockets that createa raised vine motif. Its a must-have. And now you can. Our quilt and matching sham (Sold Separately) are modeled precisely afterthe one we found in St. Rémy. The pieces are reversible to a French ticking vertical stripe.CER
  • CHAMPAGNE GOLD香檳金LIFEON NATUREIf time can turn backA way which should set us freeA quilt catches your eye The needlework is impeccable, the materials fine And the style is trapunto  stuffed little pockets that createa raised vine motif. Its a must-have. And now you can. Our quilt and matching sham (Sold Separately) are modeled precisely afterthe one we found in St. Rémy. The pieces are reversible to a French ticking vertical stripe.
  • APPLE GREEN蘋果綠LIFEON NATUREIf time can turn backA way which should set us freeA quilt catches your eye The needlework is impeccable, the materials fine. And the style is trapunto  stuffed little pockets that createa raised vine motif. Its a must-have. And now you can. Our quilt and matching sham (Sold Separately) are modeled precisely afterthe one we found in St. Rémy. The pieces are reversible to a French ticking vertical stripe.
  • ROSE BLOOM玫瑰粉LIFEON NATUREIf time can  backA way which should set us freeA quilt catches your eye The needlework is impeccable, the materials fine And the style is trapunto  stuffed little pockets that createa raised vine motif Its a must-have. And now you can. Our quilt and matching sham (Sold Separately) are modeled precisely afterthe one we found in St. . The pieces are reversible to a French ticking vertical stripe.
  • PINK Beige鮭魚粉LIFEON NATUREIf time can turn backA way which should set us freeA quilt catches your eye The needlework is impeccable, the materials fine And the style is trapunto  stuffed little pockets that createa raised vine motif. Its a must-have. And now you can. Our quilt and matching sham (Sold Separately) are modeled precisely afterthe one we found in St. Rémy. The pieces are reversible to a French ticking vertical stripe.
  • LILAC PURPLE夢幻紫LIFEON NATUREIf time can  backA way which should set us freeA quilt catches your eye The needlework is impeccable, the materials fine And the style is trapunto  stuffed little pockets that createa raised vine motif Its a must-have. And now you can. Our quilt and matching sham (Sold Separately) are modeled precisely afterthe one we found in St. . The pieces are reversible to a French ticking vertical stripe.
  • MYSTERY PURPLE神秘紫LIFEON NATUREIf time can turn backA way which should set us freeA quilt catches your eye The needlework is impeccable, the materials fine And the style is trapunto  stuffed little pockets that createa raised vine motif. Its a must-have. And now you can. Our quilt and matching sham (Sold Separately) are modeled precisely afterthe one we found in St. Rémy. The pieces are reversible to a French ticking vertical stripe.
  • SILVER GREY簡約灰LIFEON NATUREIf time can  backA way which should set us freeA quilt catches your eye The needlework is impeccable, the materials fine And the style is trapunto  stuffed little pockets that createa raised vine motif. Its a must-have. And now you can. Our quilt and matching sham (Sold Separately) are modeled precisely afterthe one we found in St. . The pieces are reversible to a French ticking vertical stripe.
  • IRON GREY經典灰LIFEON NATUREIf time can turn backA way which should set us freeA quilt catches your eye The needlework is impeccable, the materials fine And the style is trapunto  stuffed little pockets that createa raised vine motif. Its a must-have. And now you can. Our quilt and matching sham (Sold Separately) are modeled precisely afterthe one we found in St. Rémy. The pieces are reversible to a French ticking vertical stripe.
  • LIGHT BLUE粉彩藍LIFEON NATUREIf time can  backA way which should set us freeA quilt catches your eye The needlework is impeccable, the materials fine And the style is trapunto  stuffed little pockets that createa raised vine motif Its a must-have. And now you can. Our quilt and matching sham (Sold Separately) are modeled precisely afterthe one we found in St. . The pieces are reversible to a French ticking vertical stripe.
  • ULTRAMARINNE丈青藍LIFEON NATUREIf time can turn backA way which should set us freeA quilt catches your eye The needlework is impeccable, the materials fine And the style is trapunto  stuffed little pockets that createa raised vine motif. Its a must-have. And now you can. Our quilt and matching sham (Sold Separately) are modeled precisely afterthe one we found in St. Rémy. The pieces are reversible to a French ticking vertical stripe.
  • NAVY BLUE深海藍LIFEON NATUREIf time can turn backA way which should set us freeA quilt catches your eye The needlework is impeccable, the materials fine And the style is trapunto  stuffed little pockets that createa raised vine motif Its a must-have And now you can Our quilt and matching sham (Sold Separately) are modeled precisely afterthe one we found in St. Rémy. The pieces are reversible to a French ticking vertical stripe.
  • NAVY BLUE橄欖綠LIFEON NATUREIf time can turn backA way which should set us freeA quilt catches your eye. The needlework is impeccable, the materials fine. And the style is trapunto stuffed little pockets that createa raised vine motif. Its a must-have. And now you can. Our quilt and matching sham (Sold Separately) are modeled precisely afterthe one we found in St. Rémy. The pieces are reversible to a French ticking vertical stripe
  • NAVY BLUE古銅灰LIFEON NATUREIf time can turn backA way which should set us freeA quilt catches your eye The needlework is impeccable, the materials fine. And the style is trapunto stuffed little pockets that createa raised vine motif. Its a must-have. And now you can. Our quilt and matching sham (Sold Separately) are modeled precisely afterthe one we found in St. Rémy. The pieces are reversible to a French ticking vertical stripe.
  • NAVY BLUE蔚藍海LIFEON NATUREIf time can turn backA way which should set us freeA quilt catches your eye The needlework is impeccable, the materials fine And the style is trapunto stuffed little pockets that createa raised vine motif Its a must-have. And now you can. Our quilt and matching sham (Sold Separately) are modeled precisely afterthe one we found in St. Rémy. The pieces are reversible to a French ticking vertical stripe.
  • MOON GRAY月球LIFEON NATUREIf time can turn backA way which should set us freeA quilt catches your eye The needlework is impeccable, the materials fine And the style is trapunto  stuffed little pockets that createa raised vine motif Its a must-have. And now you can. Our quilt and matching sham (Sold Separately) are modeled precisely afterthe one we found in St. . The pieces are reversible to a French ticking vertical stripe.
  • COCOA GRAY可可LIFEON NATUREIf time can turn backA way which should set us freeA quilt catches your eye The needlework is impeccable, the materials fine And the style is trapunto  stuffed little pockets that createa raised vine motif Its a must-have. And now you can. Our quilt and matching sham (Sold Separately) are modeled precisely afterthe one we found in St. . The pieces are reversible to a French ticking vertical stripe.
  • PINE LEAF GREEN 松葉LIFEON NATUREIf time can turn backA way which should set us freeA quilt catches your eye The needlework is impeccable, the materials fine And the style is trapunto  stuffed little pockets that createa raised vine motif Its a must-have. And now you can. Our quilt and matching sham (Sold Separately) are modeled precisely afterthe one we found in St. . The pieces are reversible to a French ticking vertical stripe.
  • BEST專櫃寢飾品牌故事BEST貝思特貝思特以『家』為出發點,深刻體會在忙碌的一天結束後,只有床的擁抱才能徹底消除疲憊,於是將使用最好的織品打造自己私密的空間,營造最放鬆舒適的睡眠環境為理念,在布料、填充物、圖樣、製造技術等跟隨時代潮流而推陳出新以符合各種需求;設計風格廣泛如素雅簡約、俏皮溫馨至奢華尊貴,使消費者無須再四處尋覓,輕鬆完成理想中的臥室藍圖;控管產品原料、與合作廠商溝通暸解每個製作流程、經過多重檢驗,嚴格篩選織品,以『BEST』為根本目標呈現最好的產品給消費者,因貼心服務與安心品質,使貝思特終在琳瑯滿目的網路新興市場中大放異彩。
  • 工廠直銷到底好在哪裡?Best寢飾工廠 批發/經銷量販商零售商 實體買家 網購買家(工廠價格成交,性價比高時效快)省75%的支出價格保證工廠直送到你家臥室,快速便捷,廠價批發品質保障: 非人為品質問題、原生破損瑕疵,保證換新品牌承諾:打造最具性價比的服務
  • 專櫃寢飾BES台灣在地品牌 精緻工藝嚴選生產優質工廠 Made in Quality每一碼布胚都經過嚴格的色牢度檢驗,無毒檢測,防縮水處理,ISO9001認證,經過層層關卡才能完成交到各位買家的手上,讓買家買的安心用的放心!由於品質上的堅持,目前無進口任何劣質廉價布胚,以維持賣場優良品質。寢具不僅要睡得舒服、舒適,更要睡的安心自在因此我們針對游離甲醛、鎘SGS做了國家級SGS(台灣檢測科技)安全檢測,經檢驗結果之數值顯示皆未檢測出。T從選材、採集並檢測合格的原料進入加工程序,保證出品安心與健康。SGSCOPYING 2018 BEST ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDSGS
  • 商品退換貨  注意事項親愛的客戶,感謝您的蒞臨,以下退換貨請務必將原包裝及塑膠袋子裝回,如破裂無法裝回,可自行拿大塑膠袋裝回,不讓原商品本身布織提袋弄髒為原則,如退貨回來無法加袋使產品弄髒污損,須賠償費用150元新台幣,敬請退貨的朋友們配合,謝謝。請勿以下列錯誤的方式寄回凡破壞商品及原包裝皆需加收 150產品回寄準則 請將產品包回原提袋包裝內,再以大袋子或箱子裝好(也可用原本提供的外帶重新包裝好,切勿以膠帶或貼紙破壞原包裝! 上圖為特別示意,請『勿』使用錯誤的包裝樣式請再包一層袋子,勿貼宅配單或交代破壞整體提袋完整回寄示意圖正確包裝正確包裝)
▼商品內容 尺寸:45x75±2cm 內容:枕頭套x2 材質:超細纖維柔絲棉(100% Polyester) 產地:台灣 ▼清潔方式 可水洗(水溫請勿超過30度C) / 可乾洗 / 不可漂白 / 不可烘乾 使用洗衣袋清洗,可保持色澤鮮明,更不易造成勾紗等現象 深色商品初次下水清洗會有量染料溶解於水中屬正常情形,請勿與淺色衣物一同清洗 ▼注意事項 購買前請先確認賣場說明,有任何疑問貨需求歡迎先提問,之後請核對物品、尺寸、配件等 商品不包含特殊造型(如蕾絲邊、荷葉邊等),實際以出貨為主 網頁產品因每台電腦設定不同關係,顏色可能與實品略有差異,實品顏色更佳 退換貨時需為全新商品,且包裝完整 (請保持商品、附件、包裝、紙箱及隨附文件與資料的完整性)
  • PChome24h購物的消費者,都可以依照消費者保護法的規定,享有商品貨到次日起七天猶豫期的權益。(請留意猶豫期非試用期!!)您所退回的商品必須回復原狀(復原至商品到貨時的原始狀態並且保持完整包裝,包括商品本體、配件、贈品、保證書、原廠包裝及所有附隨文件或資料的完整性)。商品一經拆封/啟用保固,將使商品價值減損,您理解本公司將依法收取回復原狀必要之費用(若無法復原,費用將以商品價值損失計算),請先確認商品正確、外觀可接受再行使用,以免影響您的權利,祝您購物順心。
  • 如果您所購買商品是下列特殊商品,請留意下述退貨注意事項:
    1. 易於腐敗之商品、保存期限較短之商品、客製化商品、報紙、期刊、雜誌,依據消費者保護法之規定,於收受商品後將無法享有七天猶豫期之權益且不得辦理退貨。
    2. 影音商品、電腦軟體或個人衛生用品等一經拆封即無法回復原狀的商品,在您還不確定是否要辦理退貨以前,請勿拆封,一經拆封則依消費者保護法之規定,無法享有七天猶豫期之權益且不得辦理退貨。
    3. 非以有形媒介提供之數位內容或一經提供即為完成之線上服務,一經您事先同意後始提供者,依消費者保護法之規定,您將無法享有七天猶豫期之權益且不得辦理退貨。
    4. 組合商品於辦理退貨時,應將組合銷售商品一同退貨,若有遺失、毀損或缺件,PChome將可能要求您依照損毀程度負擔回復原狀必要之費用。
  • 若您需辦理退貨,請利用顧客中心「查訂單」或「退訂/退款查詢」的「退訂/退貨」功能填寫申請,我們將於接獲申請之次日起1個工作天內審核您的退貨要求,通過審核後將以E-mail回覆通知您,並將委託本公司指定之宅配公司,在5日內前往取件。請您備妥原商品及所有包裝及附件,以便於交付予本公司指定之宅配公司取回(宅配公司僅負責收件,退貨商品仍由特約廠商進行驗收),宅配公司取件後會提供簽收單據給您,請注意留存。
  • 退回商品時,請以本公司或特約廠商寄送商品給您時所使用的外包裝(紙箱或包裝袋),原封包裝後交付給前來取件的宅配公司;如果本公司或特約廠商寄送商品給您時所使用的外包裝(紙箱或包裝袋)已經遺失,請您在商品原廠外盒之外,再以其他適當的包裝盒進行包裝,切勿任由宅配單直接粘貼在商品原廠外盒上或書寫文字。
  • 若因您要求退貨或換貨、或因本公司無法接受您全部或部分之訂單、或因契約解除或失其效力,而需為您辦理退款事宜時,您同意本公司得代您處理發票或折讓單等相關法令所要求之單據,以利本公司為您辦理退款。
  • 本公司收到您所退回的商品及相關單據後,經確認無誤,次日起3~7工作日內退款,退款日當天會再發送E-mail通知函給您。