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  • NuWay 施魔梳4 HAIR施魔梳(NuWay 4HAIR已成功銷售了數以百萬計的梳子到世界各國目前全新功能的施魔梳已然成為市場上的新寵兒!施魔梳的超彈力記憶梳齒(BrainyBristles)梳齒為特殊設計纖細堅韌且極富彈性,梳齒在梳理秀髮時遇強則弱,遇弱則強!穩定不拉扯。超彈力記憶梳齒((BrainyBristles)的技術降低您在時所遇到的髮絲糾結、拉扯或脫落等問題,更能減少頭髮分岔掉髮的困擾。施魔梳(NuWay 4HAIR®)是您唯一需要的一把好梳!英國皇室御用造型師MidiDetangling brush - for Wet or Dry hairThe only brush  ever needⓇ!
  • MidiNuWay4HAIR
  • MidiNuWay
  • 01超彈力記憶梳齒 超彈力記憶梳齒 ThinSoftStraight遇弱則強 輕鬆順開頭髮ThickCurledTangledKnotted遇強則弱 不拉扯頭髮
  • 02 有了它 不再是問題細軟髮髮量少直髮捲髮接髮濕髮糾結濕髮乾髮解開糾結濕髮輕鬆梳開毛躁乾髮
  • 3SGS測試報告不含有害人體的塑化劑SGS 國際大廠認證SGS測試報告      икта0   www.nuwaytechnology.comwww.nuway4hair.com 圖文版權所有,盜用必究
  • 04 魔梳 網友一致推薦百萬粉絲見證 五星好評Reviews Great for sensitive By miss  d crockett on March 14 Well  can honestly say this brush is one of the best brushes  have ever used!!Firstly the grip is smooth and comfortable Mine is orange and has a silky, ery The brist我可以誠實的大聲的 workshair, Theand more這個梳子是我用過的最好的梳子! for faster drying time which is fantaiorated when using them whilst dryinge follicles for healthier hair You cant aGreat!!!By Amazon Customer on April 2, 2016 OrangeWow Never believed a hair brush could go through your hair so smoothly, but this one can ve had a babylost some hair It grew back awful so I then bleached my hair (the worst mistake ever it turned out likenoodles Could not brush it at all Now I have a brush that dont just go straight through it but leaves it so softand shiny thanks to the argon oil in the bristles No more watery eyes when brushing my hair我剛生完掉頭髮又漂白髮質變的很糟完全梳不開!!這把梳子讓頭髮柔順有光澤!!我再也不需要含梳頭!!! A Scalp Massage With Every StrokeBy KaseyShopping on June 4, 2016Color BlackVerified PurchaseWhat a lovely hairbrush!My hair is long and very thick. I am reallypicky about brushes because most of themseem to make my hair very static-filled anddoesnt seem to work through my hair wellenough.The packaging of this brush is veryprofessional looking and informative. I could2016)easily assume that it would be a brush that Iwould buy in the Aveda salon that I frequent.Length: 2:15 Minsrubb我頭髮又長又厚容易起靜電,所以我很挑剔梳子!!brus 我覺得這把梳子是一把會在高級沙龍買到的梳子!!!brisat times.
  • Blowriedside whMagicSpellBrushBlowdriedside wh26 個jay_michelle_beauty追蹤Ordinarybrush37週jay_michelle beauty Curling h withbru  am a  do e side easily without getting caught withGnuwaytechlogys MagicSpell brush &the other side is limp & uncurled from using regular brush Got tangled numeroustimes Video is  brunette brushmagicspell air  #curled ble  nuwaytechny #instahair#instafashio airoftheday#cute#girlcspellbrush#picoftheday輕鬆吹出捲度只用一把梳子我輕鬆用施魔梳吹出一邊的捲度施魔梳做到了 brush  hair ing  less breakage Krystal     Black got this in and  no my favorite brush My hair falls out like crazy and so far with this brush it doesnt pullmy hair out like othershes do s really lightweight which is a plus Another nice feature is that  can my太棒的一把梳子完全不也不斷裂!! Great qualityWorks like magic!By Amaz CustThe best hairbrus 相信我!你會永遠想要梳你的頭髮。這是唯一可以給你頭髮完美的外觀Magic spell  每個女孩都必須購買!s so beautifulFine quality bristles Heat  Anti static Antibacterial MOST MPORTANT- gives shine to my hair without any serumTrust me! You  forever want to brush your hair s the only thing you need to give a perfect look to your hairMust Buy for EVERY GRL!Seller has awe products like magic make-up remover Go get it ladies!Thank you NuWay Technology❤  feels  good on your By JSKC on October 4 2016  me Loving this brush! t feels  good on your scalp And I do think it smooths better than other brushes Antistatic will be really nice for this winter Would buyagain!CommentWas this review hel to you Report abuse愛死這把梳子了!!頭皮真的好舒服!!真的沒靜電!!我會再次購買它!!! This is a very nice brush have been using it for about fourBy BCM on October 27 2016   This is a very nice brush-have been using it for about four months now and just bought one for my daughter who is extremely sensitive to tangles It feels goodto hold and good when brushing I have long hair that is halfway down my back and this moves through it   wet or dry with only some of thebigger tangles giving it any hassle It would be nice if the price was a  bit less If it  out to last for many years then it will be worth it,  unsure at thispoint how long it will lastCommentWas this review  to you?   Report abuse這是一支很棒的梳子,我用了四個月了!!我又買了一把給我女兒,因為她有敏感頭皮和容易糾結的頭髮!! Absolutely wonderful!By Alejandra on July 23, 2016Color OrangeAbsolutely wonderful!完美無瑕的超讚梳子!I got this product to try and I didnt think it would be good but its ama長髮和小孩都一定要擁有的梳子!the tips of the brush is covered with argan oil doesnt leave your hair d of ohead so very ergonomical and is now my darling brush.An absolutely must have for long hair and baby hair (my son is so used to it now.Comment Was this review helpful to you? YesNoReport abuse
施魔梳的"魔髮蓬蓬梳"它能讓妳梳髮不拉扯又不易掉髮, 還能讓頭髮蓬起來的魔力,就來自於它的"超彈性聰明齒梳。 施魔梳的獨家創新梳齒也能讓您輕鬆快速梳出柔順光滑髮質! 施魔梳梳齒採細密特殊設計,其專利的超彈性記憶能使梳齒快速回復原狀不變形。 此外,梳齒的末端圓珠還能適度按摩頭皮,促進頭皮毛囊血液循環,有益秀髮健康。 ◆商品內容:梳子x1 ◆尺寸(長x寬x高): 約 17.8x 5.6x 3.6(公分) ◆材質: ABS樹脂/環氧樹脂齒梳 ◆保存期限: 5年 ◆使用方式:請參閱說明 ◆注意事項:請參閱說明 ◆產地:中國
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