Lecture Notes on Infectious Diseases, 4/E
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作者: | |
ISBN: | 9786263920262 |
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出版日期: | 2024/07/15 |
- <內容簡介>
全書分為八章,內容包括:傳染病的基本概念、發生過程、腸胃道傳染病、腸病毒群、呼吸道傳染病、性傳染病、病媒傳染病、急性病毒性肝炎,並附錄台灣有關傳染病防治的法規。各章之前加上重點提示(Highlight),章末新增重點複習(General review)、複習考試題目(Review test)等,便於讀者閱讀、參考及準備各種考試。
第四版依最新資訊更新修訂,內容涵括關於SARS, MERS, COVID-19等流行病的介紹。
Chapter1 An Introduction to the Infectious Diseases
Chapter2 The Infectious Disease Process
Chapter3 Gastrointestinal Tract Infectious Diseases
Chapter4 Enteroviruses Groups Infectious Diseases
Chapter5 Respiratory Tract Infectious Diseases
Chapter6 Sexual Transmitted Diseases
Chapter7 Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases
Chapter8 Acute Viral Hepatitis
Appendix I Laws and Regulations on Communicable Diseases Control in Taiwan
Appendix II Tetanus (Lockjaw; Neonatal Tetanus) (ICD-10 A33)
Ken K. S. Wang
Educational qualifications
Doctor of Science, National Chung Hsing University
Master of Science, Kaohsiung Medical College
Bachelor of Science, Chung Shan Medical College
Academic experiences
Associate Professor, Chung Shan Medical University
Assistant Professor, Chung Shan Medical University
Vector Control Technician (PCO)
Medical Examiner
Current position
Professor, Department of Public Health, Chung Shan Medical University
Infectious diseases stand as a persistent challenge in the realm of public health, necessitating a nuanced and comprehensive understanding for effective management.“Lecture Notes on Infectious Diseases”An Introduction emerges as an indispensable cornerstone for students and professionals navigating the intricate landscape of health science.This foundational textbook converges an integrated approach, elucidating the fundamental methodologies inherent in infectious disease epidemiology while concurrently unraveling the social and environmental determinants pivotal in comprehending disease propagation and its impact on population health.
The text unfolds in four discernible parts, accurately dissecting the origins, occurrences, spread, and management of infectious diseases.Delving into the intricacies of disease emergence, modes of transmission, and the multifaceted dimensions of social, behavioral, cultural, and environmental factors influencing communicable spread, this work offers a compelling synthesis of basic science and clinical practice.Each chapter follows a systematic structure, addressing essential components from infectious agent identification to methods of control, all encapsulated within an engaging narrative.This fourth edition, a testament to the commitment to currency and relevance, has been meticulously updated.A novel chapter has been introduced, casting light upon infections in special groups, while modern infectious diseases take center stage.Acknowledging the dynamic nature of the field, the introductory chapter now incorporates contemporary control measures and emerging infections, with additional global occurrence data interwoven into the epidemiological fabric.
The streamlined and improved structure of the text is tailored for facile accessibility, rendering it an invaluable resource for clinical attachments and comprehensive revision.The inclusion of information on fast-evolving topics, such as SARS, MERS, COVID-19, and influenza epidemic underscores the commitment to providing an up-to-date and informative guide.In essence, “Lecture Notes on Infectious Diseases” serves as a succinct yet all-encompassing compendium. Tailored to resonate with public health students, nursing professionals, junior doctors, and allied health practitioners, it beckons as an ideal companion for those seeking a brief introduction or a comprehensive revision of this critical subject.
Dr. Ken K. S. Wang Ph.D.
Department of Public Health
Chung Shan Medical University
July 2024
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