Learn Vue.js 2.0 in 7 Days(Kobo/電子書)

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  • A journey starts from zero understanding to dev ready in Vue.js Key features Learner can learn the concepts such as how Vue.js works in the real world with reusable items like components, plugins, mixins, and so on. Efficient and different ways of writing the template codes like using HTML, using .vue files, and so on. Along with several basics, we have emphasized the concepts which are the real implementation as per industry standard. We have started with the basics of Vue.js and progressed through the basic elements. So that the reader will get a fair idea of it. Description Vue.js is one of the quickly growing Javascript frameworks, which can be used in any scale of the project to help the stakeholders in rapid application development process. The good thing with Vue.js is that it is lightweight and can also be integrated with the existing project. It saves the development time and also enables managed HTML interface using Javascript.When you have this book in your hand, it will keep shaping your understanding in Vue.js as you move forward chapter by chapter. On the first day, you will get your basic questions answered like what is Vue.js, history and it's underlying concepts. Moreover, it will take you through basic environment setup and running your first app using Bue.js. By this time, the reader must have gained a fair knowledge on Vue.js.With the concepts you grasped in the first chapter, the chapters ahead are designed according to your understanding so that you get started with basic structuring of html pages using Vue.js and end up with a pro coder as you see advance concepts illustrated very neatly. At the seventh day, you will learn essential concepts of modern day web development like Routing, State Management and Single Page Application concepts that will enable you to start thinking Vue.js as an ingredient form you production appsLast, but not least, the book presents an appendix for a comparative view of Vue.js framework with similar JS framework. What will you learn This book would help the reader to acquire the knowledge on the Javascript framework like Vue.js. Starting from novice to the advanced level, this book wants to enlighten the understanding of Vue.js, its usability into real life projects. The initial chapter starts with a basic introduction of the framework and setup, followed up by the syntax of the framework to build basic html pages. Gradually, in the chapter ahead, readers can explore the framework concepts like components, templates, watchers, plugins and routing etc. to build high-end production ready. Finally you will definitely get insights of state management techniques with SPA implemented using the framework form building responsive and interactive web applications. Who this book is forThe reader should have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS and Javascript which are the basic building blocks of web developement. That means if you are a Web Developer who is logging behind the race due to no JavaScript framework experience, then you have landed on the correct book to learn from basics to advanced concepts to become a pro. Table of content1. Day 1: Introduction Before I start with Vue.js Let's setup Vue.js Let's Put Vue in action Vue Dev Tools Vue CLI Summary2. Day 2: Rendering with HTML Basic HTML structuring with Vue Conditions and loop structures Form elements and basic event handling Summary3. Day 3: Computed property Greeting to the user Computed properties vs methods Watched property Summary4. Day 4: Components What is component Template string looks odd!!! Passing properties to the component Registering the component Data passing between components Summary5. Day 5: Components in depth Diving in the props Slots Summary6. Day 6: Distribute reusable functionality Mixins Custom directives Filters Plugin Summary7. Day 7: Single page application What is route State Management Summary8. Appendix Render functions JSX Comparing Vue SummaryAbout the authorNirmal Hota is a software developer and mentor. He loves to learn and work in different technologies. He has worked in various Microsoft Technologies such as C#, VB, ASP.net, Dynamics CRM, Commerce server and so on. Also worth mentioning his expertise in open source and mobile application technologies like Ruby on Rails, Phonegap, Titanium, Xamarin and so on. He loves to explore different Javascript based platforms including Angular, React and Vue.He is also a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) in Asp.Net and Dynamics CRM. In addition to that, he has also a Titanium Certified Application Developer (TCAD) and an Agile Scrum Master too.His Blog link: http://nirmalhota.com/His LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nirmalhota/ Tadit Dash is a software engineer by profession.As a software engineer, he usually works for eight to nine hours daily. Besides his daily work, he contributes to both online and offline communities. He co-founded the first Technical Community in his state named Utkal Techies Forum Odisha, which is devoted to spreading awareness of the newest trends in technology among techies.He writes articles and blogs, and creates demos and videos for fellow programmers. Answering questions on online forums and social channels is the activity he enjoys the most.Due to his exceptional contribution to the technical community, Microsoft has awarded him with the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional accolade from 2014 till 2018. CodeProject has awarded him the CodeProject MVP accolade (the first from Odisha and three times in a row for the years 2014, 2015, and 2016). For his constant mentorship, IndiaMentor featured him as a Young Mentor on their site.You can reach him on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @taditdash.His Website link: http://taditdash.co.in/His Blog link: http://blog.taditdash.co.in/ and https://taditdash.wordpress.com/His LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/taditdash/ Dr. Vishal Jain is currently working as Associate Professor with Bharati Vidyapeeth's Institute of Computer Applications and Management (BVICAM), New Delhi Affiliated to GGSIPU and Accredited by AICTE, since July, 2017 to till date. He has joined BVICAM, New Delhi in year 2010 and worked as Assistant Professor from August, 2010 to July, 2017. Before joined BVICAM, New Delhi.His Blog link: http://www.vishaljain.webs.com/His LinkedIn Profile: https://in.linkedin.com/in/vishaljain83

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