ISBN: | 9789863588733 |
出版社: | |
出版日期: | 2021/12/06 |
- ◎在媽媽、家人、師長的陪伴下,威皓走過最艱難的時刻,並一步一步向前邁進,他的生命故事與努力精神,值得年輕學子學習。 ◎作者威皓曾因罹患腦瘤中斷學業,療養後恢復上學,卻發現已忘記原本學習過的文字、數學、繪畫等能力,必須忍著病痛重頭學起。 ◎本書收錄作者的繪畫、新詩、書法等創作,並以中英對照的方式呈現,在作品中可以看到作者對世界的獨特觀察與對自己的期許。 國小三年級考進美術資優班,國小五年級獲得新竹縣美術班組比賽第一名,國小畢業時卻赫然發現腦瘤!……即使備受病痛煎熬,威皓依然突破難關完成學業,並創作出一首首好詩與書法、水彩等多樣作品,展現他純真又高尚的靈魂! 十二歲就生重病的威皓,無法像正常的小孩跑跳碰,稍有不適即嘔吐,身體的狀況導致情緒起伏劇變,性格、心性如同幼稚園小孩一般,因身心備受煎熬,威皓對人生領悟獨樹一格。在他的詩畫世界裡,我們可以看到許多帶著童真、卻又富含禪意的作品,充滿著創造力,讓人在無限的想像空間裡,自由自在地翱翔。威皓所描繪的世界讓紅麈世界忙茫盲的人們,有個真正的美麗心靈世界可去休養或療傷。 Since the age of twelve, Wei-Hao has been suffering from illness. He could not run around like other children. Since Wei-Hao’s body could not absorb water normally, he always had to bring his bottle with him to take in water, went to the toilet frequently, and vomited easily. Because of his sickness, Wei-Hao became emotional and capricious. However, the suffering gave him a unique view of life. His paintings are full of naivety and at the same time metaphorical meanings. These creative works of paintings and poems leave much space for imagination and let our minds be free. They encourage people to get out of their blindly busy life, let the tired minds rest, and allow the injured to be healed. 只要活著就有希望,難關難過,關關過。不要小看生病的小孩,他也可以創造許多奇蹟, 不要認為自己是沒用的小孩,其實你是最棒的,努力往前衝!什麼都不要怕!謹將此書獻給為小孩犧牲、奉獻一生的爸爸、媽媽們。 While there is life, there is hope. One hurdle after another, each hurdle would be overcome, one by one. Don’t underestimate the sick kid. He can create miracles. Don’t feel worthless. Everyone is unique and good for something. Keep forward and have no fear. This book is dedicated to all the parents who devote their whole life to their children