作者: | |
譯者: | 羅竹君 |
ISBN: | 9789863188483 |
出版社: | |
出版日期: | 2019/10/14 |
《卡門》由法國最偉大的作曲家比才(Bizet, 1838–1875)根據法國劇作家梅里美(Merimee)的故事所完成。唐荷西是個駐守在外的年輕准將,有未婚妻與病母在家鄉等候。然他卻迷戀上菸廠工作的吉普賽女人卡門,他拋棄了遠大的前程與未婚妻,最終卻因卡門負心而絕然將之刺死。
《阿伊達》是義大利作曲家朱塞佩. 威爾第(Giuseppe Verdi)的傑作。描寫一段悲傷的愛情故事。年輕的埃及將軍拉達梅斯,愛上埃及公主安納瑞斯的奴隸、原為衣索比亞公主的阿伊達。因著公主的阻撓,最終這對命運多舛的戀人一同離開了人世。威爾第將愛憎、希望與死亡予以強調並穿越時空,揉合成富麗壯觀、如若人生的劇情。這齣劇巧妙地將精緻多元的戲劇元素編織成壯麗的故事,因而飽受好評。【套書簡介】
Let’s Enjoy Masterpieces所選名著因皆為讀者非常熟稔的故事,所以極易讀懂故事內容。學習者在享受閱讀之時,英文能力也能飛速增進,更能沉浸在閱讀英文名著的興味中。
Before You Read:1–2級讀本以繪製精美的跨頁情境繪圖,結合圖帶出故事中的重要單字和英文表述法。3–5級讀本則介紹故事重要人物。
Understanding the Story:3–5級讀本補充故事背景解說,幫助更加融入故事精神。
One Point Lesson:不時適時穿插提點重要文法要點。
How to Use This BookTurandot 杜蘭朶公主
Before You ReadChapter One
The Ice Princess 冷若冰霜的公主
Comprehension QuizUnderstanding the Story
The Forbidden City 紫禁城Chapter Two
Three Riddles 三道謎題
Comprehension QuizCarmen 卡門
Chapter One
The Gypsy and the Soldier 吉普賽女郎與軍人
Comprehension QuizUnderstanding the Story
Gypsies and Their Lives 吉普賽人的生活Chapter Two
A Very Difficult and Sad Life 艱困悲慘的生活
Comprehension QuizAida 阿伊達
Before You ReadChapter One
Amneris vs Aida 安納瑞斯與阿伊達
Comprehension QuizUnderstanding the Story
Slaves in Ancient Egypt 古埃及的奴隸Chapter Two
The Deception 欺騙
Comprehension QuizAppendixes
Basic Grammar
Guide to Listening Comprehension
Listening Guide
Listening ComprehensionTranslation
Let’s Enjoy Masterpieces為一精心設計的增進閱讀理解系列套書,為初學者或小學到高中學生所設計,所選名著因皆為讀者非常熟稔的故事,所以極易讀懂故事內容。學習者在享受閱讀之時,英文能力也能飛速增進,更能沉浸在閱讀英文名著的興味中。
在Before You Read中以繪製精美的跨頁情境繪圖,結合圖帶出故事中的重要單字和英文表述法;不時適時穿插One Point Lesson提點重要文法要點;每章末並有閱讀理解測驗,幫助學生學習重要字彙並了解故事文本的意義;全書並搭配有精緻的插畫。此外,「聽力引導練習」單元不只能加強閱讀理解,也能強化聽力理解技巧。
現在就讓Let’s Enjoy Masterpieces帶你悠游在英文世界名著的世界中吧!All the beautiful fairy tales and masterpieces that you have encountered during your childhood remain as warm memories in your adulthood. This time, let’s indulge in the world of masterpieces through English. You can enjoy the depth and beauty of original works, which you can’t enjoy through Chinese translations.
The stories are easy for you to understand because of your familiarity with them. When you enjoy reading, your ability to understand English will also rapidly improve.
This series of “Let’s Enjoy Masterpieces” is a special reading comprehension booster program, devised to improve reading comprehension for beginners whose command of English is not satisfactory, or who are elementary, middle, and high school students. With this program, you can enjoy reading masterpieces in English with fun and efficiency.
This carefully planned program is composed of 5 levels, from the beginner level of 350 words to the intermediate and advanced levels of 1,000 words. With this program’s level-by-level system, you are able to read famous texts in English and to savor the true pleasure of the world’s language.
The program is well conceived, composed of reader-friendly explanations of English expressions and grammar, quizzes to help the student learn vocabulary and understand the meaning of the texts, and fabulous illustrations that adorn every page. In addition, with our “Guide to Listening,” not only is reading comprehension enhanced but also listening comprehension skills are highlighted.
In the audio recording of the book, texts are vividly read by professional American actors. The texts are rewritten, according to the levels of the readers by an expert editorial staff of native speakers, on the basis of standard American English with the ministry of education recommended vocabulary. Therefore, it will be of great help even for all the students that want to learn English.
Please indulge yourself in the fun of reading and listening to English through “Let’s Enjoy Masterpieces”.