
Alex Paige Mysteries Books 1-4(Kobo/電子書)

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  • Get four “unputdownable” mysteries featuring travel writer Alex Paige.

    With engaging characters, stunning locations, and plenty of twists and turns, Peril on the Peninsula, Revenge in the Rockies, Betrayed at the Beach, and Ruin on the River are must-reads for fans of cozy mysteries and travel writing alike.

    Please note that paperback books do not come in a box.

    Peril on the Peninsula
    An Alex Paige Travel Mystery, Book 1

    Although Alex Paige is eager to get back in the field after a year off for cancer treatment, she’s afraid she’s forgotten how to be a travel writer. A visit to an idyllic resort seems like an easy way to get her feet wet. Lucky for her, she’s put at ease when she meets a fellow survivor.

    But that comfort is destroyed when Alex discovers a greedy developer she’d put in jail during her journalism years is buying the resort. Alex knows if he’s involved, something must be fishy.

    She’s quickly proven right when his plans are revealed. But the real threat comes when the evil felon’s partner is murdered.

    With the help of her irrepressible friend William and a lantern-jawed boat captain, Alex is determined to save the resort and marina. Can she expose the real killer before she becomes the next victim?

    Peril on the Peninsula is the first book in the Alex Paige Cozy Travel Mysteries Series. If you love engaging characters, dastardly villains, and a setting that’ll have you booking your next adventure, you’ll love Theresa L. Carter’s debut novel.

    Buy Peril on the Peninsula for a fun escape!

    Here’s what readers have to say about Peril on the Peninsula:

    I loved Peril on the Peninsula, and read it in one weekend. Perfect length, great attention to detail, and I could relate to the characters (everyone except the killer, of course). Thank you for the adventure, Theresa! ~Kerrie Kuiper

    I’m pretty stuck on mystery page-turners…but the pull of Michigan Great Lakes and a well-written story are bonus finds in this debut novel! Alex is the main character, but the rest of the lovable-not-always-nice cast keeps this unputddownable! Knowing there’ll be more to this series is always a plus! ~Joan S.

    Theresa’s first foray into fiction is amazing! Especially for this Wisconsin girl! I love the back drop of our beautiful Door County! It’s a gripping mystery with rich characters. I can’t wait to follow Alex on all her adventures! ~Lori Helke

    Revenge in the Rockies
    An Alex Paige Travel Mystery, Book 2

    Travel writer Alex Paige is ready for an easy visit to Colorado Springs after her last adventure almost got her killed. Although she hates reality shows with a white-hot passion, she agreed to cover this one because her best friend’s competing. The icing on the cake was that it wouldn’t be one of those cut-throat drama fests. At least, that’s what they promised.

    But then the show’s playboy producer is literally stabbed in the back and Emily’s the prime suspect. Can Alex find out who did it before her friend’s goose is cooked?

    Join Alex, her delightful friend William, and meet feisty Emily in this new Alex Paige cozy travel mystery.

    Revenge in the Rockies is the second book in the adventures of Alex Paige. If you love engaging characters, dastardly villains, and a setting that’ll have you booking your next adventure, you’ll love Theresa L. Carter’s travel mystery series.

    Rave reviews for Revenge in the Rockies:

    Revenge is a joy to read. Descriptions of the area, and of daily life of a cancer survivor, are written as only one who has been there could. Read this 5-star story before the next Alex Paige mystery comes out. ~Carol P

    Carter has a great talent for crafting a novel with endearing characters, an interesting plot that keeps you guessing, and a conclusion that all makes sense in the end. ~Debbie

    This second book in the Alex Paige mystery series was just as engaging as the first one. Theresa has a way with her writing that captures your attention and gets you immersed in the story. From the very beginning, I knew I would read this in one setting again. I couldn’t put it down and had to unravel the mystery from start to finish. I look forward to many more in this series! ~Shelly H.

    Betrayed at the Beach
    An Alex Paige Travel Mystery, Book 3

    Treasure. Treachery. Murder. This is not the adventure Alex expected.

    After months of solid work, travel writer Alex Paige is ready for some fun in the sun. She lands in Gulf Shores, Alabama, to celebrate her friend’s new beach-front restaurant and dig into the area’s past. It’ll be a week of exploration and research followed by some well-earned rest.

    At least, that’s the plan. It starts out well enough, with hors d’oeuvres, cocktails, and an invitation to preview a priceless artifact at the local archaeology museum. Unfortunately, she’s not there 24 hours when a man is murdered and her friend’s sister Cassidy is the primary suspect.

    Alex and her sidekick William (don’t tell him we called him that) try to prove Cassidy’s innocence and catch the real killer before anyone else–including Alex herself–is murdered.

    Join her as she uncovers dark secrets and buried treasure in this thrilling cozy mystery set along the Gulf of Mexico.

    Ruin on the River
    An Alex Paige Travel Mystery, Book 4

    Hops. Heartbreak. Homicide. When a festival turns fatal, can Alex catch the killer, or will this be her last call?

    It’s summer in the Blue Ridge Mountains, the perfect backdrop for a craft beer festival. A charity event like this is right up Alex’s alley and she road trips to Asheville with her best friend Emily, who’s got more than beer on her brain. They’re joined by her other best friend William and his boyfriend to enjoy some suds in the sun and support a great cause.

    All is frothy and fun until the south’s biggest brewery tycoon is found belly up, and fingers point at the festival’s organizer, who also happens to be Alex’s friend. Can she figure out who blew the keg, or will Alex be the next one tapped out?

    Join her as she exposes dark ambitions and bitter rivalries in this thrilling cozy mystery set in the mountains of Western North Carolina.

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